Saturday, August 31, 2019
Housewife in India and Pakistan Essay
In India different approaches to domestic responsibilities are found in the various ethnic groups. In a Hindu family, the head of the family is the Griha Swami (Lord of the House) and his wife is the Griha Swamini(Lady of the House). The Sanskrit words Grihast and Grihasta perhaps come closest to describing the entire gamut of activities and roles undertaken by the householder or housewife. Grih is the Sanskrit root for house or home; Grihasta and Grihast are derivatives of this root, as is Grihastya. The couple lives in the state called Grihastashram or family system and together they nurture the family and help its members (both young and old) through the travails of life. The woman who increments the family tree (bears children) and protects those children is described as the Grihalakshmi (the wealth of the house) and Grihashoba (the glory of the house). The elders of the family are known as Grihshreshta. The husband or wife may engage in countless other activities which may be social, religious, political or economic in nature for the ultimate welfare of the family and society. However, their unified status as joint householders is the nucleus from within which they operate in society. The ‘status’ of a woman as a housewife anchors them in society and provides meaning to their activities within the social, religious, political and economic framework of their world. However, as India undergoes modernisation, many women are in employment, particularly in the larger cities such as Mumbai or Delhi, where most women will work. In Muslim families, use of the term housewife (or its equivalent) is uncommon, even though housewives are very common and stay-at-home husbands are extremely rare. Muslim society sets different expectations for the husband and wife, but respects their individuality.
Friday, August 30, 2019
I can not help but wonder why they would do this to me. I have been at peace with these humans for many years
For 300 years I have guarded my treasure. My family and I had taken it from a human's town that we once fumed upon. I took my share and placed it on the upland heath concealed in a barrow. No man should have seen it or even caught a reflection of these jewels sparkling in the light of the sun. I was isolated from this world because of what I am, the fire-drake, they call me. When Hygelac was king I did not bother his people often, even when the new ruler came to power for 50 years I did not bother his kingdom. A dirty human then snatched one of my treasure pieces right out of the barrow. The day I came back to my lair I knew something was missing. The precious cup made of gold and jewels had disappeared. Angry and full of rage I set forth to seek out the wretched thief, while returning to my barrow numerous of time to see if my eyes had deceived me. The gold treasure-cup was still no where to be found. I will burn them all to ashes. The fury that I possessed was uncontrollable. I could feel the anger slowly making its why through my body, and until I found the thief I was going to contain it. There were so many of these creatures how was I to know which one had my treasure-cup. They are all alike it does not matter who stole my gold treasure-cup. †Do not think to start anything with these humans Draco,†I turned around to see that it was my father and the leader of my kind, Drace. †You do not understand. I will not let these so called humans take advantage of me.††It was just one golden treasure-cup that is all!†Why is Drace not agreeing with me? †It is that it was my treasure-cup and they came and bothered me first!†I roared back. †You are on your own then. For if one gold treasure-cup is worth starting a war over then so be it! But let this be known that I will not help you in any way. This is your battle. But let me also warn you of a man called, Beowulf, for he is unlike the rest of their kind.†With that, Drace left, and I was alone once again. The fact that my family was not on my side did not help the fact that I wanted to conceal my anger until the right time. I went out and nearly burned everything to the ground. That was my big mistake for now my barrow was now visible to any eye. I knew that they would soon come after me. I knew that some of these humans were not cowards. I began to prepare myself for the upcoming battle. I did not have much to fear, for my breath could do more harm than all of their swords combined. It still would have felt good to know that I had my family behind me. Shhh.. What was that? I know that they could not be coming for me so soon. Sweat begins to pour from his pores. I must remember that they are only humans. As the barbarians moved up the mound towards me I could see their leader very clearly. For he walked with his head high and look the strongest of all. This must be the man, Beowulf, that my father was talking of. But something about him caught my eye, why he did not look his age, but in his eyes I could tell that he had gone through many winters. Gaining back my confidence I proceeded upon them. Ha! Look at that old fool. Does he really believe that he can defeat me. The leader prepared himself for battle by putting up his shield. Ha! That shield will not protect you old fool. The man Beowulf swung his sword and I roared as it made contact with my body. The strength of this blow was something that I had never felt before. I was sure I had been wounded, but as I look not even a scratch was on me. I'm invincible! The look of shock replaced the courageous expression Beowulf once had. I enveloped him with a huge flame of fire I produced at that exact moment. The other humans with him ran off like cowards towards safety. The leader was left there fighting off the flames. I stopped in rejoiced in my glory, but the second I was going to end his life, the only noble warrior of his pushed him out of my grasp. This man was trying to save his leaders life. He was whispering something to him in a language I could not make out. Roar! I rushed at them and through the flame I could see the man protecting his leader. The leader shaking stood up and swung his great sword-blade and hit my head. Staggering, I saw the sword break. Running towards them I sunk my fangs into the throat of the man, Beowulf. As I turn I felt the blade of another sword. This time there was pain. The other man had drawn his sword upon my body and I was wounded. My vision began to fail and in pain I try to gather my strength back. Beowulf removed an object from his corselet and sharp sensations overwhelmed me.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Abap Data Dictionary
The ABAP Dictionary centrally describes and manages all the data definitions used in the system. The ABAP Dictionary is completely integrated in the ABAP Development Workbench. All the other components of the Workbench can actively access the definitions stored in the ABAP Dictionary. The ABAP Dictionary supports the definition of user-defined types (data elements, structures and table types). You can also define the structure of database objects (tables, indexes and views) in the ABAP Dictionary. These objects can then be automatically created in the database with this definition.The ABAP Dictionary also provides tools for editing screen fields, for example for assigning a field an input help (F4 help). Type definitions Structure Database objects Table DB table Data element Table type Tools Poss. values Screen F4 The most important object types in the ABAP Dictionary are tables, views, types (data elements, structures, table types), domains, search helps and lock objects. April 2001 9 BC – ABAP Dictionary ABAP Dictionary SAP AG ABAP Dictionary Purpose Data definitions (metadata) are created and managed in the ABAP Dictionary.The ABAP Dictionary permits a central description of all the data used in the system without redundancies. New or modified information is automatically provided for all the system components. This ensures data integrity, data consistency and data security. You can create the corresponding objects (tables or views) in the underlying relational database using these data definitions. The ABAP Dictionary therefore describes the logical structure of the objects used in application development and shows how they are mapped to the underlying relational database in tables or views.The ABAP Dictionary also provides standard functions for editing fields on the screen, for example for assigning a screen field an input help. What Information is Stored in the ABAP Dictionary? The most important object types in the ABAP Dictionary are tables, vie ws, types, domains, search helps and lock objects. Tables [Page 13] are defined in the ABAP Dictionary independently of the database. A table having the same structure is then created from this table definition in the underlying database. Views [Page 97] are logical views on more than one table. The structure of the view is defined in the ABAP Dictionary.A view on the database can then be created from this structure. Types [Page 136] are used in ABAP program. The structure of a type can be defined globally in ABAP programs. Changes to a type automatically take effect in all the programs using the type. Lock objects [Page 209] are used to synchronize access to the same data by more than one user. Function modules that can be used in application programs are generated from the definition of a lock object in the ABAP Dictionary. Different fields having the same technical type can be combined in domains [Page 161].A domain defines the value range of all table fields and structure compon ents that refer to this domain. The ABAP Dictionary also contains the information displayed with the F1 and F4 help for a field in an input template. The documentation about the field is created for a data element [Page 138] that describes the meaning of the contents of a table field. The list of possible input values that appears for the input help is created by a foreign key [Page 19] or a search help [Page 172]. Integration in the ABAP Development Workbench The ABAP Dictionary is completely integrated in the ABAP Development Workbench.The R/3 System works interpretatively, permitting the ABAP Dictionary to be actively integrated in the development environment. Instead of the original objects, the interpreters see only internal representations of these objects. These internal representations are adjusted automatically when the system finds that changes have been made in the ABAP Dictionary. This ensures that the screen and ABAP interpreters, input help, database interface, and dev elopment tools always access current data. 10 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary ABAP DictionaryThe following ABAP program lists the airline carriers (see Flight model [Page 302]) and carrier IDs contained in table SCARR. DATA: SCARR_TAB TYPE SCARR. SELECT * INTO SCARR_TAB FROM SCARR. WRITE: / SCARR_TAB-CARRID, SCARR_TAB-CARRNAME. ENDSELECT. Only structure SCARR_TAB is declared in the program. All the information about this structure, such as the field names, data types and field lengths, are copied from table SCARR, which is defined in the ABAP Dictionary. This information about table SCARR is called from the ABAP Dictionary when the program is generated.This means that the source text of the program need not be adjusted when a change is made to table SCARR, for example when the length of a table field is changed. The next time the program is called, the system automatically determines that the structure of table SCARR has changed. The program is simply regenerated, ther eby retrieving up-to-date information about table SCARR from the ABAP Dictionary. ?Development environment ? Development environment ABAP Tools Data Modeler Screen Painter ABAP Dictionary ABAP Interpreter Dialog Control Interfaces Screen InterpreterRuntime environment of the application Runtime environment of the application When you work on development projects, objects of the ABAP Dictionary can be changed any number of times before being activated [Page 237] and made available to the operative components of the system. Objects can have both an active and an inactive version in the ABAP Dictionary at the same time. Inactive ABAP Dictionary objects have no effect on the runtime system (ABAP processor, database interface). This permits greater changes to several objects without impairing the April 2001 11 BC – ABAP Dictionary ABAP DictionarySAP AG executability of the system. The objects can only be activated together when they have all been changed. 12 April 2001 SAP AG BC à ¢â‚¬â€œ ABAP Dictionary Tables Tables Tables can be defined independently of the database in the ABAP Dictionary. The fields of the table are defined with their (database-independent) data types and lengths. When the table is activated, a physical table definition is created in the database for the table definition stored in the ABAP Dictionary. The table definition is translated from the ABAP Dictionary to a definition of the particular database.Database-independent Definition of the Tables in the ABAP Dictionary T1 T2 T3 †¦ Tn Activation program and DB UTILITY DB Definition of the tables in the database T1 T2 T3 Tn A table definition in the ABAP Dictionary contains the following components:  ·  ·  ·  · Table fields [Page 14] define the field names and data types of the fields contained in the table Foreign keys [Page 19] define the relationships between the table and other tables. Technical settings [Page 30] control how the table should be created in the database. In dexes [Page 61]: To speed up data selection, secondary indexes can be created for the tableThe customer can modify SAP tables with append structures [Page 69] and customizing includes [Page 68]. This kind of modification ensures that the customer enhancements are automatically merged with the new versions of the SAP tables when there is a release upgrade. See also: Creating Tables [Page 72] Making Changes to Tables [Page 83] April 2001 13 BC – ABAP Dictionary Table Fields SAP AG Table Fields You must define the following for a table field in the ABAP Dictionary:  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  · Field name: The field name can have a maximum of 16 places and may contain letters, digits and underscores.The field name must begin with a letter. Key flag: determines whether the field should belong to the table key. Field type: data type of the field in the ABAP Dictionary. Field length: number of valid places in the field. Decimal places: number of places after the decimal point, spec ifying numeric data types. Short text: short text describing the meaning of the field. You can also include [Page 16] the fields of a structure in the table. Assignment of the Data Type, Field Length and Short Text You can assign the data type [Page 242], length and short text in different ays:  ·  · You directly assign the field a data type, field length (and if necessary decimal places) and short text in the table definition. You can assign the field a data element [Page 138]. The data type, field length (and decimal places) are determined from the domain of the data element. The short description of the data element is assigned to the field as a short text. Other Assignment Options  ·  ·  · Check table: An input check for the field can be defined with a foreign key [Page 19]. This input check appears on all the screens in which the field is used. Search help assignment: A search help [Page 172] can be assigned to a field.This search help defines the input help flow on a ll the screens in which the field is used. Reference field and reference table [Page 15]: You must specify the table field in which the corresponding unit of measure or currency can be found for fields containing quantities (data type QUAN) or currency amounts (data type CURR). See also: Creating Tables [Page 72] 14 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Reference Fields and Reference Tables Reference Fields and Reference Tables You must specify a reference table for fields containing quantities (data type QUAN) or currency amounts (data type CURR).This reference table must contain a field with the format for the currency key (data type CUKY) or unit of measure (data type UNIT). This field is called the reference field of the output field. The reference field can also reside in the table itself. A field is only assigned to the reference field at program runtime. For example, if a field is filled with currency amounts, the corresponding currency is determined from the assigned reference field, that is the value entered in this field at the moment defines the currency. Table Field 1 T1 Field 3 Field 2 (CURR)Reference table Field 4 Field 5 (CUKY) T2 Field 7 Field 6 Reference field Runtime T1-Field 2 1,500. 00 T2-Field 5 DEM Table SBOOK in the flight model [Page 302] contains all the flight bookings made by customers. Field FORCURAM contains the price of the booking in the customer’s currency. Field FORCURKEY of table SBOOK contains the corresponding currency key for this price. SBOOK is therefore the reference table for field FORCURAM and FORCURKEY is the reference field for field FORCURAM. April 2001 15 BC – ABAP Dictionary Reference Fields and Reference Tables SAP AGIncludes In addition to listing the individual fields, you can also include the fields of another structure in tables [Page 13] and structures [Page 144]. Individual fields and includes can be mixed as required. Structure includes Table F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Databa se When an include is changed, all the tables and structures that include it are automatically adjusted. Structure A was included in table B. A new field is inserted in structure A. When structure A is activated, table B is adjusted to this change, that is the new field is also inserted there.You can assign the include a group name [Page 148] with which the group of fields in the include can be addressed as a whole in ABAP programs. Includes can also be nested, that is structure A includes structure B which in turn includes another structure C, etc. The maximum nesting depth is limited to nine. The maximum length of a path of nested includes in a table or structure is therefore nine (the table/structure itself not included). 16 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Reference Fields and Reference Tables Table/structure U1 Include U1 U2Include U2 U3 Maximum depth = 9 Include U8 U9 Include U9 Only flat structures [Page 144] can be included. In a flat structure, every field eith er refers to a data element or is directly assigned a data type, length and possibly decimal places. Only structures may be included in a table. Tables, structures and views may be included in a structure. The length of the field names is more restricted in tables than in structures. In a table, a field name may not have more than 16 places, but in a structure up to 30 places are allowed for the field name.A structure therefore can only be included in a table if none of the field names of the structure are longer than 16 places. The path of nested includes may only contain one table. Table TAB1 includes structure STRUCT1, which in turn includes structure STRUCT2. The path of the nested includes here only contains table TAB1. It is also possible to include TAB1 in a further structure STRUCT0, but no other table TAB2 may be included in TAB1 since in this case a path of nested includes would contain two tables (TAB1 and TAB2). See also: Inserting an Include [Page 85] April 2001 17 BC à ¢â‚¬â€œ ABAP Dictionary Named Includes SAP AGNamed Includes If an include [Page 16] is used to define a database table or structure, a name can be assigned to the included substructure. The group of fields in the include can be addressed as a whole in ABAP programs with this name. In ABAP programs, you can either access the fields directly with – or analogously with –. You can access the fields of the group as a whole with -. Structure PERSON includes structure ADDRESS with the name ADR. ADDRESS has a field CITY. With PERSON-ADR you can address all the fields in structure ADDRESS. The included field CITY can also be addressed with PERSON-CITY or PERSON-ADR-CITY.You can include a structure more than once (e. g. in a period group). Since direct access by field name should be permitted here, the included field names must be renamed to ensure that they are unique. A suffix can be assigned to each group, extending the names of the group fields. The fields can then be addres sed in ABAP programs with – or –. Structure PERSON includes structure ADDRESS twice. An address is the private address with suffix H and name ADRH. The other address is the business address with suffix W and name ADRW. You can access field CITY in the private address with PERSON-CITYH or PERSON-ADRH-CITY.The functionality of the named includes in the ABAP Dictionary corresponds to the ABAP construction INCLUDE TYPE †¦ AS †¦ RENAMING †¦ . 18 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Foreign Keys Foreign Keys You can define the relationships between tables in the ABAP Dictionary by creating foreign keys. Using foreign keys, you can easily create value checks for input fields. Foreign keys can also be used to link several tables in a view [Page 97] or a lock object [Page 209]. Field Assignment in the Foreign Key A foreign key links two tables T1 and T2 by assigning fields of table T1 to the primary key fields of table T2.Foreign key fields Foreign key t able T1 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Primary key Check table Field 5 Field 6 T2 Field 7 Primary key Table T1 is called the foreign key table (dependent table) and table T2 the check table (referenced table). The pair of fields for the two tables must have the same data type and length. One field of the foreign key table therefore corresponds to each key field of the check table. This field is called the foreign key field. A foreign key permits you to assign data records in the foreign key table and check table.One record of the foreign key table uniquely identifies one record of the check table using the entries in the foreign key fields. Check Field and Value Check One of the foreign key fields is marked as the check field. This means that the foreign key relationship is maintained for this field. April 2001 19 BC – ABAP Dictionary Foreign Keys SAP AG When an entry is made in the check field, there is a check whether the check table contains a record with the key defined by the values in the foreign key fields. If this is so, the entry is valid. Otherwise the system rejects the entry.Input template for foreign key table T1 Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 1 3 Field5 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 Check table T2 Field6 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 Field7 Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 Text 6 Text 7 Text 8 Input is valid since there is a corresponding record in the check table In this example the entry Field2 = 2 and Field4 = 2 would be rejected since T2 does not contain a record with the key Field5 = 2 and Field6 = 2. If you do not want to check against all the key fields of the check table, you can exclude fields of the foreign key table from the assignment of the fields to the check table with generic and constant foreign keys [Page 22].How the Input Check Works A SELECT statement is generated from the definition of the foreign key. If an entry is made in the check field, this SELECT statement is submitted. If a suitable record of the check table is found, the entry is valid. Otherwise the entry is rejected. The corresponding SELECT statement has the following form for the foreign key table shown in the above graphic: SELECT * FROM T2 WHERE T2-FIELD5 = T1-FIELD2 AND T2-FIELD6 = T1-FIELD4. A screen entry for check field Field2 is therefore only valid if the check table contains a record with the entries made in the screen for Field2 and Field4 as key.Table SBOOK in the flight model [Page 302] contains the customer’s flight bookings for a carrier. The flight bookings can be made by a travel agency or directly at the carrier’s sales counter. If the booking was made at a counter, its number is stored together with the booking in field COUNTER in table SBOOK. 20 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Foreign Keys You must make sure that only correct counter numbers can be entered. All the counters are entered in table SCOUNTER. The necessary value check can be defined by creating a foreign key for check field COUNTNUM. Foreign key fields Foreign key table SBOOKMANDT CARRID CONNID FLDATE CUSTOMID †¦ COUNTER †¦ CANCELED Check field Check table SCOUNTER MANDT CARRID COUNTNUM AIRPORT Key fields See also: Multi-Structured Foreign Keys [Page 29] Semantic Attributes of Foreign Keys [Page 24] Creating Foreign Keys [Page 75] April 2001 21 BC – ABAP Dictionary Generic and Constant Foreign Keys SAP AG Generic and Constant Foreign Keys It is not always advisable to check a foreign key against all the key fields of the check table. This is true for example for time-dependent check tables and for check tables whose version number is a component of the key.You can use generic foreign keys in these cases. Fields are excluded from the assignment to the key fields of the check table here. The check is only against the remaining key fields. You can also assign a constant value to a key field of the check table. In this case you only have to check against the specified constant. You can use this check if only records o f the check table which contain a constant value in this key field are valid. Foreign key table FTAB Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Generic * Constant K Check table PTAB Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5Primary key The corresponding SELECT statement for the screen check has the following form for the foreign key definition in the graphic: SELECT * FROM PTAB WHERE PTAB-FIELD1 = FTAB-FIELD6 AND PTAB-FIELD3 = FTABFIELD8 AND PTAB-FIELD4 = ‘K’. An entry is only valid in check field Field6 if a record of check table PTAB exists containing the input value for Field6 in PTAB-Field1, the input value for Field8 in PTAB-Field3 and constant K in PTAB-Field4. 22 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Generic and Constant Foreign KeysInput template for foreign key table FTAB Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 3 30 1 B Check table PTAB Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 4 A B A K A A C C Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 T ext 6 Text 7 Text 8 Input is valid since Field 7 and Field 9 were removed from the assignment The values entered on the screen for Field7 and Field9 are meaningless when checking against the check table. An entry with Field6 = 1, Field8 = 3 and Field9 = B would not be valid in this case since there is no record with PTAB-Field1 = 1, PTAB-Field3 = 3 and PTAB-Field4 = K in the check table!April 2001 23 BC – ABAP Dictionary Semantic Attributes of Foreign Keys SAP AG Semantic Attributes of Foreign Keys A foreign key describes a relationship between two tables. You can define this relationship more precisely by specifying the cardinality [Page 25] and type of foreign key fields [Page 26]. This information is optional and is primarily for documentary purposes. In particular, the definitions of the cardinality and type of the foreign key fields are not used in the value check for the foreign key. The definition of the semantic attributes is only sed in the following cases:  · If K ey fields of a text table is selected as the type of the foreign key fields, the foreign key table is considered to be the text table [Page 27] for the check table. If a screen field is checked against a table, the key entries of the check table are normally displayed in the input help (F4 help) for this field. If there is a text table for the check table, each key entry displayed is enhanced with an explanatory text (contents of the first character-like field of the text table) in the user’s logon language.Tables can only be included in a help view [Page 115] or maintenance view [Page 117] if they are linked with a foreign key. It only makes sense to create such a help or maintenance view if for each record in the primary table of the view there is no more than one corresponding record in each secondary table of the view. The system therefore checks if the foreign key with which the tables were linked in the view have suitable cardinalities when it creates a maintenance or h elp view. See also Restrictions for Maintenance and Help Views [Page 119]. The foreign key between tables SBOOK and SCOUNTER ensures that only existing counters can be entered in field COUNTER (counter at which the flight was booked). See the example in Foreign Keys [Page 19] . A booking can be made at either a travel agency or at the carrier’s sales counter. If the booking is made at a travel agency, the field COUNTER of table SBOOK remains empty. The foreign key fields do not have to be filled, that is the left side of the cardinality is C. Any number of bookings may be made at each counter.There may therefore be any number of entries (bookings) in foreign key table SBOOK for each record of the check table SCOUNTER. The right side of the cardinality is therefore CN. Of course several bookings can be made for the same carrier at a counter. These bookings do not differ in their foreign key fields (MANDT, CARRID, COUNTER). The entries in the foreign key fields therefore do not uniquely identify an entry in the foreign key table SBOOK (a booking). The foreign key fields therefore have the type No key fields/candidates. 24 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Cardinality CardinalityThe cardinality (n:m) describes the foreign key relationship with regard to the number of possible dependent records (records of the foreign key table) or referenced records (records of the check table). The left side (n) of the cardinality is defined as follows:  ·  · n=1: There is exactly one record assigned to the check table for each record of the foreign key table. n=C: The foreign key table may contain records which do not correspond to any record of the check table because the foreign key field is empty. This can occur for example if the field of the foreign key table is optional, in which case it does not have to be filled. =1: There is exactly one dependent record for each record of the check table. m=C: There is at most one dependent record for each record of the check table. m=N: There is at least one dependent record for each record of the check table. m=CN: There may be any number of dependent records for each record of the check table. The right side (m) of the cardinality is defined as follows:  ·  ·  ·  · April 2001 25 BC – ABAP Dictionary Type of Foreign Key Fields SAP AG Type of Foreign Key Fields The Type of foreign key fields describes what the foreign key fields in the foreign key table mean.The following types of foreign key field can be defined:  · No key fields/candidates: The foreign key fields are neither primary key fields of the foreign key table nor do they uniquely identify a record of the foreign key table (key candidates). For this reason, the foreign key fields do not (partially) identify the foreign key table. Key fields/candidates: The foreign key fields are either primary key fields of the foreign key table or they already uniquely identify a record of the foreign key table (key candidates). The foreign key fields therefore (partially) identify the foreign key table.Key fields of a text table: The foreign key table is a text table [Page 27] for the check table, that is the key of the foreign key table only differs from the key of the check table in that it has an additional language key field. This is a special case of the type Key fields/candidates.  ·  · 26 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Text Tables Text Tables Table A is a text table of table B if the key of A comprises the key of B and an additional language key field (field of data type LANG). Table A may therefore contain explanatory text in several languages for each key entry of B.To link the key entries with the text, text table A must be linked with table B using a foreign key. Key fields of a text table must be selected here for the type of foreign key fields (see Semantic Attributes of Foreign Keys [Page 24]). Table B Key fields K1 and K2 K1 †¦ 1 1 †¦ K2 †¦ 1 2 †¦ F1 à ¢â‚¬ ¦ XX YY †¦ F2 †¦ YY XX †¦ Text table A for B Key fields K1, K2 and L (type LANG) K1 †¦ 1 1 1 1 †¦ K2 †¦ 1 1 2 2 †¦ L †¦ DE EN DE EN †¦ TEXT †¦ Text 1 (German) Text 1 (English) Text 2 (German) Text 2 (English) †¦ Text foreign keyIf table B is the check table of a field, the existing key entries of table B are displayed as possible input values when the input help (F4) is pressed. The explanatory text (contents of the first character-like non-key-field of text table A) is also displayed in the user's logon language for each key value in table B. April 2001 27 BC – ABAP Dictionary Text Tables SAP AG Hit list if user logs on in English K1 †¦ 1 1 K2 †¦ 1 2 †¦ Text †¦ Text1 (English) (English) Text2 (English) (English) †¦ Maintenance screen Field 1 Field 2 †¦ Call the input help Field is checked against table BOnly one text table can be created for table B! The system checks this when you atte mpt to activate a table with text foreign keys for B. 28 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Multi-Structured Foreign Keys Multi-Structured Foreign Keys When you define a foreign key, a field of the work area that is not contained in the foreign key table can also be assigned to a check table (for example a field of another table). This is possible for all fields except for the check field. Table T2 is the check table of foreign key table T1. Field F of the work area is assigned to key field Field6 of check table T2.Foreign key table T1 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Primary key Field F of work area Check table T2 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Primary key The corresponding SELECT statement for the input check is then: SELECT * FROM T2 WHERE T2-FIELD5 = T1-FIELD2 AND T2-FIELD6 = F. If an entry is made in field T1-Field2 (check field), this SELECT statement will be submitted. If a corresponding record is found, the entry is valid; otherwise it is rejected. If a field that is not contained in the foreign key table is assigned to a field of the check table, this field must be filled at the time of the input check.Otherwise the check always fails, and no values can be entered in the check field. April 2001 29 BC – ABAP Dictionary Technical Settings SAP AG Technical Settings The technical settings of a table define how the table will be handled when it is created in the database, that is whether the table will be buffered and whether changes to data records of the table will be logged. The most important parameters are:  ·  · Data class: The data class [Page 31] defines the physical area of the database (tablespace) in which the table should be created. Size category: The size category [Page 32] defines the size of the extents created for the table.When the table is created in the database, the required information about the memory area to be selected and the extent size is determined from the technical settings.  ·  · Buffering permission: The b uffering permission [Page 33] defines whether the table may be buffered. Buffering type: If the table may be buffered, you must define a buffering type (full, singlerecord, generic). The buffering type [Page 34] defines how many table records are loaded into the buffer when a table entry is accessed. Logging: This parameter defines whether changes to the table entries should be logged.If logging [Page 41] is switched on, each change to a table record is recorded in a log table.  · The Convert to transparent table flag (transparent flag [Page 42]) is also displayed for pooled tables or for tables which were converted into transparent tables earlier on with this flag. See also: Maintaining Technical Settings [Page 77] Buffering Database Tables [Page 43] 30 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Data Class Data Class If you choose the data class correctly, your table is automatically assigned to the correct area (tablespace or DBspace) of the database when it is created.Each d ata class corresponds to a physical area in which all the tables assigned to this data class are stored. There are the following data classes:  ·  ·  · APPL0 (master data): Data which is seldomly changed. An example of master data is the data contained in an address file, such as the name, address and telephone number. APPL1 (transaction data): Data that is frequently changed. An example of transaction data is the goods in a warehouse, which change after each purchase order. APPL2 (organizational data): Customizing data that is defined when the system is installed and seldomly changed.An example is the table with country codes. Two further data classes, USR and USR1, are provided for the customer. These are for user developments. The tables assigned to these data classes are stored in a tablespace for user developments. Tables in the ABAP Dictionary Master data Table 1 Table 3 Organizational data Table 2 Transaction data Table 4 Table 7 System data Table 5 Table 6 Tablespace m aster data Table 1 Table 3 Tablespace Org. data Table 2 Tablespace Trans. data Table 4 Table 7 Tablespace System data Table 5 Table 6 Database April 2001 31 BC – ABAP Dictionary Size Category SAP AG Size CategoryThe size category defines the expected space required for the table in the database. You can choose a size category from 0 to 4 for your table. Each category is assigned a certain fixed memory size in the database, which depends on the database system used. When a table is created, initial space (an Initial Extent) is reserved in the database. If more space is required at a later time due to data entries, additional memory will be added depending on the selected size category. Technical settings Size category TABA 1 3 4 TABB TABC Initial First Second Extent Extent Extent TABA TABB TABC †¦ †¦ †¦Database Selecting the correct size category prevents a large number of very small extents from being created for a table. It also prevents space from being waste d if extents which are too large are created. 32 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Buffering Permission Buffering Permission You must define whether and how a table is buffered in the technical settings for the table. There are three possibilities here:  · Buffering not permitted: Table buffering is not permitted, for example because application programs always need the most recent data from the table or the table is changed too frequently.Buffering permitted but not activated: Buffering is permitted from the business and technical points of view. Applications which access the table execute correctly with and without table buffering. Whether or not table buffering will result in a gain in performance depends on the table size and access profile of the table (frequency of the different types of table access). Table buffering is deactivated because it is not possible to know what these values will be in the customer system. If table buffering would be advantageous for th e table size and access profile of the table, you can activate it in the customer system at any time.Buffering activated: The table should be buffered. In this case you must specify a buffering type [Page 34].  ·  · See also: Buffering Database Tables [Page 43] Which Tables Should be Buffered? [Page 53] April 2001 33 BC – ABAP Dictionary Buffering Types SAP AG Buffering Types The buffering type defines which table records are loaded into the buffer of the application server when a table record is accessed. There are the following buffering types:  ·  · Full buffering [Page 35]: All the records of the table are loaded into the buffer when one record of the table is accessed.Generic buffering [Page 37]: When a record of the table is accessed, all the records having this record in the generic key fields (part of the table key that is left-justified, identified by specifying a number of key fields) are loaded into the buffer. Single-record buffering [Page 39]: Only the re cords of a table that are really accessed are loaded into the buffer.  · See also: Buffering Database Tables [Page 43] 34 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Full Buffering Full Buffering With full buffering, either the entire table is in the buffer or the table is not in the buffer at all.All the records of the table are loaded into the buffer when one record of the table is read. In this example, a program reads the record highlighted in red from table SCOUNTER. If the table is fully buffered, all the records of the table are loaded into the buffer. Database table SCOUNTER MANDT CARRID COUNTNUM AIRPORT Buffer contents 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 AA BA BA BA BA LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH UA 00000001 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000001 ACA ACE BER LCY LHR BER DEN FRA LCY LGW LHR MUC RTM HAM 01 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 AA BA BA BA BA LH LH L H LH LH LH LH LH UA 00000001 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000001 ACA ACE BER LCY LHR BER DEN FRA LCY LGW LHR MUC RTM HAM Application server SELECT * FROM SCOUNTER WHERE MANDT = ‘001’ AND CARRID = ‘LH’ AND COUNTNUM = ‘00000004'. The buffered data records are sorted in the buffer by table key. Accesses to the buffered data can therefore only analyze field contents up to the last specified key field for restricting the dataset to be searched.The left-justified part of the key should therefore be as large as possible in such accesses. For example, if you do not define the first key field, the system has to scan the full table. In this case direct access to the database can be more efficient if the database has suitable secondary indexes [Page 61]. When Should you Use Full Buffering? When deciding whether a table should be fully buffered, you should take into account the size of the table, the number of read accesses, and the number of write accesses. Tables best suited to full buffering are small, read frequently, and rarely written.Full buffering is recommended in the following cases: April 2001 35 BC – ABAP Dictionary Full Buffering  · SAP AG Tables up to 30 KB in size. If a table is accessed frequently, but all accesses are read accesses, this value can be exceeded. However, you should always pay attention to the buffer utilization. Larger tables where large numbers of records are frequently accessed. If these mass accesses can be formulated with a very selective WHERE condition using a database index [Page 61], it could be better to dispense with buffering.Tables for which accesses to non-existent records are frequently submitted. Since all the table records reside in the buffer, the system can determine directly in the buffer whether or not a record exists.  ·  · 36 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Generic Buffering Generi c Buffering With generic buffering, all the records in the buffer whose generic key fields match this record are loaded when one record of the table is accessed. The generic key is a part of the primary key of the table that is left-justified. In this example, the record highlighted in red is read by a program from table SCOUNTER.If the table is generically buffered, all the records read whose generic key fields (MANDT and CARRID) agree are loaded into the buffer. Database table SCOUNTER MANDT CARRID COUNTNUM AIRPORT Buffer contents 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 BER DEN FRA LCY LGW LHR MUC RTM 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 AA BA BA BA BA LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH UA 00000001 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000001ACA ACE BER LCY LHR BER DEN FRA LCY LGW LHR MUC RTM HAM Application server Generic key SELECT * FROM SCOUNTER WHERE MANDT = ‘001’ AND CARRID = ‘LH’ AND COUNTNUM = ‘00000004'. When Should you Use Full Buffering? A table should be buffered generically if only certain generic areas of the table are normally needed for processing. Client-specific, fully-buffered tables are automatically generically buffered since normally it is not possible to work in all clients at the same time on an application server. The client field is the generic key. Language-specific tables are another example where generic buffering is recommended.In general, only records of one language will be needed on an application server. In this case, the generic key includes all the key fields up to and including the language field. How Should you Define the Generic Key? In generic buffering, it is crucial to define a suitable generic key. April 2001 37 BC – ABAP Dictionary Generic Buffering SAP AG If the generic key is too small, the buffer will contain a few very large areas. During access, too much data might be loaded in the buffer. If the generic key is too large, the buffer might contain too many small generic areas.These can reduce buffer performance since there is an administrative entry for every buffered generic area. It is also possible that too many accesses will bypass the buffer and go directly to the database, since they do not fully define the generic key of the table. If there are only a few records in each generic area, it is usually better to fully buffer the table. Only 64 bytes of the generic key are used. You can specify a longer generic key, but the part of the key exceeding 64 bytes is not used to create the generic areas. Access to Buffered DataIt only makes sense to generically buffer a table if the table is accessed with fully-specified generic key fields. If a field of the generic key is not assigned a value in a SELECT statement, it is read directly from the database, bypassing the buffer. If you access a generic area that is not in the buffer with a fully-specified generic key, you will access the database to load the area. If the table does not contain any records in the specified area (â€Å"No record found†), this area in the buffer is marked as non-existent. It is not necessary to access the database if this area is needed again. 8 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Single-Record Buffering Single-Record Buffering With single-record buffering, only the records that are actually read are loaded into the buffer. Single-record buffering therefore requires less storage space in the buffer than generic and full buffering. The administrative costs in the buffer, however, are greater than for generic or full buffering. Considerably more database accesses are necessary to load the records than for the other buffering types. In this example, the record highlighted in red is read by a program from table SCOUNTER.If single-record buffering is selected for the table, onl y the record that was read is loaded into the buffer. Database table SCOUNTER MANDT CARRID COUNTNUM AIRPORT Buffer contents 001 LH 00000004 LCY 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 AA BA BA BA BA LH LH LH LH LH LH LH LH UA 00000001 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000001 ACA ACE BER LCY LHR BER DEN FRA LCY LGW LHR MUC RTM HAM Application server SELECT SINGLE FROM SCOUNTER WHERE MANDT = ‘001’ AND CARRID = ‘LH’ AND COUNTNUM = ‘00000004'.When Should you Use Single-Record Buffering? Single-record buffering should be used particularly for large tables where only a few records are accessed with SELECT SINGLE. The size of the records being accessed should be between 100 and 200 KB. Full buffering is usually more suitable for smaller tables that are accessed frequently. This is because only one database access is necessary to load such a table with full buffering, whereas several database accesses are necessary for single-record buffering. Access to Buffered Data All accesses that are not submitted with SELECT SINGLE go directly to the database, bypassing the buffer.This applies even if the complete key is specified in the SELECT statement. April 2001 39 BC – ABAP Dictionary Single-Record Buffering SAP AG If you access a record which is not yet buffered with SELECT SINGLE, there is a database access to load the record. This record is marked in the buffer as non-existent if the table does not contain a record with the specified key. This prevents another database access when accessing the table at a later time with the same key. 40 April 2001 SAP AG BC – ABAP Dictionary Logging Logging Using the logging flag you can define whether changes to the data records of a table should be logged.If logging is switched on, each change to an existing data record (with UPDATE, DELETE) by the user or application program is recorded in the data base in a log table (DBTABPRT). ABAP Dictionary Log TAB Application transaction TAB Change a record Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 System profile †¦ rec/client =ALL †¦ TAB Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Log table Database To switch on logging, the R/3 System must be started with a profile containing parameter rec/client. This parameter defines whether all clients or only selected clients should be logged. The parameter can have the following values: rec/client = ALL Log all clients. ec/client = 000[,†¦ ] Log the specified clients. rec/client = OFF Do not log. Logging slows down accesses that change the table. First of all, a record must be written in the log table for each change. Secondly, a number of users access this log table in parallel. This can cause lock situations although the users are working with different application tables. Logging is independent of the update. The existing logs can be displayed with Transaction Table History (SCU3). April 2001 41 BC – ABAP Dic tionary Converting Pooled Tables to Transparent Tables SAP AG Converting Pooled Tables to Transparent Tables
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Contracts Covered by the Statute of Frauds Case Study
Contracts Covered by the Statute of Frauds - Case Study Example The first payment shall be paid on or before June 1, 2007 In consideration thereof, Promisee agree to give Promisor a lawn mower (John Deere Model #1334), valued at approximately $2,500.00). The respective rights and duties arising pursuant to this Agreement shall continue in effect until June 1, 2008, unless terminated prior thereto either pursuant to the Cancellation Clause of this Agreement or by full performance by the parties. If the event that Promisor fails to make a timely scheduled payment, Promisee shall be entitled to declare the entire Agreement breached, and shall be immediately entitled to payment of the debt in full. If Promisee fails to deliver the subject lawn mower to Promisor on or before July 1, 2007, Promisor shall be entitled to declare the entire Agreement in breach, and shall be entitled to repayment of any and all sums paid by Promisor to Lower Case as well as liquidated damages of $2,500.00.. In either case, the party declaring that the breach has occurred shall give written notice of such breach to the other party at the appropriate address shown below. This Agreement shall be interpreted by the laws of the State of California and any suit filed by any party hereto shall be filed and determined before the courts of California and in accordance with the laws thereof. Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be subject to compulsory arbitration and shall be heard and determined by an arbitrator who is a current member of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Any notices required to be made pursuant to this Agreement shall be made to the following: PROMISOR: PROMISEE: Joe Smith Mary Doe 123 Anyplace 4321 Anytime Streetwise, CA 95677 Happyface, AZ 85233 (213) 555-1212 (602) 555-2121 In the event of a dispute arising pursuant to this Agreement, the prevailing party in such an action shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and court costs from the losing party. If any portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, the remaining portions of the Agreement which are valid shall continue to be enforceable and in full effect. ______________ __________ __________________ _________ Joe Smith Date Mary Doe Date AGREEMENT In consideration of mutual performance of the duties and promises outlined further herein, Joe Smith (hereinafter referred to as "Promisor" and Mary Doe (hereinafter referred to as "Promisee"), the parties agree to become bound as follows: Promisor agrees to marry Promisee on or before July 15, 2007. In consideration thereof, Promisee agree to marry Promisor by said date. Promisor also agrees to immediately give Promisee an 18 carat gold engagement band and at the time of marriage, give Promisee one diamond and 18 carat gold ring. If Promisor fails to give Promisee the aforementioned, promised wedding ring on or before July 15, 2007, Promisee shall be entitled to declare the entire Agreement breached, and shall be entitled to retain the engagement band and shall be entitled to recover liquidated damages in the amount of $2,500.00 from Promisor and would not be required to marry Promisor. If Promisee fails to marry Promisor on or before July 15, 2007, Promisor shall be entitled to declare the entire Agreement in breach, and shall be ent
Threat Management Of Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Threat Management Of Terrorism - Essay Example Most of the terror outfits in recent times have an ulterior political motive, and comprises of a very large and complex social network. One of the key measures of counter-terrorism strategies is to disrupt these terror networks by gaining corroborative evidence against its operations and pressing for military and/ or criminal proceedings against the culprits by way of seeking intervention of international bodies such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); International Police for Cooperation against Terrorism (Interpol); and the United Nations counter terrorism activities (Fraser, 2003; Deflem, 2004). This paper on ‘Threat management of terrorism’ discusses the various ways in the issue of global terrorism can be addressed and approached. Risk Calculation It is extremely crucial for decision makers to take calculated risks while undertaking counter-terrorism measures. This is because most of the time, the information collected regarding the terrorist activitie s, may result in poor judgments and hence poor decisions. Although the fact that no amount of planning and preparation on the part of counter-terrorism agencies can foretell or foresee all the terror attacks on a nation, a deterrence strategy based on defensive principles will, nonetheless, contribute significantly in restricting the extent of damage or at the most, prevent the dissipating of scarce national resources (Lebovic, 2007). Risk calculation might not help in completely averting the attack but it does play a key role in quantifying the extent of damage to human life and property and take pre-emptive measures to support and / or contain the aftermath. Today, due to the increasing use of technological aids and computer simulation it has become easier to calculate with accuracy, the degree and extent of damage likely to be caused by a certain act of terror. One of the most critical aspects / aftermath of such attacks is the number of casualties and economic loss. The risk cal culation strategies prove to be highly useful in mitigating the damage through development of counter-terrorism methods, evaluating the risk implications, and implementing crisis management strategies, in the most cost-effective manner possible (Larche, 2008; Dixon, 2007). Furthermore, strategies such as red-teaming and blue-teaming exercises which refer to the process of defining the weaknesses of a system and developing methods to mitigate the resulting vulnerabilities, can be implemented as an effective countermeasure (Carter, 2002). Reducing risk: Reducing the risks associated with terrorist attacks is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of threat management. Thanks to the ever increasing technological developments, reducing such risks has become easier and cost-effective, over time. One of the key strategies to ensure reducing the terrorism risks is to enhance the level of security. Care must be taken to install effective special protection technology which helps in avertin g and detecting potential risks, particularly at places which are highly vulnerable to terror strikes and prone to such attacks. Some of the most commonly used technological vigilance aids include installing of CCTV cameras in places of high risk, deploying of security guards and metal detectors; using intensive
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
A Close Look at Background Investigations Term Paper - 1
A Close Look at Background Investigations - Term Paper Example It goes on to look at the legal position of background information and checks and then examines the limitations and sensitive issues relating to background investigations. Keywords: background, checks, investigations, recruitment, selection, employers, prospective Background The recruitment process seeks to attract the largest pool of potential employees as possible to apply for a given position. Typically, this involves the communication of the job vacancy far and wide to ensure that a lot of people get to know about the vacancy. After recruitment, there is the selection process which entails the choice of the best candidate amongst the group that applied or showed interest in a job that is on offer by an organization. The selection process therefore emphasizes on choosing the best individual(s) to fill a particular vacancy. This is because there is a vast pool of talented individuals who have the propensity so the management can make the choice of the best option available and offe r an employment to such a person. Additionally, in the selection stage, a prospective employer has the right to identify the best candidate and take vital human resource management decisions that can be positive for the organization in the future. Prospective employers therefore use the best and most scientifically efficient tools to ensure that the best employees are selected. As a rule of thumb, most organizations therefore seek to acquire sufficient information about the applicants so that they make a decision about the best applicant and employ him/her. Due to the fact that there is no way of predicting what would happen in the future, it is imperative on employers to understand the history of a prospective employee in order to assess the possible behavior of a person when s/he is employed in the future. It can be pointed out that the normal organizational selection process is not rigorous enough for businesses to assess and understand the true nature of their prospective employ ees. This is because a business cannot really get the true picture of a person's character through the conventional interviewing process. It is therefore necessary for employers to make an extra effort to identify the true nature of a given candidate for a position before offering him or her a job. It must be pointed out that the need to understand the nature and character of a prospective employee varies, depending on the nature of the job at hand. One of the best ways of doing this is to undertake a background investigation of the prospective employee. The need for background information varies with the sensitivity of the role of an organization and it is often varied in respect to the sensitivity of the role a prospective employee is expected to play when employed. Clearly, hiring an operative who plays a minor role in the organization does not require to much background investigations. On the other hand, hiring a person for an important employee like an airport staff or CEO requ ires a lot of scrutiny to identify the background of the individual. The findings from a background information can aid in the decision making process of whether to hire an applicant or not. This is because it determines the kind of person the individual is and enables employers to identify how such people managed things in their past and how it is likely to benefit the business in the future. Additionally, background investigations of prospective applicants enables an employer to be released from the issue of negligent hiring. This is because most employers are ultimately responsible for the actions of their employees so they have an obligation to check the backgrounds of an applicant before
Monday, August 26, 2019
Seminar in criminology classmate response 6 Essay
Seminar in criminology classmate response 6 - Essay Example In her third paragraph, Gonzalez asserts that the defendant does not get a fair shake in a plea deal process because he or she may plead guilty without a trial. In my opinion, even though Sudnow (1965) argues that most of the defendants pleading guilty without trial are actually guilty, some are innocent. I believe those who are innocent may also decide to plead guilty because if pleading guilty is the only way that they are likely to save themselves, they end up doing it. For example, for a defendant who comes from a low-income household and has previous records of problems with the law, he or she is likely to plead guilty even when he or she is actually innocent. The defendant acts this way because of the possibility of being locked for only a short time. Additionally, defenders from low-income earning families are still likely to plead guilty even if they are innocent, because they would not want to gamble with a trial. People from low-income earning families may act this way beca use even when the state provides for them lawyer, because they do not believe in getting a just trial. As noted by Gonzalez, public defenders are known to be only accessible for only a limited time and the work they put on a case is also usually limited. Therefore, looking at it from a defender’s point of view, most people would rather plead guilty and get a shorter sentence than take their chances in court, where the outcome might not be as favorable for
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Globalisation (Microfinance and Economic Development) Essay
Globalisation (Microfinance and Economic Development) - Essay Example In 1983, the Bangladesh government gave authorization to an independent bank came to be known as the Grameen Bank project. The rural poor borrowers own 90 percent of the shares of Grameen bank while the rest is owned by the government. The bank has 1084 branches currently with more than 12,000 staffs. The bank serves 2.1 million owners and operates in 37,000 villages. The bank considers credit as the right of human. The poor are regarded as the potential entrepreneurs. Women are entitled with most of the loans as they are the ones who struggle not only against poverty but also against social and economic conditions. The bank has the objective of reversing the vicious circle of poverty. Loans were provided to income generating activities in the first place with the belief that they will help the poor to overcome poverty. Loans are provided on the basis of trust and not on any collateral. Microfinance institutions fund the microenterprises. They explain how the standard of living can be raised effectively through incentives for individual initiative. Profits accrue only to those who work. Some microfinance institutions are involved in channelizing the government funding through their systems although the decision making procedures can function without government intervention. The success of the microfinance can be explained by the free market system which points that profits are diverted only to those who are eager or have worked efficiently. Demand conditions may induce the business to expand and recruit more employees. They are of the view that in spite of million successes microfinance has not been able to meet the goals and contribute in economic development. So industrialization in large scale is the only alternative to break the vicious circle of poverty. It highlights the fact that microenterprises produce and market at the local level. They can avoid the operating economic systems which seem to widen the gap between the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Role Of Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Role Of Women - Essay Example words, a woman's demand of her partner's sexual abstinence as a form of birth control, meant mothers with fewer children could spend more time raising each one. The mother's role as nurturer superseded the father's former importance as disciplinarian, and thus required women to receive more education to satisfy this new societal charge. As per Sklar, the schoolmarm of the American frontier was a direct result of this surge in the number of educated women in the late 1800s, as was the growth of powerful organizations such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union, also known as WCTU. (Paxton and Hughes, 2007). This organization called WCTU started to support women’s suffrage in the year 1880, and as the progressive period got underway, these educated, socially conscious women dealt with various industrial issues. Sklar also noted that the women of middle-class America rallied for fundamental labor rights, which was the goal of working-class men in other countries, mainly Great Britain. As for example, the National Consumers League, created in 1898, lobbied for minimum-wage protection for female workers. By 1915, 22 states had such legislation for women only, and the minimum wage was not extended to men until the New Deal in 1938. Sklar also added that in the year 1920, the women who were newly franchised, received a less than cordial welcome from the Republican Party. They told women to lose their agenda of social issues. It is therefore that all women organizations turned out to promote women right for them who were captive of sufferings, like of getting women their due right on juries. (Paxton, and Hughes, 2007; Paxton, 2010). Therefore, as a result, younger women aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, which already espoused concern regarding social-justice... This essay discusses today’s women who have made serious progress in terms of their educational attainment, health status, labor market participation, etc., but they are still lagging behind men in the area of politics. Women have no longer confined themselves only to their household duties. The progress of women is quite visible across the world. However, there still arises a question over whether gender equality has really been achieved across the world and across every field. While in some countries women have made huge progress, in some other nations they are still lagging far behind than men. Similarly, while in some fields, their progress is really startling, in some other spheres there is not much development. This paper will try to focus on the role of women in the area of politics of two countries. For the purpose of this study, USA and France have been chosen. In this present world, women are no less than men. In these past thirty years, the world has progressed to a huge extent and so as women. The women who reside in USA have seen to explore the outer space, run in the Olympic marathons and also occupying a respectable position on the highest court in the land. Then now the question comes in then why not women are given a due chance to be the president of America. In France, the battle for equality in the women rights movement still continues. Despite having the much hailed equal right, the realm of French politics still remained to be very unjust and rude to women.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Plan - Universal Marketing Limited Essay
Business Plan - Universal Marketing Limited - Essay Example It is situated in New York in the United States. It is an advertising office that aids the working of the brand notoriety. The business manages offers of the drinks from the coca cola organization. The business hopes to get clients generally from the neighboring territories and from the other intrigued purchasers around the nation. The organization plans to start as a medium estimated one and falls under the deals and promoting part. A few social stages utilized as a part of the promoting so that the clients may end up noticeably mindful of the item that we are putting forth and we are relied upon to have infantrymen. There is the innovation connected in the business practice is current and is relied upon to pass by the requirements of the clients. The organization means to utilize capital of $ 100,000 which is required to procure benefit which will then be utilized to grow the business. The business is viewed as feasible on the grounds that it's situated in a region where there are numerous exercises that outcome to the need of the drinks that individuals normally consider as a frame easing themselves from thirst while others consider it to be reasonable for delight minutes. In spite of the fact that there is rivalry there is no firm that helps out the business through a deals and promoting organization as our image is relied upon to get higher number of the clients. Thusly there is high probability of the business development.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Practical Business Analysis Essay Example for Free
Practical Business Analysis Essay 1. Re-do all problems in Practice Problem Set 1. 2. Dollar Car Rental Co. was originally named Dollar a Day Car Rental because they charged $1.00 per day to rent a car, plus a charge per mile driven. Many customers complained that the odometers on Dollar’s cars recorded more miles than were actually driven. To evaluate these complaints you take a random sample of 6 Dollar’s cars, drive them on a carefully measured 100-mile course, and record the miles driven as registered by the odometers. The results are 100, 105, 109, 102, 107, and 101, with the sample standard deviation around 3.578. a. Using these sample results, construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean miles recorded by all Dollar cars for a 100-mile trip. b. As a legal consultant hired by the group of the customers who complained about the odometers, do you have enough evidence to support your clients’ claim? State your hypotheses (H0 vs. Ha), rejection region and both statistical and substantive conclusions. 3. The grades on the final examination given in a large organic chemistry class are normally distributed with a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 8. The instructor of this class wants to assign an â€Å"A†grade to the top 10% of the scores, a â€Å"B†grade to the next 10% of the scores, a â€Å"C†grade to the next 10% of the scores, a â€Å"D†grade to the next 10% of the scores, and an â€Å"F†grade to all scores below the 60th percentile of this distribution. For each possible letter grade, find the lowest acceptable score within the established range. 4. The weekly demand for General Motors car sales follows a normal distribution with a mean of 40,000 cars and a standard deviation of 12,000 cars. a. There is a 5% chance that GM will sell more than what number of cars during the next week? b. What is the probability that GM will sell between 20 and 23 thousand cars during the next week? 5. A department store is interested in the average balance that is carried on its store’s credit card. A sample of 40 accounts reveals an average balance of $1,250 and a standard deviation of $350. a. Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean account balance on this store’s credit card. b. What sample size would be needed to ensure that we could estimate the true mean account balance and have only 5 chances in 100 of being off by more than $100? 6. A marketing research consultant hired by Coca-Cola is interested in determining the proportion of customers who favor Coke over other soft drinks. A random sample of 400 consumers was selected from the market under investigation and showed that 53% favored Coca-Cola over other brands. a. Compute a 95% confidence interval for the true proportion of people who favor Coke. Do the results of this poll convince you that a majority of people favor Coke? b. Suppose 2,000 (not 400) people were polled and 53% favored Coke. Would you now be convinced that a majority of people favor Coke? 7. BatCo (The Battery Company) produces your typical consumer battery. The company claims that their batteries last at least 100 hours, on average. Your experience with the BatCo battery has been somewhat different, so you decide to conduct a test to see if the companies claim is true. You believe that the mean life is actually less than the 100 hours BatCo claims. You decide to collect data on the average battery life (in hours) of a random sample and the information related to the hypothesis test is presented below. Use this information to answer the following questions. a. You believe that the mean life is actually less than 100 hours, should you conduct a one-tailed or a two-tailed hypothesis test? State your alternative hypothesis. b. If you use a 5% significance level, would you conclude that the mean life of the batteries is typically more than 100 hours? State the rejection region and calculate the test statistic. c. If you were to use a 1% significance level in this case, would you conclude that the mean life of the batteries is typically more than 100 hours? Explain your answer. 8. Q-Mart is interested in comparing customer who used it own charge card with those who use other types of credit cards. Q-Mart would like to know if customers who use the Q-Mart card spend more money per visit, on average, than customers who use some other type of credit card. They have collected information on a random sample of 38 charge customers and the data is presented below. On average, the person using a Q-Mart card spends $192.81 per visit and customers using another type of card spend $104.47 per visit. Use the information below to answer the following questions. a. Given the information above, what is [pic] and [pic] for this comparison? Also, does this represent a one-tailed or a two-tailed test? Explain your answer. b. Using a 1% level of significance, is there sufficient evidence for Q-Mart to conclude that customers who use the Q-Mart card charge, on average, more than those who use another charge card? Explain your answer. 9. Suppose that you were asked to test H0: ÃŽ ¼ = 10 versus Ha: ÃŽ ¼ 10 at the [pic] = 0.05 significance level and with a sample of size n = 10. Furthermore, suppose that you observed values of the sample mean and sample standard deviation and concluded that H0 be rejected. Is it true that you might fail to reject H0 if you were to observe the same values of the sample mean and standard deviation from a sample with n 10? Why or why not? 10. Stock-market analysts are keenly interested in determining what factors influence the price of a stock. After some examination, a statistician hypothesized that a stock price (Y in $) would be affected by its quarterly dividends (X1 in $), its price/earnings ratio (X2), and the interest rate of treasury bills (X3 in %). The values of the relevant variables were observed for a period of 40 quarters. When the data were run on STATGRAPHICS PLUS, the accompanying printout was created.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Meaning of life - Life Essay Example for Free
Meaning of life Life Essay Life neverseems to be the waywe want it butwe have to liveit the bestwaywecan! There isnoperfectlife,but we can fill it with PERFECT MOMENTS HOPE END r always there for everyone! Depends on us how we deal with them.. A HOPELESS END! or An ENDLESS HOPE! The joy that u give to othersis d joy thatflows backinto ur life! A happy heart makes a cheerful face! May all ur days b as lovely as ur heart Destiny Is No Matter Of Chance, It Is A Matter Of Choice, It Is Not A Thing To Be Waited For, It Is A Thing To Be Achieved. When there is confusion between your heart and mind, Don`t listen to your mind because mind knows everything But your heart knows only U. The difference between a successful person And others is not a lack of strength, Not a lack of knowledge Rather lack of will. Success isn`t key 2 happiness.. but happiness is d key 2 success. so keep yourself happy 2 b happy successful.. We Will Open The Book. Its Pages Are Blank We Are Going To Put Words On Them Ourselves The Book Is Called OPPORTUNITY. Each Of Us Makes Our Own Weather Determines The Color Of The Skies In The Emotional Universe Which We Inhabit. Don`t Think About What You Have Got Think About How To Use It That You Have Got A paper flying in air isdue to its luck buta bird is flying due to its effort. So if luck is not with u,efforts are always there to support U Hard-work is like stairs and luck is like lift. Sometimes lift may fail but stairs will always take you to the top. Have a successful life. Fallen flowers can not climb back. So do not think about the past. Love the Present. Live for the Future, with a beautiful sweet Smile. 🙂 Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character Happy is he who acts as the `COLUMBUS` to his own soul. Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: If you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen Experiences are like waves,They come to u on shore of life,Drag the sand from beneath your feet,But each wave makes u stand on a new base. If you worry about a trouble it becomes double but when u smile at it,itdisappears like a bubble so always smile atyour problem. keep smiling If people around you, are trying to pull you down. Be proud about it. B`coz it only means one thing that: YOU ARE ABOVE THEM sweetness in your speech talent in your mind love in your heart peace in your eyes strength in your hands I wish always victoryin your life Persistence Is The Twin Sister Of Excellence One Is A Matter Of Quality The Other A Matter Of Time Work For A Cause Not For Applause Live Life To Express Not To Impress Don`t Strive To Make our Presence Noticed Just Make Your Absence Felt. Luck is likesand in hands,Itwill sneak outthrough fingers,no matergripped firmly or heldloosely. Only hands inthe praying posture can save it It is better to cry than to be angry, because anger hurts others while tears flow silently threw the soul and cleanses the heart.. Do Good to Everyone Without Expecting Much.. As an old proverb says:-Some Fragrance always remains in HANDS of Those who Distribute ROSE..! An Airplane is Always Safe at GroundBut It`s not Made for That. So Always Take Some Meaningful Risks in Life to Achieve Great Pleasure. Very true line When nails grow long we cut nails, not our fingers. Similarly wn misunderstandings grow up, cut ur ego not ur relation! Simple line but great meaning Empty Pockets teaches million things in life But, Full Pockets spoil`s you in million ways. Personality is:Who we are and what we do when everybody is watching..! Character is:Who we are and what we do when Nobody is watching. Frogs had competition to Reach Top of Hill. AllFrogs shouted,Its Impossible. But 1 Frog Reachedthe Top How? He wasDeaf Be DEAF toNEGATIVE Words A Valuable Lesson that A Traffic Signal Teach Us: Every Problem is like a Red Signal, If we Wait for Some Time, It will Turn Green. Power and money are marvelous sources if they remain in pocket but they are terrible masters once they enter the head. Every little smile can touch somebody`s heart. No one is born happy. But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness. Always be hpy Silence is the fence around wisdom! If your foot slips,U can always regain your balance. But if your tongue slips,U can never recall the words Past is Waste Paper, Present is News Paper, Future is Question Paper, Life is Answer Paper, So, Care fully Read Write it and enjoy life! Every problem in life has a gift inside.. So don`t get upset when you face problem. It may have more beautiful ending than your expectation. Don`t cry over what is gone, Smile about what remains. No matter whats lost, You can still always find value in what is left.! A Winning Horse doesn`t know what is wining, He only runs in pain given by his rider, So whenever ur in pain, think that God wants u to win. All birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds. Problems r common, but attitude makes the difference We think there is endless time to live, But we never know which moment is last So share care.. Love and celebrate every moment of LIFE. Comparison is The Best Way to Judge Our Progress, But Not With Others. Compare ur Yesterday With Ur Today To Get The Best Results. Definition of Human Being by A Philosopher: A Creature That Cuts Trees, Makes Paper, On Those Papers They Writes SAVE TREES Every successful person has a painful story, Every painful story has a successful ending. Accept the pain get ready to success. Great Thought: When we cant laugh again on the same joke, then why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain. BEST LINES: Dont read success stories, You will get only message. Read failure stories, You will get some ideas to get success. There is always a hope and an end. It depends on us how we deal with them. We can look at it as a hopeless end. or an Endless Hope. Life never turns the way we want. But we live it in the best way we can. There`s no perfect life, But we can Fill it with perfect moments Mistake increase your experience and experience decrease your mistakes You learn from mistakes While the other learn from your sucsess. Life is Better When You`re Happy But Life is At its Best When Other People Are Happy Because Of U. Be Inspired. Give Peace.. And Share Smile . You Can`t Bring Back The Past, For It is All Gone. All You Can Do is Let Go, Move on,and Make Better Memories For The Future. Feelings are like waves, We can`t stop them from coming, But we can choose which one to surf. It`s a beautiful balmy day! Think about this:There are almost 8 billion people on Earth. and you are going to let just ONE person to ruin your day? Have a wonderful day!! Sometimes you gotta do more than rock the boat. Sometimes you gotta jump in head first and make some waves.. It`s a beautiful day! Plant around you today the SEEDS of Optimism and Kindness.. and tomorrow you can reap its FRUITS of Love and Happiness appy weekend! STRENGTH doesn`t come from what you can DO It comes from OVER COMING the THINGS you ONCE THOUGHT you COULDN`T. Have a great day! Surround yourself with people who are going to lift u HIGHER! Life is already filled with those whowant to bring u down to your knees. There areno random acts. Weare all connected. Ucan no more separateone life from anotherthan u can separate a breezefrom the wind. God Bless Us Having Lips. and not usingthem to smile,is like having. A million dollars in the bankand forgetting theaccount number. SMILEand have a hpy day! To respect people who are HIGHER than u, it`s ORDINARY. To respect people who are LOWER than u,it`s EXTRA ordinary. Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you re wrong. It`s not giving up, it`s called growing up. When Iis replaced by WE.. Even ILLNESS turns into WELLNESS. Have a happy weekend! U Better Live Ur Best and Act your Best 2day For today Is The Sure Preparation For Tomorrows and All Other Tomorrow That Follow It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. The mindis like a clock Thatis constantly running down. It has to be woundUp daily with good thoughts. Don`t go throughlife,Grow through life Anything is more important When u can not get it. When u can get it This is less important for u. This is nature of every human. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. Every bad situations have something positive.. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. Logic Of Time When Time Never Stops For Us, Then Why Do We Always Wait For The Right Time..? No Time Is Wrong To Do The Right Thing .! Waves Are Inspiring, Not Because They Rise And Fall, But Because They Never Fail To Rise Again. Have A Rising Day. An Inspiring Fact: If You Can Still Smile When you are Completely Broken Up, Then There Can be Nothing That Can Break you Next Time! A Lifetime Inspiring Thought Always Try Your Best To Get Whatever You Love.. Otherwise You Will Be Forced To Love Whatever You Get.. Sucess does not depend on making important decisions quickly, but depends on your quick actions on important decisions. Forget Past Failures! Focus on the NOW and What needs to be done today to help you achieve your dreams! When you are following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves. When unexpectd situations come in front of you, what does it mean..? It means that you are Moving Ahead Faster than you expectd..! Great motivational words written on the entrance of an American university.. I know I am something, because God doesnt create garbage.! Every Morning Get Up `n Look Through The List Of Richest People In The World, If Your Name Is Not There, Please Go To WORK! Learn to confront your fears head on because sometimes what you fear is not even worth your fear. God has given you what it takes to achieve all your aims in Life. Therefore put into action your effort first befor u think about a miracle. I want to be the greatest of me, For this is all I can do. It is my wish that you promise me this, you be the greatest of you.! A Stone is broken by the last stroke, This doesn`t mean 1st stroke was useless. Success is a result of continues Daily Effor.! Waiting to win is common to all, But working to win is style of a champion ! Be a Champion and win the world !! A lamp doesnt speak.. It introduces itself through its light.. Achievers never expose themselves. But their achievements expose them ! Best reason for our failures We are expecting ORANGE by standing under a MANGO tree! So We should change Either our expectation or tree.! When you`re following your energy `n doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves.! In The CAMERA Of Your Mind . Load The ROLL Of Your Good Thoughts .. Press The BUTTON Of Your Hard Work .. `n Get The Photo Of Your Success. Confidence Helps To Set Some Aim.. But,Self Confidence Helps To Achieve That Aim. So, Never Lose Your Self Confidence..! If You Are Successful You Will Win Some False Friends And Some True Enemies Succeed Anyway Be Like A Dolphin. Even Though There Are Dangerous Sharks Arround That In The Ocean. It Simply Enjoys The Swimming`n Celebrates On Its Own..! Victory Is Not The Property Of Brilliants.. It Is The Crown For Those Who Bow Themselves In Front Of Hard Work `n Confidence When Flood Comes Fish Eat Ants When Flood Goes Down Ants Eat Fish Time Matters .. GOD Gives Opportunity To Everyone. Negative Thinking IsAs Important AsCreativeThinking, BecauseIf Creative Thinking Invents Aeroplane,Then Negative Thinking Invents Parachute. Umbrella cant stop Rain but make us 2 Stand in Rain,. Confidence May Not Bring Success But It Gives Power To Face Any challenge.! Whatever we do, We Must Always Remember Our Aim. If You Want To Fly With EAGLES, Don`t Swim With DUCKS. TIME Is A Rare LuxuryWhich Can Never Be Purchased At Any Cost. So when,Someone Spends it For u,It defines the depth of care One Has For you.! A Soft Nature Of A Person Doesn`t Mean Weakness.. Remember.. Nothing Is Softer Than Water.. But Its Force Can Break The Strongest Of Rock.! Nice one:- If You Love Someone, Be Brave Enough To Tell Them. , Otherwise Be Brave Enough To Watch Them To Be Loved By Someone Else.. 🙂 Awesome Lines: Live Well `n Happily, Its The Best Revenge To Those Who Have Hurt You n Avoided You.! Without crossing the worst situations,No one can touch the best corners of life. Dare to face any situation. Try Hard to Achieve high in Life. It Is Always Good To CompromiseOnly When The Other Side Understands Your Feelings,But Its Not Good To BendSo Much That u Lose Your Existence Respect Those Who Find Time For You In Their Busy Schedule.. But Really Love Those Who Never See Their Schedule.. When You Need Them.! Best Attitude For Living: My Pain May Be The Reason For Somebody`s Laugh But My Laugh Must Never Be The Reason For Somebody`s Pain.! We may not Achieve Everything that we Dream. But We will not Achieve Anything unless we Dream..!! Night is longer than day for those who dream `n Day is longer than night for those who make their Dreams come true. Really Nice Lines Never take the Help Of Tears to Show Your Emotions.. `n Never Take the Help Of Words to Show Your Anger..! When the Mirror of LIFEGets Dirty with the Fog of Reality,Try Wiping it out with Your FAITH,You Can See the Clear Reflection Of Your Dream:) Making memorable moments forYourself is not a big thing. But,You being the key person in others memorable moments is an everlasting thing..!! Journey of Life Is Exciting when You challenge Your own Weakness.. Sometimes Your Enemy Teaches You Better Than Your Friends.! I hated every minute of Training. but I Said don`t Quit. Suffer now `n Live the rest of Your Life as a Champion LIFE is very similar to a Boxing RING.. DEFEAT is not declared When you fall DOWN.. It`s declared when You REFUSE to Get Up..!! No Matter How Many Times The Teeth Bite The Tongue, They Still Stay Together In One Mouth. That`s The Spirit Of FORGIVENESS..! If your head tells u onething andyour hearttells u another;before u do anything. Decide first whether u have a betterhead or a better heart Nice Saying from aBroken HeartI`ll ContinueMy LoveEven IfMy Love Fails`Coz,Howwould I hate the heartwhich made me toLove more than My Life I Knows That A Lot of People Hate Me,Because I am Bad. But. Few People Surely Love Me,Because They Know That My Little Goodness Is Not Fake .. Never hold your head high with pride or ego. Remember, Even the winner of a gold medal gets his medal only when he puts his head down 🙂 Living alone is really better than living with fake people, who hate you but act like loving you. Great Thought: When we cant laugh again on the same joke. then why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain. Without Tasting The Worst Situation, No One Can Taste The Best Thing Of Life. . . . Dare To Face Anything in Your Mysterious Life Don`t Think About What You Have Go. Think About How To Use It That You Have Got. A paper flyingin air is due to its luck but a birdis flying due to its effort. So if luck isnot with u, efforts arealways there to support U Nothing is predestination, the obstacles of your past can become the gateways that leads to the new beginnings. Life Will Never Provide Warranties and Guarantees It Can Only Provide Possibilities and Opportunities To Convert Them intosuccess !!! Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. Management fundamental for success. if you don`t like any rule, Just follow it, reach the top And change the rule. Life is at its weakest When There`s more Doubt than trust But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust In spite of The doubts . Erasers are for people who make errors. But a better saying: Erasers are for people willing to correct their mistakes. Do not make your aim like the garden because everyone walk on it But make your aim like the sky so everyone wish to touch it. There are only two Things you have to Do in life .. You have to die.. And You have to live Until you die .. You make up All the rest.. The power is detested, and miserable the life, of him who wishes to be feared rather than to be loved. TRY is a small word that can make a Big Difference.. If we TRY, we only RISK FAILURE, But if we dont TRY then we ENSURE FAILURE. Comparsion is the best way to judge our progress.. But not with others.. Compare Your Yesterday with your Today.. Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn`t going to get the job done. Yesterday I was Clever, So, I wanted to Change the World, But Today I am Wise, So I am Changing Myself.. It is better to deserve honours And not have them than To have them and not deserve them. Success isn`t a matter of being d best nd winning d race. Success is a matter of handling d worst nd still finishing d race. A sunset here is a Sunrise on the other end of the worldWe must NEVER give up. BecauseWhat appears to be theend may actually be aNew Begining The mind is like a clockThat is constantly running down. It hasto be woundUp daily with goodthoughts. Don`t go through life,Grow through life Anything is more important When you can not get it. When you can get it This is less important for you. This is nature of every human. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,do more and become more, you are a leader. The Most Determinative nd Motivating Sentence Which should Always Be Followed In Life. The Race is not Over Because I Haven`t WON Yet A Child onFarm Sees PlaneFly Overhead. AndDreams of a FarAway Place. The Pilot on The Plane SeesThe Farmhouse,AndDreams ofHis Home. That`s Life A mountain is not higher than our confidence it will be under our feets, if we reach the top Coins always make sound but The currency notes are always silent. So, when your value increases Keep yourself calm and silent. When u feel depressed,confused or hurt. Don`t worry stand in front of a mirror,u will find the best one to solve your problem. Trust Yourself! Honey bees must tap two hundred flowers To make one drop of honey.. Remember: The sweetest reward comes from the hardest struggle.. The basic difference between God and Human.. God; gives,gives,gives and 4gives. Human; GETS,gets,gets and 4gets. Everybody is weak. Everybody fails. Being strong is fighting. It`s hard and it`s painful and It`s every day. It`s what we have to do. When you believe something can be done, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing in a solution paves the way to a solution !! To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: Leave no stone unturned. People often say that Motivation doesn`t last. Well, neither does bathing That`s why we recommend it daily. Luckey is who get the opportunity Brilliant is who creates da oppertunity Winner is who uses the opportunity Have A Great Day ! Best Of LucK. Life is too short. If we work Good. Or If we work Bad. In 2 cases life will end. So if we work good than we are died peacefully. Whenever you see a successful person you see the public glories, never see the private sacrifices to reach them We must stop assuming that a thing which has never been done before probably cannot be done at all. I know I`m Something, Because Go doesn`t Create Garbage Words written on the Entrance of An American University.. Can we do romance in the evening today? I`m in a good mood Just a little bit of kissing and biting Reply me soon! Urs lovingly MOSQUITO Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values. Do not limit your challenges Challenge your limits. Born with personality is an accident, BUT Dying as a personality is an achievement. MY WAY OF LIFE . People Laugh Because i am Different,And i Laugh Because They Are All the Same,Thats Called`ATTITUDE`. LIVE IT YOUR OWN WAY Born with the personality is an Accident. But To die as a `Personality is an Achievement`.. Achieve the best in youe Life !! Old concept: Do or Die New concept: Do b4 u die Latest concept: Don`t die, until u do. Champions aren`t made in the gym. Champions are made from something They have deep inside a Desire, a Dream, a Vision. Take the first step in FAITH you don`t have to see the whole staircase just take the first step The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Life is a great travel trip.. Problem is that it doesnt come with a map. We`ve to search our own ways to reach the Destinations..! Now the World is becoming a Bad Place to Live In,, Not because of Bad People,, But Due to Silence of the Good People.. Have a Peaceful Day.. Always have a unique character like salt, It`s presence is not felt But it`s absence makes all things tasteless. Golden words If People Around You Are Trying to Pull You Down, Be Proud of It! It Only Means One Thing, That You Are Above Them. The whole secret of a successful life Is to find out what is one`s destiny to do, And then do it. Never hold yourself solely responsible for any misfortune in life because no single raindrop is never alone responsible for any flood. Never change your originality For the sake of others. Because no one can play your role Better than you. So be yourself. You are the best. The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague, Who shall say where one ends. and the other begins? It is hard to fail, But it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Winners believe that they create their own luck by their actions; losers believe in good and bad luck. The significance of a man Is not in What he attains But In what He longs to attain. A fantastic quote for life: Satisfy the person who expects from U, Rather than surprising the person who never expects anything. Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, What you can accomplish. When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, You begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others. Look at the Clock when u r sitting simply. But Never Look at Clock When U r working. The Hard Reality of Life is that.. When u need ADVICE, Everyone is ready to HELP You.. But When u need HELP, Everyone is Ready toADVISE You. Failure is the only opportunity to begin the same work with more intelligency.. A good plan of today is better than a great plan of tomorrow. Look backward with satisfaction look forward with confidence. If you want to enjoy anything, always think today is the first day But If you want to achieve anything always think today is the last day. In each single day we smile and laugh so many times. We never thank Allah afterevery smile but wedo blame complain Him for every tear we cry Once a wise man was asked: What is meaning of life He said: Life itself has no meaning, life is an opportunity to create a meaning .. Life is too short, To Kiss Slowly, Laugh Insanely, Love Truly and Forgive Quickly Never design your character like a garden,Where anyone can walk. Design your character like the sky, Where everyone candesire to reach Hitler Life is Better When You`re Happy But Life is At its Best When Other People Are Happy Because Of U.. Be Inspired.. Give Peace.. And Share Smile You Can`t Bring Back The Past, For It is All Gone. All You Can Do is Let Go. Move on, and Make Better Memories For The Future. Take a sweet smile when you are insulted. Sometimes, a smile is enough to make them regret with their words. It is better to be admired than to be popular. Strive to be better yourself, and not to please others If You Don`t Believe In Miracles, Perhaps You`ve Forgotten You Are One;-) Have A Happy Weekend! Enjoy! :-* There comes a time when you have to stop remembering your mistakes and move on. No regrets in life,just lessons. You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump. Have a great day! If people make you feel that you are less needed, learn to do this: KEEP DISTANCE The one that angers you controls you. Don`t give anyone that power! especially the one who does it intentionally. 🙂 Have an exceptional day Never apologize for saying what you feel. That`s like saying sorry for being REAL. One lie is all it takes for someone to lose interest in you. It`s always best to be upfront, remaining real and to tell the truth Don`t point out other people`s flaws because you`re not perfect. You have to look in the mirror before you can look out the window. A tongue has no bones but it can hurt someone`s feelings. So always be concious and be wise on what you`ll say. A mountain is not higher than your confidence.. for it will be under your feet when you reach the top.. Have a cool day! Hot heads and cold hearts can never solve anything. Scarcity is counting the number of seeds in an apple. Abundance is contemplating the number of apples in a seed. May u have an abundant life! Our life is filled with a promiseof beautiful experiences,but only if westop and notice all the little things thatmake up the whole picture. A valuable lesson that a traffic signal teaches us: Every problem is like a Red Signal, If you wait for some time, it will Turn Green. REJECTIONS has a useful purpose that is, for us to learn either to change ourselves for the better or to justify who we are. Happiness is like a rainbow. Sometimes we can only see it after weve shed enough tears in our cloudy days. May you find happiness every day! HOPE is the little voice you hear whisper maybe when it seems the entire world is shouting no. Never lose hope. Have a great day! Instead of wishing you were someone else, be proud of who you are, you never know whose been looking at you and wishing they could be YOU. aLways try 2 be happy watever Lyf brings.. remember dat evry 60 sec0nds u spend in being upset is a minute of happiness u can nver get back. In this world some people will throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make from them. A WALL or A BRIDGE! Forget about the world Failure. If you`re always learning new things, you`re always winning in life. Have a cool day! Do not lower your standards to keep anyone. Make them meet you at your level. Self-respect is your power. The 3 C`s of Life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change. Everything that u losehas it`s ownway of returning back to u,the funnything is,it`s not always the way u expect it. Sometimes it`even more. Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. Show the world you ROCK! Have a wonderful day! HATING people takes too much time. FORGIVE them, not because they deserve it but because you are on a HIGHER level than they are. Don`t accuse unless you are able to PROVE and don`t blame unless you are able to FORGIVE and don`t forgive unless you are able to FORGET. Don`t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it`s stormy now doesn`t mean you aren`t headed for sunshine. God bless us all! Life islike a camera. Focus onwhat`s important,capturethe good times,develop from the negatives and if thingsdon`t work,justtake another shot.
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