Monday, September 30, 2019
College Is a Waste of Time and Money Essay
1. Affluence- Abundance of money, property and other material goods Permissive- Habitually or characteristically accepting or tolerant of something, as social behavior or linguistic usage, which others might disapprove or forbid Elitist- A person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society 2. The time and money put into college are not balanced with the return rate. * Society has developed an unspoken standard that college is the best fit for upcoming adults and for them to achieve the highest education possible. But in fact, most students do not want to be there because they do not want to learn. * â€Å"no more than 25 percent of their students are turned on by classwork†¦up to 30% are in college reluctantly†* College has failed at its expectations and promises to give opportunities to students that most bargained for. * There is already a surplus of adult workers in the economy with more experience than the out-of-college student. Even with a degree in hand, graduated students do not have the upper hand over the experienced adults. * College education fails to ready students for the real because liberal arts is a religion rather than a preparation. * â€Å"A liberal-arts education is supposed to provide you with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas, not a job.†3. College is an over-rated system that does not give out what a student gives in. 4. Based on the author’s logic, I do agree with the author’s argument. Although she uses a small amount of specific evidence, she reasons well and thoroughly. As society has developed, it has pushed for everyone to obtain the highest education possible, which most students aren’t prepared for nor will they continue with their degree. The world simply cannot go round with a population full of highly educated people.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Study of Internet Addiction
Introduction: A passion adds value to one's life, an addiction takes away value. When the line between these two is crossed, the addict is often the last to know, due to their denial. A family and social history will reveal that the subject is being evaluated by close friends as actually suffering a great loss from their activity. While time spent online can be hugely productive, compulsive Internet use can interfere with daily life, work, and relationships. When you feel more comfortable with your online friends than your real ones, or you can’t stop yourself from playing games, gambling, or compulsively surfing even when it has negative consequences in your life then you may be using the Internet too much.Learn about the signs and symptoms of Internet addiction and how to balance your life online and off. Rapid development of computer technology in information society and particularly the invention and advancement of internet led to major changes in human life. Today, thanks to internet, it is possible to shop from virtual stores, to meet new people and make new friends via social networks, to easily access information and sources required for any subject or to be informed about any event that takes place anywhere in the world In addition to many positive effects, it is possible to discuss negative effects of computers, particularly of internet on individuals and society.The concept of internet addiction refers to the excessive use of internet which in turn causes various problems in individual, social and professional aspects. Internet addiction recently began to be analyzed as a psychological problem in association with various psychological problems in the academic world. Particularly educators, psychological counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists tended to carry out various researches on internet addiction.BODY Internet Addiction is a problem more common in society as Internet usage is increasing. The prevalence of Internet use worldwide is in creasing. Along with the benefits the Internet brings, problems of excessive Internet use is becoming apparent. As a result, along with drug and alcoholic addictions nowadays, there is one more – Internet addiction, last but not least.The opinions on the methods for the solution vary, because the problem was not studied enough. One of the solutions is to attend support groups and get the professional help. Some individuals with strong will power might be able to get rid of the addiction by themselves, understanding that this is a problem, which has to be solved in order to have a normal life. Internet Addiction, otherwise known as computer addiction, online addiction, or internet addiction disorder (IAD), covers a variety of impulse-control problems, including:Addiction – compulsive use of Internet pornography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play sites impacting negatively on real-life intimate relationships. Cyber Relationship Addiction – addiction to social networking, chat rooms, and messaging to the point where virtual, online friends become more important than real life relationships with family and friends.Net Compulsions – such as compulsive online gaming, gambling, stock trading, or compulsive use of online auction sites such as eBay, often resulting in financial and job-related problems. Information Overload – compulsive web surfing or database searching, leading to lower work productivity and less social interaction with family and friends. Computer Addiction – obsessive playing of off-line computer games, such as Solitaire or Minesweeper, or obsessive computer programming. The most common of these Internet addictions are cybersex, online gambling, and cyber-relationship addiction.METHOD For data gathering Study ModelThis is a descriptive study which used survey model. As it is known, survey models aim to indicate an existing situation. In this framework, we tried to determine internet addiction l evels of the individuals from all age groups.Study Group Population of the study consisted of the individuals living in Tinago Naga City province of Camarines Sur . Among random sampling methods, simple random sampling method was used to determine the study group. Study group of the study consisted of a total of 596 individuals from different age groups living in Tinago Naga City center. Of the individuals in the study group, 284 (47.7%) were male, 312 (52.3%) were female.As for the distribution of the study group according to age groups; a total of 109 (18.3%) belonged to the age group of 19 and below; 98 (16.4%) belonged to the age group of 20-29 155 (26.0%) belonged to the age group of 30-39; 141 (23.7%) belonged to the age group of 40-49; and 93 (15.6) belonged to the age group of 50 and above. As for the distribution of the participants according to professional status, it was found that 191 (32.0%) were students; 221 (37.1%) worked in various professions; 39 (6.5%) were une mployed; 119 (20.0%) were housewives and 26 (4.4%) were retired.Data Analysis and InterpretationEach of the items in internet addiction scale was scaled as Never (1), Rarely (2) Sometimes (3), Generally (4) and Always (5). In parallel with the structure of the scale, for three sub-factors, averages of the response of the individuals to five-item type scale were calculated severally. High averages indicate high level of internet addiction while low averages indicate low addiction levels.The scores obtained from the responses of the individuals to five-item type scale did not show a standard character due to the differences in number of items in the sub-factors. For this reason, obtained raw scores were converted into standard scores (minimum 20maximum 100). The levels corresponding to the scores obtained from sub-scales can be summarized as follows: low internet addiction (20-51), mean internet addiction (52-67), high internet addiction (68-100). In this framework, internet addiction levels of the individuals were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviationConclusion Surfing the internet can be an interest for people. But people need to use it properly. If not, it will become internet addiction. Internet addiction harmfulness is bigger than â€Å"TV addiction†. In deed internet addiction can be called â€Å"a mental illness†. Playing online games reasonably can make people happy on free time. People also can increase the relationships between friends by rational use of network. Indisputably, network is a good way to find the information. Then, buying something online is very convenient. But doing anything need moderately. Otherwise it will be bad for people. There are some way to treat the online addiction. People can go outside to do some sport. Then people do not have energy to play computer.Also, people spend time to chat with friends at real life. It is good way to improve the friends relationship. Well-educated men with a thirst for knowledge. Current research indicates that Internet addicts can be of any race or gender. They will generally fall between the ages of 18 and 55, with an average of 15 years of education. In addition, it appears that many individuals become addicted for social rather than intellectual reasons. As technologies become increasingly accessible and diverse, age and education will no longer serve as useful guidelines for examining Internet addiction.Recommendation Internet Addiction is a problem more common in society as Internet usage is increasing. The prevalence of Internet use worldwide is increasing. Along with the benefits the Internet brings, problems of excessive Internet use is becoming apparent. As a result, along with drug and alcoholic addictions nowadays, there is one more – Internet addiction, last but not least. The opinions on the methods for the solution vary, because the problem was not studied enough.There are a number of steps you can take to get your Internet use under control. While you can initiate many of these yourself, it’s important you get some outside support as well. It can be all too easy to slip back into old patterns of usage, especially if you use the Internet heavily for work or other important activities. 1. Consider Taking a Technology HolidayTurn off the computer. Don’t use it on a daily basis. If you have to use it, use it only for necessary tasks. Force yourself to go off-line, and say ‘goodbye' temporarily (or possibly, permanently) to those people you are conducting a life with on the Internet. You can start this in a gradual way by creating a computer-free day, gradually extending this to include larger periods of time. Start by designating one day per week that you will not turn on the computer or log onto the Internet.The reason for this is simple. You want to begin to train your nervous system to recognize that you can tolerate a day or an evening without something that you use on such a co nsistent basis. Until you prove to your body and mind that this can be done, you're going to continue in the repetitious cycle of your behavior. This acceptance and acknowledgement of the possibility of your having a problem allows your personal resources to be focused on the possibility of change.The important thing to remember is that change has to start somewhere. If you make no changes in your life, time will continue to pass. It will pass just as easily as you begin to make small changes in how you expend your time and energy. Craziness is simply the resistance to change or, rather, the insistence that something be different, in spite of making no efforts to change.2. Find Other Interests Preferably something that has nothing to do with computers or the Internet. Try a new activity or hobby. It would be even better if it could include your spouse, friend, or significant other. Force yourself to expand what you think you can do and try something new – it doesn’t ma tter what. Don’t give in the voice inside you that says you can’t do it.3. Exercise There is probably no one single recommendation that I can make that can have as many positive implications for your life. Exercise offers a variety of potential benefits. It’s fun. It can improve your health; increase your longevity; improve your overall functioning on a daily basis; improve your energy; increase your mood; and improve your self-esteem. There is considerable research on the efficacy of exercise in improving psychological well being along with improvement in treating addiction problems.There appears to be evidence in the addiction literature that many addictive behaviors produce changes in the neurotransmitter Dopamine (among others). This is what may produce the ‘kick’ or ‘high’ to behaviors such as gambling, compulsive eating, alcohol, or drugs. Dopamine is a responsible for changes in brain chemistry that â€Å"feels†good. It i s this â€Å"good feeling†that contributes to the repetition of the behavior over and over. althrough this is not fully understood. Before starting up any exercise program it is important that you consult your physician or healthcare practitioner.4. Watch Less Television I am convinced that the use and abuse of television exacerbates many problems in our society. TV is a passive activity that takes your time and energy and gives you little in return. Although there are many positives about television, it has the negative probability to waste your time just as the Internet can. Further, it can take the time you could use to focus on your relationships or other activities in your life. It is also quite addictive. TV can also be a trigger to engage in other addictive patterns of behavior such as eating or sex. Try to reduce the number of hours you watch TV or better yet designate TV-free days.5. Talk to your friends and family about what is happening in your life Tell them t hat you’re worried about your Internet use. Shame, often associated with secrecy and isolation, further contributes the problem. Telling others offers the potential for support, decreases shame, stops social isolation, and promotes the healing process. All human problems exist in a social context and, therefore, so are the healing process. The hallmarks of any addictive behavior are often shame, secrecy, and isolation. Compulsive Internet use or addiction is potentially insidious because the Internet is a behavior that is typically practiced alone. The more you use it, the more isolated you become; the more isolated you become, the greater the likelihood that you will continue to engage in the self-defeating/addictive pattern due to guilt and shame.6. Develop New Relationships and Friendships Develop new relationships and friendships. Developing new friendships can expand the inner satisfaction you experience in your life. Although technology is stimulating, it does not provi de the personal/emotional connection that relationships do.The computer and the Internet may have the capacity to connect you to the world, and to make the world a smaller place; however, these activities are typically engaged in alone and can be socially isolating. The advances in technology create opportunity for new adventures, but they cannot create the intimacy of human contact. It is my belief (and I like technology) that the greatest inner peace and satisfaction is derived from such relationships.7. Talk to Other About Your Overuse of the Internet Don’t keep it a secret. Secrecy breeds shame and shame adds to the isolation. If the isolation continues, depression can occur. The more depressed a person becomes the more likely he/she will resort to behaviors that will artificially elevate their mood. All addictive behaviors have the capacity to do this. Gambling, Internet drugs, alcohol, shopping, and sex can all have the effect of altering mood. The problem is that we tend to repeat those behaviors that make us feel good even if they have a cost or consequence. This creates the addictive paradox: doing something over and over that negatively impacts us.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Modern marketing techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Modern marketing techniques - Essay Example This imply that consumers are driven by some preconceived ideologies about goods or services and this influences the decision making process by the consumers. Attitude would refer to the ideological conception that exist in one’s mind about the product and which greatly influence the buying habits of the consumer. They sought to study the consumer behavior and the green marketing through special focus on gasoline products. By collecting data through surveys and then analyzing them through regression method, the group found supportive evidence that the consumers’ behaviors have greatly influenced the marketing procedures within the context of gasoline products in that most preference is now banked on the environmental friendly gasoline products. This has therefore the implications that majority of suppliers of the energy products such as the gasoline products are driven to market their products in ways that are most appealing in manners of environmental appeal. This expl ains the modern branding mechanisms that are adopted by the firms dealing with these products (Singh et al, 2011, p.101). The character or traits that are exhibited by consumers are what is called the consumer behavior and is revealed while searching for, purchasing, using, disposing and evaluating products as well as services that are useful and through which they gain the utility required. Through these considerations then, consumers are influenced in making decision as well as spending their resources for the satisfaction of need and wants. The information that marketers get from the consumers is thus seen to be very important while directing o n the appropriate marketing procedures as well as practices in order to achieve efficiency within the market. This describes why majority of modern marketing revolves around consumer behavior while carrying out a market analysis, target market selection, market-mix determination as well as the marketing strategies mostly reliable within a certain market segment (Bello, 2008, p.1-4). This therefore explains the various marketing mechanisms that are in use today, and which are determined by the consumer behaviors exhibited. Advertising is one tool of marketing and which describes a mechanism that is employed by marketers to pass across valuable information to the potential customers in a bid to win their attention in purchases. As an avenue for informing, advertising is efficient in customizing the consumers’ behavior through appealing to their emotions as well as through group identity. A study carried to ascertain the relationship between effective advertising and the behavior of consumers in buying revealed that there is actually strong evidence to link the consumers’ behavior to the advertisement activities. An in depth analysis also revealed a strong relationship between emotional appeal as well as the consumer purchasing behavior (Abideen and Saleem, nd, p. 55). This therefore revealed that there is a strong base to ascertain that consumers purchase more the goods or
Friday, September 27, 2019
LGBT clients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
LGBT clients - Essay Example This is important considering language has a history of being used to oppress and discriminate the LGBT community. Moreover, every person has a right to live an entirely functioning and emotionally healthy life regardless his or her gender identity and expression. The importance of understanding the terminologies to use when addressing a LGBT client, does not only show respect but also contribute to LGBT client’s self acceptant and Council’s competence in handling LGBT clients. There are several advantages in understanding the language and terminologies as a LGBT councilor. The first advantage is that such knowledge help in creating a welcoming environment for the LGBT persons and people close to them by establishing a counseling space that affirms LGBT person’s identity (Burnes et al, 2009). For example, a councilor may intentionally have LGBT-positive magazine in his or her counseling office and waiting rooms. The second advantage could be acceptable language help achieve an open, informative and fruitful discussion with a client on their experience. By doing so the councilor is able to assist the client overcome any potential inbuilt negative attitudes of themselves and their loved ones. Third advantage is that constan t use of acceptable language ensures that the counselors’ own perception or knowledge about LGBT does not interfere with his or her work. Lastly, understanding the LGBT’s languages makes it possible to acknowledge the diversity among LGBT people. For example, LGBT persons from different race, age or religion will use different terminology to refer to the same thing. There are a number of terms that the LGBT persons generally prefer being referred to and those they term abusive. The firs term one should avoid when referring to LGBTs is homosexuals, instead, use words such as, gay people, lesbians, or gay man. This is because homosexual is a clinical term that tend to
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment Essay
Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment differ from kidnapping How does it differ from false arrest - Essay Example The detective later learns that the person is innocent, but still go ahead to lock the person up. It could then be said that the detective has falsely imprisoned the individual and this is a clear case of false imprisonment. It should be noted that false imprisonment differs from kidnapping in so many ways. While false imprisonment is usually done by officers of the law, kidnapping is not in any way done by officers of the law. Kidnapping is the criminally act of abducting somebody forcefully against their will and it is usually done for ransom. False imprisonment is usually carried out with the officers that made the false imprisonment giving the impression that they are working according to the statutes of the law, while kidnapping is in every way against the law. Thus, to a certain extent false imprisonment has the support of the law at least up to the extent that it has been established that it is false imprisonment. While kidnapping on the other hand does not have the support of the law in any way (Friedman, 2002). False imprisonment differs from false arrest in the sense that while false imprisonment generally involves the imprisonment of an individual by a detective or an officer of the law, false arrest does not necessarily ends in imprisonment.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
A Short Diary of our History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Short Diary of our History - Term Paper Example The defining event in the 19th Century of American history was the expansion of westward. In other words, it was not the simple story of â€Å"Empire of Liberty†. I am of the view that cited expansion in 60 years after the purchase of Louisiana in fact destroyed the Republic earlier than it was expected (Foner 63). After one hundred and fifty years of civil war, number of Americans blamed civil war of slavery. It did not necessarily mean to target specific segment of the society. The civil war provided American people a chance to face slavery as an issue boldly (Foner). In my own view, slavery around the globe in general and specifically in the modern world raised many eyebrows about the norms of a civilized society. This reminds me the era of free trading of slaves in the Roman Empire, which was at that time considered a civilized nation amongst the comity of nation. The Industrial Revolution, which spread over fifty years, played a key role toward economic my development. I consider it a great change in terms of conversion of hand knitted production to machine made production in the factory premises. The spinning and weaving machines, which were operated through the power of water switched over to steam power. This really helped me in boosting industrial growth. Further, there can be no difference of opinion amongst the architects of American economy that it has changed the American society and economy revolutionarily (Foner 107). Apart from other economies involved in the First World War, the war in question proved blessings in disguise for me and the American people in terms of rapid growth of their economy. I can say that mentioned War increased many opportunities of employment, remuneration for us besides handsome profits to the indigenous industry. Out of this war, America becomes the great power of the world as well as the most favored credit
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Week 9 Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 9 Case study - Assignment Example A diet history will be required to determine if the problem stems from an iodine-deficient diet. Anemia is also another cause for lymphadenopathy. Anemia is characterized by low iron levels in the body, either from an iron-deficient diet or other metabolic and genetic disorders. Lack of iron in the body is commonly associated with hypothyroidism, which can manifest through enlarged thyroid glands (Ravanbod et al., 2013; Chandel, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015). Some studies have also shown that thyroid hormones are responsible for erythropoiesis (Iddah et al., 2013) and changes in thyroid function influence erythrocyte indices significantly (Bremner et al., 2012). Therefore, hypothyroidism may be the primary cause of anemia in the patient, which explains the weight loss. To know if the condition is due to an iron deficiency, the patient will be required to provide a detailed diet history or any past illnesses that may interfere with iron metabolism in the body. The patient will be required to undergo certain tests to confirm the cause of the weight loss and lymphadenopathy. Thyroid function tests are essential to determine if the thyroid gland is working as it should be. If the tests confirm hypothyroidism, a treatment plan will be formulated for the patient. However, if the problem is not from the thyroid gland, further tests to confirm the serum iron levels will be done. Iron deficiency is indicative of a poor diet or other metabolic disorders. Iron deficiency may also increase the chances of thyroid dysfunction, which the woman is experiencing. Depleted iron stores are also a symptom of impaired thyroid function (Chandei, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015). Clinical signs can also show if the patient has anemia or hypothyroidism. To detect anemia, the physician will check the fingertips and the inner sides of the eyelids to confirm if they are pale. Due to the low amount of hemoglobin in anemic
Monday, September 23, 2019
Understanding the relationship between The banking sector and money Research Paper
Understanding the relationship between The banking sector and money laundering - Research Paper Example The annotated bibliography will enable me establish validity of the research, consider multiple perspectives and viewpoints of numerous authors and gain more background information on the topic of study. The annotated bibliography will also follow the appropriate citation style (Oliver, 2010). My research strategy for locating resources for my portfolio project while entail using information technology resources in the library such as computers to search for research databases on numerous authors who have studied the topic in order to get more background information (Oliver, 2010). I will be able to compare various sources in order to establish the relevancy and validity of their findings in my portfolio project. I will scholarly sources such as published books and peer reviewed journals that offer credible background information on various subjects of study (Oliver, 2010). The determining factors that will influence my decision include the relevancy of the source, the validity of the content and consistency of the information contained in the source (Oliver, 2010). I will also look at the credibility of the authors, the publishers and objectivity of facts presented by the author. I will also ensure the source ideas and findings are collaborated by other authors and ideas are logical according to the background information of my annotated bibliography (Oliver, 2010). My strategy has not changed since I will prepare an annotated bibliography that will guide me while writing the portfolio project. I will summarize the main sources, assess their relevancy to my topic, and reflect on their importance to my portfolio project (Oliver, 2010). I will seek help from the college writing center and my lecturers on how to arrange my ideas in a logical manner and different aspects that should be incorporated in the portfolio project. I will consult my lecturer on the difficult aspects of the project such
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Photography - Essay Example Public disclosure of private facts would be another basis for a tort involving photography. For instance, if one takes a picture of another at an AIDS clinic, and it is clear that this picture was taken at an AIDS clinic, and this picture was published, then this would be public disclosure of private facts, and it would be actionable. Publicity that places another in a false light is another restriction. Perhaps an example of this would be to photograph a teetotaler with a beverage that resembles a beer, when it is actually a non-alcoholic beer. The fourth major restriction is that one cannot take another’s likeness or name to use for one’s own advantage (Krages, 2007). An example of this might be taking a picture of somebody, then putting this picture up on one’s own website and use it, without permission, to advertise one’s business. While the right to photograph others in public is pretty straightforward, in that, with some restrictions, there is genera lly a right to photograph individuals in public, it is different in private places. This might include residences, museums, concerts, etc. The owner of the venue or the residence has a right to restrict photography within the residence or venue. Generally they post signs stating this fact, but, even if they do not, they have the right to verbally prohibit photographers from taking photographs (Manning, 2012). In general, I think that photography laws are just right. I believe that anyone has the right to photograph anybody on the street, yet I also see the need for the restrictions. If an individual is suffering from AIDS and does not want this known, then he or she has the right to make sure that his or her picture at the clinic is not publicized. This is a basic privacy right to keep one’s illness hidden, and it is perfectly acceptable to make sure that this privacy right is not abridged. Likewise, it is a clear invasion of privacy to take pictures with long-range lenses, s o this is another excellent restriction. The false light restriction also goes a long way to protecting privacy and protecting others from defamation. In other words, I feel that the restrictions upon photographing individuals provide an excellent balance between the first amendment rights of photographers with the privacy rights of individuals. As for restrictions in private residences and venues, I wish that these restrictions would be lessened, although I understand that private places have a right to make these restrictions. Discussion 3 According to Mendelson (2007), paparazzi are denigrated by journalists, who do not consider what he paparazzi do to be in line with journalism’s ethics. This is because they are intrusive and often harass their celebrity â€Å"prey.†Not only that, their focus is often on the trivial, as opposed to the focus of a â€Å"serious†journalist. Alach (2008) takes issue with the fact that the paparazzi invade the celebrity’ s privacy. He also decries their tactics, stating that paparazzi often scare the children of celebrities, and that they often â€Å"hunt in packs,†with hordes of photographers, who have been tipped off about a certain celebrity’s whereabouts, ambushing the hapless celebrity and the family of the celebrity. Alach (2008) finds paparazzi to be exploitive, therefore their First Amendment rights
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pearl Harbor Essay Example for Free
Pearl Harbor Essay â€Å"Injustice any where is a threat everywhere,†as Martin Luther King stated. It varies from bullying to unjust workers. The Holocaust is a great example of injustice. Innocent Jewish people were killed for just being of their faith. Racial Discrimination and bullying are a few other examples of injustice that are prevented. This could have been prevented, granted people did not act as fast as they did to follow Hitler. Such injustice should keep from happening in the future. Injustice comes in many ways and forms. From bullying to unfair judging of others. The Holocaust was a great example of injustice. The Jewish community did not deserve such torment for being Jewish. In World War 2 Adolph Hitler wanted to clear Germany of all Jews and turn Germany into a communist country. The injustice that was happening in Germany was spreading across Europe. Eventually other countries like Italy and Russia were under the influence of communism. This injustice was spreading across Europe . The United States found this to be unjust and had to interfere because they found this to be a threat to them. War crimes such as this are perfect examples of injustice. Another example is the racism of the 60’s. There was so much fighting towards the Black population and it was unfair. The African-American population had been seeking freedom and equal rights since slaves were freed. Dr. Martin Luther King tried to make equal rights true for all. He did such and succeeded, which led to equal rights and no more racial discrimination. There are many more ways that injustice shows up in history but these are some main examples. Even from a simple shove to a kid you do not like to something as upscale as the Holocaust, injustice should be prevented. Injustice may be widespread, but it can be stopped. The Holocaust and Racial Discrimination were unjust, but they were stopped, which proves that any injustice can be stopped. You could do something as little to tell a bully to stop. Whenever given the chance stop injustice, take it. It can be prevented in large organizations also. Such groups come together to talk about and help others experiencing injustice in their lives. People can do much more to prevent injustice than they think. Always speak out against injustice because you could save a life. Those who dared to speak out in the Holocaust were killed, but their death was not in vain. These people led to the freedom of the Jews. This proves that speaking out against injustice can save people. In conclusion, injustice can be prevented in many different ways. You can do anything from stopping a bully to starting an organization. Injustice comes in many ways and forms. No matter what way injustice is seen, you should do what you can to prevent it.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The interactions between structure and agency
The interactions between structure and agency How does the work of Giddens help us to understand the interactions between structure and agency? Anthony Giddens has become one of the first few British social theorists in recent times to have an international reputation for his influential work on social theory (Craib, 1992). According to Craib, the work of Giddens is very influential, not only because of its quantity but also for the range of different ideas it brings together (Craib, 1992). In this essay, I will discuss and critically analyse how the work of Giddens help us to understand the interactions between structure and agency. I will first outline and define what the terms structure and agency mean, according to both classical theorists and Anthony Giddens. Structure can be defined as pattern of social relationships and a system that identifies how these patterns operate in the society. In functionalism, Structure is a broad term defined by its function (Giddens, 1979). On the other hand, In Structuralism, structure is defined as more explanatory in nature due to the element of transformations. The difference between structure and function is similar to the one between code and message; both are dependants on each other (Giddens, 1979). Hence, both functionalism and structuralism share overall characteristics between each other. The difference between structure and system is that structures are patterns of social relationships whereas system refers to the actual functioning of such relationships (Giddens, 1979). According to Giddens, structure is when the rules and resources are organised as properties of social systems. Whereas systems are reproduced relations between actors organised as social practices. Structuralisms are the conditions governing the duality of both structure and system for the reproduction of social systems (Giddens, 1984). Giddens states that, structure means a structural property providing the binding of time and space in social systems. These properties are the rules and resources for the reproduction of social systems. Thus, structure means the study of the following, firstly the knowledge, how things are to be done by social actors. Secondly, social practices which are used to gain that knowledge. And lastly, capabilities of these practices for example what they can change (Giddens, 1979). In social sciences, structural analysis involves the study of Structutaion of social systems. Hence, rules and practices exist in conjunction with one another. In a nutshell, we can say that, Structures are rules and resources, which are organised as properties of social systems. Whereas systems are reproduced relationships between actors organised as social practices. Structutaion are the conditions deciding the continuity or transformation of structures and systems (Giddens, 1979). Both functionalism and structuralism are very similar despite their differences, they both express a naturalistic standpoint and hence they both prefer objectivism. Gidden argues that agents reproduce the conditions that make human social activities possible (Giddens, 1984). Duality of structure can be viewed in many ways, its a conformist way looking at structure, something which constrains action or even determines it. It is difficult to assume that structure and agency are the same thing, however they do have many similarities. According to Giddens, it is social practices which constitute us as actors (Gidden, 1984). Giddens argues that agency is the centre of sociological concern; however the crucial feature of action is that it is not determined. Giddens claims that action is a continuous flow, a process whereby it cant be broken down into reasons and motives. He argues that rather it is a process in which we monitor and rationalize our daily actions (Turker, 1998). According to Giddens, agency involves a notion of practical consciousness, such as all the things that we know as social actors, and hence must know to make social life happen. Giddens see the relationship between structure and agency as the duality of structure, whereby individuals reflexively produce and reproduce their social life (Turker, 1998). According to Giddens, agency is when an individual is able to observe his/her own experience and then be able to give reasons for their action. Agency should be identified with reasoning and knowledge (Turker, 1998). Giddens argues that we as actors know what we are doing, hence we are conscious of these things, we routinely rationalize what we do. Giddens argues that as individuals we can often give a rational account of what we are doing. Giddens states that a sense of routine is needed in order to have self security. For example, if your daily routine is broken you are more likely to feel insecure (Craib, 1992). Agency and Power, an agent (individual) is able to act or influence the outside world or resist from such intervention. In other words, to be an agent means to be able to use range of casual (daily life) powers such as influential powers that may already be used or deployed by others (Giddens, 1984). Whereas, action depends upon the capability of those individuals to make a difference to a pre-existing state of affairs in the society. An agent doesnt exist anymore when he or she loses the capability to make a difference or in other words, when they lose power (Giddens, 1984). In terms of sociology, power can be defined as the will or capacity to achieve desired and intended outcomes. Giddens, agrees with Bachrach and Baratz when they classify two faces of power, which are, firstly the capability of individuals to influence decisions and secondly the mobilization of bias (Giddens, 1984). Giddens argues that the resources are the structured properties of social systems, taken and improved by knowledgeable agents or individuals in the society during their course of interaction. Giddens further goes on to state that, power is not just connected to the achievement of the individuals interests. Power itself is not a resource; resources are media through which power is exercised (Giddens, 1984). In social science, structure refers to the structuring properties allowing the binding of time-space in social systems (Giddens, 1984). It will not be right to call structures as rules and resources due to its different implications in philosophical literature. The difference between structure and rules is that rules are often connected with games but they are different in terms of social systems (Giddens, 1984). Rules are frequently treated in the singular; hence rules cannot be separated from resources. However, on the other hand structural properties represent domination and power (Giddens, 1984). The Structutaion theory states that rules and resources used in the production and reproduction of social action are at the same time the means of system reproduction. Therefore, we can say that a rule is more or less similarly to having a habit or routine (Giddens, 1984). Habit is a part of routine and have significant role in social life. Whereas, rules of social life are techniques or generalised procedures applied in reproduction of social practices (Giddens, 1984). Furthermore, formulated rules can be expressed such as bureaucratic rules, rules of games and so on. Knowledge of procedure of doing social activity is methodological (Giddens, 1984). As social actors, all human beings are highly knowledgeable in the production and reproduction of day to day activities. This knowledge is more practical rather than theoretical in nature. On the other hand, what does intentional mean? According to Giddens it is an act carried out by an individual when he knows there will be particular outcome or quality of that act (Giddens, 1984). Hence, this knowledge of specific outcome is known to the individual when he starts pursuing that particular act. According to Giddens, there is a difference between what is intended and what is done (Giddens, 1984). The consequences of what agents do, intentionally or unintentionally, are the events which could have not happened if the individuals had behaved differently (Giddens, 1984). The consequences play an important role in deciding what agent has done. Merton has claimed that the study of unintended consequences is very important in the sociological system. Every activity can have two functions, Non-Significant Consequences or either Significant Consequences (Giddens, 1984). Merton differentiates intentional activity from its unintended consequences. For example, if an individual is intending to turn the light switch on, he or she might face a consequence to trigger the alarm but not with an intention to call the police or to get caught by them and spend rest of his /her life in the jail. Here, the intentional activity was just to turn the light on; however, due to unintended consequences (alarm being triggered) the outcome was different (Giddens, 1984). On the other hand, both Freud and Gidden claim that there are mini agents within the human agent. Freud states that these mini agents within the human agents decide their actions. These mini agents have been classified as id, ego and super ego. However, Gidden doesnt agree with Freud when he says it is ego (mini agent) within the human agents that decides their actions (Mestrovic, 1998). Here id or unconscious behaviour means the desires that these agents create within the mind of an individual (human agent) that is beyond rational thinking and consciousness (Mestrovic, 1998). Freuds usage of unconsciousness was later replaced by Giddens terminology of unconscious motives. Freud referred things like sexual and violent urges to state of unconsciousness while Giddens simply defined unconsciousness as state of mind when human beings are not conscious of something or in other words they cannot express their feelings into words. This explanation was given by Giddens without using any analysis from any other social theorists (Mestrovic, 1998). Gidden has stated that there should a democratic relationship between a parent and a young child. For example, It is the right of the child, to be treated as equal to an adult. It needs to be justified when we say no you are too young to negotiate with children. However, it is difficult for an adult parent to make their child understand about sexual stereotypes without causing any emotional damage to the child (Mestrovic, 1998). The modernists believe culture should be blamed for this but the reality is that these children freely select what they like according to their own preferences. Because the rational abilities of the children are not fully developed so they may react to culture in an emotional way. Hence, even critics have accepted Giddens viewpoint that sociology is the study of modern societies and also recognise his significant contribution in the field of social theory (Mestrovic, 1998). On the other hand, Wittgensteinian Philosophy has only emphasized on action theory (nature of reasons or intentions) rather than structural explanation. They havent taken into consideration several other elements such as social change, power relations or conflicts in the society (Giddens, 1979). Furthermore, Durkheim argues that society and individuals have different characteristics and every person is born into an already constituted society. However, he failed to support this external or objective nature of the society in his writings (Giddens, 1979). According to Giddens, risk and trust need to be analyzed together in late modernity. Giddens emphasis the fact that active trust is needed in todays society in order to form social solidarity and personal ties. For example, many people who are in relationships, spend much of their time away from each other living in different countries, hence active trust is needed for the relationship to continue. Trust has to be won and actively sustained for relationships to be successful. Giddens argues that in todays society we see that more women are now divorcing their marriage partners; this then leads them to leading the household by themselves, which then leads to poverty (Giddens, in Beck et al, 1994). Giddens argues that society is produced and also reproduced through human action; hence he rejects any view which states that society might have an existence over individuals (Craib, 1992). Duality of structure is linked to Structutaion, Gidden argues that society normally sees structure as a determining feature of social life, however this is not always the case (Craib, 1992). Gidden also takes the notion reflexivity very seriously, the way in which we represent our social world. In his work, Giddens talks about different types of knowledge, one of the knowledge Giddens mentions is the taken for granted knowledge, which plays an important part in Giddens theory. In other words, this relates to ontological security whereby an individual has a sense of the world and the people around him are more or less the same from day to day (Craib, 1992). Furthermore, Gidden states that reflexivity should not be understood only in terms of self consciousness, but also as the ongoing flow of social life (Giddens, 1984). According to Giddens actors are continuously monitoring their activities; they monitor aspects both physically and socially. Gidden also states that human action can only be defined in terms of intension (Giddens, 1984). Gidden argues that we are incorrect to assume that societies are somehow continuous with geographical borders; rather he believes that systems are more or less open and therefore cut across geographical boundaries (Craib, 1992). Gidden believes that faith is entirely based on trust and vice-versa. In fact, they are closely related to each other. However, he has been criticised by his fellow sociologist for putting too much emphasis on this. For example, human beings have to show faith in things such as religion, science, technology and even teachers notes (Mestrovic, 1998). If there was no faith in these social agents then this modern world would not be able to function properly. On the other hand, we also trust these politicians, scientists, teachers and various other social agents to build up the faith process (Mestrovic, 1998). Over one hundred articles have been published in scholarly journals on Anthony Giddens and his work and very few of them seriously challenged him. The most significant criticism of Giddens concept of structutaion ignores the idea of culture. In the modern society, culture plays a vital role so it needs to be studied in detail. Gidden sometime speaks like a typical Politian rather then being a social theorist. For instance, at one point he talks about a democratic system in the society. Whereas on the other hand, he justifies that sometimes individual interest are different from the common minority groups. During his work on Structuration theory, Giddens does not emphasis that much on the social environments influence on sociology. Gidden argues that social structures are both the condition and the outcome of peoples daily activities; hence one cannot exist without the other. Giddens theory is very similar to Bourdieu; like Bourdieu, Giddens states that social practices are hugely important to the ongoing reproduction of socities (Tucker, 1998). On the other hand, Nicos Mouzelis argues that Giddens in his book The Constitution of society didnt give enough emphasise to the constraining effects of social structure. (Bryant and Jary, 2001). Though, Giddens replied back to his critic by Mouzelis and stated that Mouzelis critic was not justified in terms of the content of what he wrote (Bryant and Jary, 2001). Furthermore, throughout his work Giddens makes a great deal of the notion of time and space. Criab argues that Giddens deals with time and space on two different levels and unless they are clearly distinguished, his work is difficult to understand and confusing (Craib, 1992). In social theory, action and structure are inter-dependent (or are linked to each other) Action or agency is a continuous flow of conduct (regular series of acts). To study the structure of the society is like studying the anatomy of the organisms, where you have to study a number of small functions (Giddens, 1979). Furthermore, Giddens mentions that an understanding of action and structure is needed regardless of what problem one is seeking to analyse (Bryant and Jary, 2001). On the whole, Giddens provides us with evidence through examples and theories to show and help us understand the interaction between structure and agency. ANTHONY GIDDENS-THE LAST MODERNIST, By S G Mestrovic, Routedge (1998) The role of desire in agency and structure Anthony Giddens, 1984, The Constitution of Society, Cambridge: Polity Press. Agency and Structure, Anthony Giddens (1979) Central Problems in Social Theory Risk, Trust, Reflexivity Giddens (In Beck et al, 1994) Reading 5 Craib , I (1992) Modern Social Theory Structutaion theory: There is such a thing as society, there is no such thing as society Reading 6 The contemporary Giddens and Social theory in a Globalizing age (Bryant and Jary, 2001) Reading 7 Structutaion theory Craib, I (1992) Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens, and Modern Social theory/ Tucker, Kenneth, London, Sage (1998) Structuration theory:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Jewish Community in Greece Essay -- Judaism Religion Papers
The Jewish Community in Greece Problems with format ?The Jewish community in Greece has a very colorful and intriguing past, but it is also a history filled with undeserved discriminatory acts and hatred.? The earliest Jews came to Greece either in chains or because of persecution, and soon experienced more hardships and troubles.? And just when Greece had overcome its discrimination and its Jews began to breathe easily, the worst persecution of all befell the community.? The Jewish community in Greece was once large and prominent.? In fact, ?the country once boasted some of the most distinguished and ancient Jewish communities in the world.1 But only a shadow of its once glorious past remains, and Jews are currently facing discrimination today.? The best example of Greek Jewry is the city of Thessaloniki, which exemplifies the shifting community throughout history.? Greek Jews are still facing discrimination, but hopefully, Greek sentiment will change. Greek Jews Throughout History ?Scholars are unsure when Jews first settled on the Greek isles, but most agree the earliest were slaves ?forcibly transported to Greece by way of Cyprus, Ionia, and the Greek isles by various enemies of Judah during the biblical period.?2? Jews came in waves to Greece, usually sold into slavery during wars, such as the Hasmonean War and the Maccabean Wars.? Later, when Rome conquered Asia, even more Jews came to Greece to escape Roman rule, and their numbers continued to increase.? Erich Kahler believes that this is just one reason why the number of Jews in Greece increased so steadily.? The other explanation is ?that Judaism was the first proselytizing religion, the first religion with a mission not only for its own tribe, but fo... ...aughtered Jews. The Times Higher Education Supplement? iss. 1241 (Aug. 16 1996):? 18. Murphy, Brian.? ?Israel Complains About Greek Composer?s ?Anti-Semitic? Comments. Associated Press Worldstream.? 12 Nov. 2003, International News. ?State Department Backs US Envoy to Greece in Spat with Athens. Agence France Presse.? 14 Nov. 2003, Domestic. ?Vandals Attack Jewish Site in Northern Greece. Associated Press Worldstream, 9 Oct. 2003, International News. ?Vandals Spray Holocaust Monument in Greece. Agence France Presse, 9 Oct. 2003, International News. Varouhakis, Miron.? ?Jewish Group Issues Olympic Threat Over Suicide Bombings Exhibit. Associated Press Worldstream.? 9 Oct. 2003, International News. ?Wiesenthal Center Urges Jews to Avoid ?Xenophobic? Greece Before Olympics. Associated Press Worldstream.? 20 Nov. 2003, International News.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
How to Make the Malahat Safer Essay -- mountain highway on Vancouver Is
How to Make the Malahat Safer The debate about how to improve the treacherously narrow and winding Malahat Mountain Highway on South Vancouver Island has been an on-going issue since its conception back in 1861 when it was built as a cattle trail, then up-graded to wagon-road status in 1884 and eventually paved in 1911 (Commission). Currently vital safety upgrades are underway such as concrete barriers to divide the road lanes and stabilization solutions for falling debris. The presence of physical law enforcement units on the highway to manage problems like cell phone usage, impaired drivers and vehicles that are ill equipped for weather conditions is a necessary and crucial part of maintaining safety on the Malahat (Unit). However, due to the fact that the Malahat is built on the side of a mountain, with sheer drop-offs on one side and rock cliffs on the other, there are very few spots from which law enforcement can enforce speed limits. Furthermore, the highway spans over many different municipalities, and en forcement suffers from jurisdictional issues (Rondeau). Speeding is a critical safety problem that is prevalent on the Malahat; reducing speeding by installing speed cameras will substantially decrease the amount of fatal accidents on the highway, as well as save precious natural resources and billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money. There have been substantial government studies done to find solutions for the Malahat, ranging from double decking the highway to building bridges across the Sannich Peninsula inlet, all of which have serious environmental impacts, and are estimated to cost hundreds of millions to billions of dollars (Transportation). The twinning or double decking of the current highway would come with many... ...tober 2013. Reutter, Mark. "New Speed cameras will cost more, not less, from city's preferred vender." 19 April 2013. Baltimore Brew. Web. 10 October 2013. Rondeau, Andrea. "Two-week crack down solves mystrey of Malahat crashes." 04 July 2007. Cowichan Valley Citizen. Web. 01 October 2013. Transportation, Ministry of. "Trans-Canada Highway 1- Malahat Corridor study area Final Report." Not given July 2007. Web. 10 October 2013. Unit, Constable from Intergrated Road Safety. Personal interview, getting opion on Malahat issues Linda Mather. 30 Sept 2013. Personal Interview.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Trainspotting: A Novel By Irvine Welsh Essay -- essays research papers
Trainspotting: A Novel By Irvine Welsh Trainspotting is a captivating story of the random events that occur during a critical time in a group of Scottish junkies' lives. Irvine Welsh illustrates the confusion, anger and turmoil many heroin addicts are subjected to and what happens once they try to quit. The story is centered around Mark Renton, an ordinary twenty-two year old who was raised by a loving mother and father. He has two brothers: one was catatonic and the other was an overachiever. Through court-mandated therapy he was told he envied his parents and resented his older brother. This was what contributed to Rents (what his friends call him) starting to use heroin. Bit by bit the reader is introduced to Rents' friends, cousins, friends' of friends, parents, friends' parents, the list goes on. Anyone with relevance to the life of Mark Renton, the reader meets sooner or later. Everyone in Rents' life is messed up or gets that way somehow. His friend Begbie, for example, is an unhappy little man. He feels he has to make himself seem tough by surrounding himself with "friends" who do nothing but boost his ego by letting Begbie put them down. Aside from being on and off heroin, his good friend Danny Murphy, or Spud (as everyone calls him) is a habitual thief. His friend Simone is nicknamed Sick Boy for good reasons. When he is high he hears voices in his head willing him to do evil things. He likes t...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Assessment Of For And As Learning Essay
Assessment of learning refers to strategies designed to confirm what students know, demonstrate whether or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals of their individualized programs, or to certify proficiency and make decisions about students’ future programs or placements. It is designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents, other educators, the students themselves, and sometimes to outside groups (e. g. , employers, other educational institutions). Assessment of learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’ futures. It is important, then, that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible. Teachers’ Roles in Assessment of Learning Because the consequences of assessment of learning are often far-reaching and affect students seriously, teachers have the responsibility of reporting student learning accurately and fairly, based on evidence obtained from a variety of contexts and applications. Effective assessment of learning requires that teachers provide ?a rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning at a particular point in time ?clear descriptions of the intended learning ?processes that make it possible for students to demonstrate their competence and skill ?a range of alternative mechanisms for assessing the same outcomes ?public and defensible reference points for making judgments ? Transparent approaches to interpretation ?descriptions of the assessment process ?strategies for recourse in the event of disagreement about the decisions With the help of their teachers, students can look forward to assessment of learning tasks as occasions to show their competence, as well as the depth and breadth of their learning. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Assessment for learning focuses on engaging students in classroom assessment in support of their own learning and informing teachers about what to do next to help students to progress. Assessment for learning is assessment for improvement not assessment for accountability as can be the case with summative assessments (Stiggins, 2002). The keys to Assessment for Learning (AFL) is to use a variety of assessment tools and methods in order to provide ongoing evidence to students, teachers and parents that demonstrates how well each student is mastering the identified outcomes. This evidence is used to provide descriptive feedback to the students and to enable the teacher to differentiate the instruction to meet the needs of individual students or groups. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING VS. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Gregory, Cameron, and Davies (1997) outline some distinct differences between Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning. Educators are using these terms to help distinguish between the teacher’s role as a learning coach versus the teacher’s role of judging the extent of a student’s achievement in relation to an established standard. This assessment is considered summative and is done at the end. 1. Assessment for learning is the big deal, while assessment of learning is the done deal. 2. Assessment for learning is formative, while assessment of learning is summative. 3. Assessment for learning is supportive, while assessment of learning measures. 4. Assessment for learning uses descriptions, while assessment of learning uses scores. 5. Assessment for learning happens day by day, moment by moment, while assessment of learning happens at the end. The assertion is that neither one is better than the other, but both need to be used within a students learning so that the student is able to understand not only the work that is being asked of them, but also how their own learning occurs. Assessment for learning is intended to be both diagnostic and formative to help students improve their learning. Four critical questions that the teacher must ask when planning for assessment for learning: WHY AM I ASSESSING? If the intent of assessment is to enhance student learning teachers use assessment for learning to uncover what students believe to be true and to learn more about the connections students are making, their prior knowledge, preconceptions, gaps, and learning styles. This information is used to inform and differntiate instruction to build on what students already know and to challenge students when their are problems inhibiting progression to the next stages of learning. Teachers use this information to provide their students with descriptive feedback that will further their learning and not as a sumamtive assessment or to report a grade. WHAT AM I ASSESSING? Assessment for learning requires ongoing assessment of the outcomes that comprise the intended learning. In most cases these are the curriculum outcomes. Teachers create assessments that will expose students’ thinking and skills in relation to the intended learning, and the common preconceptions. WHAT ASSESSMENT METHOD SHOULD I USE? When planning assessment for learning, the teacher must think about what assessment is designed to expose, and must decide which assessment approaches are most likely to give detailed information about what each student is thinking and learning. The methods need to incorporate a variety of ways for students to demonstrate their learning. For example, having students complete tasks orally or through visual representation allow those who are struggling with reading or writing to demonstrate their learning. HOW CAN I USE THE INFORMA%ON? The information collected in assessment for learning is used to report to the student and by offering descriptive, on time feedback and to provide the teacher with information to allow for changes in instruction for individual students or groups of students. ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING Assessment as learning occurs when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what they know and can do, and how to use assessment for new learning. Assessment as learning: ?encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning ?requires students to ask questions about their learning ?involves teachers and students creating learning goals to encourage growth and development ?provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and self-assessment to help them understand the next steps in learning ?encourages peer assessment, self-assessment and reflection. ROLES This assessment model supports the view of today’s learners as actively involved in the learning process. Students are educated on the purpose of assignments and the outcomes they are trying to achieve. Hence the teacher and the student both have critical roles in understanding learning outcomes and modifying learning in Assessment as Learning. Teacher Ensuring assessment methods are appropriate and the purpose is clear to students ensures quality and fair assessment practices as per the Principles for Fair Student Assessment in Canada (1993). Beyond choosing the learning outcomes to be covered, the activities to follow and the assessment methods, in Assessment as Learning, the teacher engages the students in this process. In Assessment as Learning, the teacher is a guide, â€Å"Giving them [students] the tools to undertake their own learning wisely and well. †(WNCP, p. 42) Students learn to monitor their own learning and make adaptations as required. In addition to monitoring learning and guiding instruction through assessment for learning, the teacher is assessing the students’ ability to assess themselves as they learn how to assess their own learning. Teachers can follow the following model in order to practice Assessment as Learning in their classroom: (adapted from WNCP, p. 42-43) 1. Discuss the learning outcomes with the students. 2. Create criteria with the students for the various tasks that need to be completed and/or skills that need to be learned or mastered 3. Provide feedback to students as they learn and ask them guiding questions to help them monitor their own learning 4. Help them set goals to extend or support their learning as needed in order to meet or fully meet the expectations 5. Provide reference points and examples for the learning outcomes Teachers are also responsible for ensuring that students have a learning environment in which they feel comfortable and safe to learn as well as have ample time to practise what is being taught. Student Beyond completing the tasks assigned to them by their teacher, students move from the passive learner to an active owner of their own learning. Initially, with teacher guidance and tools, students learn to monitor if they have understood the learning outcome being explored and the metacognitive process. Once the metacognitive skills have been acquired, students can independently adjust their learning accordingly and demonstrate the â€Å"self-reflection, self- monitoring and self-adjustment. †(WNCP, 2006, p. 85) Extensive and relevant modeling in the questions below can help students reach this point: 1. What is the purpose of learning these concepts and skills? 2. What do I know about this topic? 3. What strategies do I know that will help me learn this? 4. Am I understanding these concepts? 5. What are the criteria for improving my work? 6. Have I accomplished the goals I set for myself? What is self-assessment? According to Boud (1995), all assessment including self-assessment comprises two main elements: making decisions about the standards of performance expected and then making judgments about the quality of the performance in relation to these standards. When self-assessment is introduced, it should ideally involve students in both of these aspects. Andrade and Du (2007) provide a helpful definition of self-assessment that focuses on the formative learning that it can promote: Self-assessment is a process of formative assessment during which students reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work and their learning, judge the degree to which they reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly (2007, p. 160). EXAMPLES OF SELF-ASSESSMENT Self-assessment can take many forms, including: ?writing conferences ?discussion (whole-class or small-group) ?reflection logs ?weekly self-evaluations ?self-assessment checklists and inventories ?teacher-student interviews These types of self-assessment share a common theme: they ask students to review their work to determine what they have learned and what areas of confusion still exist. Although each method differs slightly, all should include enough time for students to consider thoughtfully and evaluate their progress. When students understand the criteria for good work before they begin a literacy activity, they are more likely to meet those criteria. The key to this understanding is to make the criteria clear. As students evaluate their work, you may want them to set up their own criteria for good work. Help them with the clarity of their criteria as they assess their own work. Students’ observations and reflections can also provide valuable feedback for refining your instructional plan. As your students answer questions about their learning and the strategies they use, think about their responses to find out what they are really learning and to see if they are learning what you are teaching them. K-W-L (KNOW, WANT TO KNOW, LEARNED) CHART. K-W-L (Ogle, 1986) is an instructional reading strategy that is used to guide students through a text. Students begin by brainstorming everything they Know about a topic. This information is recorded in the K column of a K-W-L chart. Students then generate a list of questions about what they Want to Know about the topic. These questions are listed in the W column of the chart. During or after reading, students answer the questions that are in the W column. This new information that they have Learned is recorded in the L column of the K-W-L chart. Purpose The K-W-L strategy serves several purposes: Elicits students’ prior knowledge of the topic of the text. ?Sets a purpose for reading. ?Helps students to monitor their comprehension. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Donna Ogle asserts that KWL helps students become better readers of expository text and helps teachers to be more interactive in their teaching (Ogle, 1987). KWL charts help students to be active thinkers while they read (Carr & Ogle, 1987), giving them specific things to look for and having them reflect on what they learned when they are finished reading. In learning, metacognition involves the active monitoring and conscious control and regulation of cognitive processes. It involves thinking about thinking, self-awareness, and self-regulation (Flavell, 1979). The metacognitive strategy of self-questioning is used to ensure that students comprehend the text. When students set their own purposes for reading, they are more motivated and active as readers. Each student has a schema, or a framework for how they view the world. Accessing a student’s prior knowledge is the first step in integrating new concepts into their existing schema. KWL charts help activate background knowledge and provide an opportunity for students to set their own learning objectives.
Right to Counsel Paper
Right to Counsel Paper Joslyn R. Ollila CJA/364 09/17/2012 Chris Bragg Right to Counsel Paper To analyze and understand the aspects of the right to counsel one must understand the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which states that; any person that is a U. S. citizen accused of a crime will have the right to counsel during a Criminal Procedure that helps aid the defendants or person accused defense. In this paper I am going to analyze the aspects of the right to counsel and the developments of the right to counsel in depth.Criminal Procedures included in the right to counsel and when self-representation came about will also be discussed. Also the role of an attorney and how it applies to our right to counsel. To understand the Right to counsel one must understand the when it and how long ago it began. In the 16th and 17th century’s Criminal Defense attorneys were actually banned from certain criminal cases which prevented people from proper rights and ju stice. Later in the 17th century Criminal Defense attorneys began to be allowed in treason cases (which previously were not), by the 18th century almost all criminal cases could have a defense attorney.The reasoning behind these changes was due to the Amendments of the Constitution as well and ratification of some of these Amendments I will discuss later in this paper. The Amendments of our Constitution focus highly on fundamental Rights which safe-guard us against federal and state actions giving us a right to the Due Process of Law. Included in these rights were a suspect accused of a crime was aloud a right to counsel aid during interrogations and Criminal Prosecutions. Under the Fourteenth Amendment it is a violation to convict a defendant without a counsel aid which violates those individuals’ rights.The purpose and reasoning behind these rights of counsel aid is to lead to a fair trial. Our right to counsel in the United States is a right we all have whether we have com mitted a crime or not. A right to counsel is viewed as a privilege and shows equality in our Justice System. A person accused of a crime can choose to have a counsel aid in their defense which this right begins immediately when taken into police custody. For people who are a defendant for trial and they cannot afford counsel they then are appointed counsel. This right to counsel clause show how balanced our Criminal Justice system is in following the Constitution.The ratification of the Sixth Amendment which added State requirements for right to counsel changed to what we know it as today. The reason this right to counsel is so important is those of us that are wrongly accused of a crime have protection and we also have a guarantee whether we are guilty or not guilty we are treated fairly and proper convictions get done and justice gets served. Another aspect in our criminal justice system I found surprising the more I learned about was our right to Self- Representation. A defendant has the right to represent themselves and can get approved for what appears and is a risky request.In our history in the U. S. of self-representation cases the majority have not succeeded in their intended outcome of the trial after making that choice. A defendant who chooses self-representation have a higher chance in losing their case, however the principle of the fact that one can choose so goes along with our constitution ensuring our freedoms, rights, and protections. Many who choose to self-represent are often people who mistrust the CJS, have had bad experiences with past attorneys, or simply because they believe they can do better than any other aid.An individual who chooses this option must know proper court room expectations and guidelines, have proper opening and closing arguments, and stay on track throughout proceedings with the case and displaying factual, reliable evidence. The decision of whether or not to have an attorney/counsel is a decision we all have to make. It is not required to obtain an attorney or accept the one appointed to you; however it is crucial to use any aid one can due to the legal advice that can be life changing advice.Having an attorney gives the attorney the opportunity to serve as our advisor or consultant who is very knowledgeable of the Criminal Justice System and court processes. When using the service of an attorney there are many steps in the process that are required. A consultation is an opportunity for the attorney to explain to their client the possible positives and negative outcomes of the case. An attorney is there for their clients to ask questions, and he/she will guide and direct their client with the legal expertise.If you choose to have an attorney which is highly recommended hat attorney has to commit and be successful in their efforts. Attorneys duties are; to be supportive by participating with all efforts, develop strong arguments for their client, and communicate with the court room efficiently. H aving the right to counsel ensures we have a backbone in the courtroom by having the opportunity to have a person appointed to us with zealous and ethical representation. An attorney communicates effectively, gives legal directions, while keeping their client attorney based relationship and details confidential.An attorney must be loyal while keeping our best interests in first priority. Reference Page: Hoefel, J. C. (2007) Toward Moore robust Right to Counsel of Choice. Sandiego Law Review, 44(3), 525-550. Retrieved September 15th 2012 from EBSCOhost University Library. Holland, B. (2009), A relational sixth Amendment during interrogation. Journal or Criminal Law and Criminology 99(2), 381. Retrieved September 16th 2012 from EBSCOhost University Library. http://criminal. findlaw. com/criminal-rights/right-to-counsel/ http://www. law. cornell. edu/wex/right_to_counsel
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How Great Was Alexander The Great?
What is a truly great leader? It is someone with courage, discipline, creativity, remarkable achievement, and integrity. Unfortunately, Alexander the Great does not have any of these valuable traits to be called a â€Å"great†leader. Even though Alexander left a mark in history’s book, it was a mark of a brutal tormenter. Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C.E. in a kingdom on the edge of northern Greece called Macedonia. (B.G.E.) His parents, Phillip and Olympia, constantly adored and spoiled him.They hired a famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, to teach him academic subjects, politics, sports, and warfare. (B.E.) As he grew older, an inner beast was growing inside of him and at last it exploded when his father died, and Alexander was only then able to take the throne. But who would want an unjust leader, who is an egomaniac, a ruthless narcissist, and whose empire would not last?Alexander the â€Å"not-so-great†was a psychotic maniac with a huge ego. He wa s conceded and had absolutely no concern for others. For example, when Alexander’s army was struggling across the hot, dry desert of sand, he could’ve taken them around the desert, so they didn’t have to suffer. (doc.D)Also, every new place Alexander went to he founded a new city and named it after himself†¦.. Alexandria!!! In total he named eleven cities after himself. Because he was spoiled and everyone treated him like he was royalty at a very young age, he came up with the idea that he was part god and told everyone to treat him that way. (B.E.)There were always consequences for when people tried to stand up against Alexander. One example is in the battle with Tyre, when they refused to surrender, so he wouldn’t let them be and ordered his army to destruct and destroy all of Tyre into little pieces.(Doc.C) Therefore, because of his lack of concern for others and huge ego, he was proven, once again, to be Alexander the â€Å"not so great†!! !A second reason Alexander was not great at all was because he was a ruthless narcissist who had savage relish. Evidence to prove my opinion is how he killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people that were slaughtered by Alexander and his army in only four major battles.(Doc.E)Alexander’s main goal was to conquer many territories. Also, during the battle of Tyre his army killed thousands of people and sold the thirty thousand remaining survivors into slavery. How is that the act of a â€Å"great†leader? To add on to all the other horrifying murdering he also crucified two thousand men who didn’t even harm him!!!This shows that Alexander was nothing but a brutal murderer!Many people wonder why Alexander’s empire did not last. Well, I will tell you why! The first thing that Phillip the Second of Macedon did was name an heir to the throne after he died and it was Alexander. But as soon as Alexander gained the throne all he cared about was conquest and he didn’t seem to plan ahead, because after he died he didn’t name a successor who would expand the empire, therefore his whole empire collapsed. (Doc.E)Besides an empire as vast as his took at least 11 years of hard work and conquering to build. Unfortunately it only took 10 years to destroy it which showed what a poor job Alexander did with leadership. Because of Alexander’s ignorance and foolishness towards his empire, he became an irresponsible leader, instead of a caring, great man, as the world thinks he is.In conclusion I believe that Alexander should not be called great anymore and that people should see the villainous side of him. Though, he did have some good points in his life. For example he built an incredibly vast empire, spread Greek art and literature, and was a major influence on Julias Caesar.However, the three reasons presented above- he was a big egomaniac, a ruthless narcissist, and his empire did not last- show that when all is said done, Alexander is not at all what our history books claims him to be. In my opinion I don’t think Alexander the Great should be called a â€Å"legend†of history, but a moronic monster!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Evaluation of America’s Cultural Influence on the World
Evaluation of America’s Cultural Influence on the World. Jacqueline Gargiulo LIM College Abstract Culturally and politically, America has a strong impact on the world. The works of Matthew Parris and Raja Shehadeh portray offensive behavior by the United States which has impacted younger generations of Palestine and European Countries. Where Shehadeh’s work, What We Think of America (2), indicates both an admiration and anger towards the United states, Parris’s work, It’s Time We All Signed Up for the Rest of the World Team, outlines a definitive negative towards the America and what it stands for.Both articles suggest that the United States had forced its ideals on to the rest of the world. International perception about the United States seems to be generated both by America’s power and influence as well as from within the nations themselves. Parris refers to the United States as a hegemonic power that needs reigning in where Shehadeh takes a more intimate approach and discusses a personal exchange concerning a family member’s loss of original ethnicity. There are many international voices represented in these works; both positive and negative aspects are explored.Evaluation The world has a mixed view of America. The United States is often seen as a hegemonic empire that looks to control the rest of the world. American fashion, politics, media, and ideals are captivating to younger generations of foreign countries. The works of Matthew Parris, a South African born British political journalist, and Raja Shehadeh, a Palestinian attorney and author on international and human rights and the Middle East, illustrate differing yet complementary views of America’s influence on the rest of the world.While some believe that America has a positive impact on society, others feel that America strips them of their ethnicity and value system. One negative cultural influence that America has had on Palestinians is referenced i n the paragraph by Shehadeh which reminisces about country men who leave for America and return striped of their cultural dress and their ethnic accent. Shehadeh (2002) writes, â€Å" The few who come back for brief summer visits parade up and down Main Street in their Bermudas and baseball hats, stopping at the ice cream parlour to reminisce with its proprietor in an old accent that you hardly ever hear in Ramallah today†(pg. 1). Shehadeh portrays admiration for the United States in respect to their advances in transportation and efficient roadways in Ramallah, Palestine, while at the same time discusses the destruction to the states natural beauty and heritage. This is evidenced when Raja (2002) states â€Å"Next came the need for new roads to connect them to Israel; not the old British-style meandering roads but American-style straight four-lane highways that cut through the hills that stood in the way†(pg. 92).Shehadeh (2002) continues to explain that â€Å" in the context of the Middle East conflict, roads may seem a small thing, but they have done a kind of spiritual damage. Gone is that attractive stretch of serpentine road that meandered downhill†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 92). Here, as America pushed its cultural influence upon the Middle East, geographic beauty has been lost and in its place convenience of travel has been placed. Hence, Raja Shehadeh’s overall view of America is mixed. Matthew Paris’s work can be viewed as extremist. His overall view of America and its cultural influence is negative.Parris (2003) explains, â€Å"Today there is only one hegemon, the United States of America; but there is no less a need than existed during the Cold War for a wary defensiveness towards the appetite, the pretensions, and the dreams of a great and unchallenged power. If the U. S. eagle is to be contained, collective action is needed by the smaller mammals†(pg. 94). Here, Parris is proclaiming that America is a dominating inf luence over other nations and if they are to come out from under the influence of this overarching power, they must unite or be consumed.Matthew Parris (2003) furthers his argument by writing that â€Å"As America grows more confident and its muscle and command, it will be clashing again and again, not just with old enemies but with former friends-over trade, the environment, â€Å"pre-emptive†deference, regime change, international law, extradition†¦ the list is speculative, but let us speculate. †(pg. 96) . Parris uses the example of Britain’s own Prime Minister Tony Blair, who sided with the United States instead of standing on his own two feet. Tony Blair thought the bridge could be repaired and that he might be the bridgemaker. Now, he marooned on the other side and will have to take his chances there†(Parris, 2003, pg. 97). Here, America seems to turn its back on Britain by alleviating the bridge that bound them, leaving Tony Blair and his co untry helpless. America is overconfident that they can repair the bridge when necessary, but for the mean time, make no attempts to do so. Parris also exposes America’s ambiguity over the war with Iraq. â€Å" It is, however; just possible that failure will be faced.The peace in Iraq may prove dirtier than the war, and the American people ( as distinguished from their Defense Secretary) are ambivalent about empire and squeamish about becoming other nations’ policeman†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Parris, 2003, pg. 95) Parris is trying to tell us here that the United States has stepped beyond it bounds and is now responsible to take care of Iraq citizens. He further explains that the U. S. will have more accountability for the well being of Iraq’s people because of the actions we have taken to stop the Iraq war.In conclusion, Matthew Parris is suggesting that the United States needs to be reigned in and that if this does not occur the â€Å"hegemonic power†, that is the United States will take over and become insoluble. With this, Matthew Parris’s view on America’s cultural influence on the world is overpoweringly negative. The international perception of the United States as an imposing, and influential power can be seen as either a negative or a positive. Because of its global connotation, it has become a source of analysis and scrutiny.Negatively, the United States is seen as a â€Å"hegemony†that needs taming and â€Å"caging†. Contrastingly, and on a positive note, the United States is influencing trade, transportation, economy, and education. America is influencing these factors towards other countries to try to enhance there knowledge and to further expose them to the possibilities that can be achieved by taking on the American way. One cannot view America’s positives as having no merit. There may be some form of jealousy that is masked by capitalizing on the negative power that is exerted by the United S tates. In onclusion, America’s cultural influence is primarily mixed as seen in the works of Matthew Parris’s It’s Time We All Signed Up for the Rest of the World Team, along with Raja Shehadeh’s What We Think of America (2). References: Gumery, K. , (2007) International Views: America and the Rest of the World. Glenview, Ill: Pearson Education, Inc. Parris, Matthew, (2003) â€Å"It’s time we all signed up for the rest of the world team†In Keith Gumery (Ed. ), International Views (pg. 94-97). New York: Pearson Longman Shehadeh, Raja, (2002) â€Å"What we think of America (2)†In Keith Gumery (Ed. ), International Views (pg. 90-93). New York: Pearson Longman
Friday, September 13, 2019
African American Culture Reflection Response Essay
African American Culture Reflection Response - Essay Example African American culture has been growing independently from the standard American culture given craving of African American to hone their traditions, and additionally the racial isolation determination in America. As a result, African American culture has turn out to be a critical piece of American society, though then, for a certain period, it will be an unmistakable culture, which can be separated from it. One of the examples that can be used to understand African American Culture is naming; how they use to name people. African American culture considers names to be regularly have some connection with the same dialect group as other mainstream names found in American culture. The act of embracing neo-African or Islamic names did not pick up prevalence in anticipation of the Civil Rights period. This wilk be the last period. Endeavors to recoup African legacy roused determination of names with more profound social importance. Preceding this, the use of African names, which for two reasons, it was not considered to be pragmatic. First, some African Americans were a few eras expelled from the final predecessor to posses an African name. Moreover, African American practiced naming, which originates before the invention of African names. While trying to come up with their particular names, African American parents’ growth (regarding numbers), beginning in the post-World War II period, started making new names given sounds they discovered satisfying, for example, Marquon, DaShawn, LaTasha, or Shandra.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Neither human beings nor their bodies should be commodities that can Essay
Neither human beings nor their bodies should be commodities that can be traded on the market. Discuss this question - Essay Example Human trafficking and sale of body organs are classified into different categories of trade of human beings and their bodies. One of the categories that can be outlined in sale of human body is kidney transplant or any transplant that can lead to deliverance of human life as it would lead to change in his health condition. This king of trade on human bodies is regarded fair by many people but there are still a number of people who believe that the practice is abhorrent and should be prohibited. Although the society harbors the aversion to activities conducted on corpse, it encourages and tolerates especially through legalization the transplant activities and forensic postmortems (Price, 2000, p. 32). The other kind of human trafficking and sale of human parts involves sale of certain body parts illegally or trading people for slaves where they are taken for hard labor, discrimination and sexual manipulation. This kind of human trade is unacceptable to many people and thus it is disre garded all over the world. The experts who participate in the transplant operations advice people to judge the two activities with sense of ethical measures. The element of choice is essential. However, when making choices, one must consider moral, humanitarian and social purpose of the choice and law (Gallagher, 2012, p. 7). For instance, sale of human bodies for other purpose like witchcraft, sexual activities, child labor, and other forms of discrimination should not be treated as sale of human organs or donation for transplant. One form of human trafficking that leads to discrimination on human beings is slavery and sexual manipulation. Discrimination can be described as unequal or unjust treatment of individuals or groups of people based on their human attributes. Discrimination may be differential treatment or disparate impact. This is witnessed where people are captured or
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Possible Product and Service of Zappos com Case Study
The Possible Product and Service of Zappos com - Case Study Example It is essential to determine that such a strategy in any way contributed to the success in shoes or whether it would be able to replicate the success in other product lines. It is also fundamental to determine how the company could scale the business with revenues of tens of billions. Moreover, the major effort of the company was to â€Å"wow†its customers by providing with maximum customer satisfaction. The market faced a hard situation as the economic scenario varied dramatically in late 2008, together with financial market collapsing and recession. Unlike the other many websites selling at the lower price during the period, the service-intensive company’s business was based on sales at the little discount or no discount. Evaluating the competencies o the organization would enable us to understand the chain issues and other critical elements to company’s success. Zappos always strives to foster a culture that understands the impact of working capital on the profitability of the firm. The process of decision making and the daily activities of the firm must be carried out on the basis of working capital management analysis. The company manages the decision making through a cross-functional communication system. The decision making is used to drive and maximize the working capital performance of the firm. also has already developed a training program to impart working capital management principles into practice. The management team utilizes the decision-making process to integrate capital management into the fabric of organizational culture. In the same way, the process of decision making in the routine activities reveals the glowing significance of cash management. It helps the management in all forms of risk management within the firm. The organization takes record of the important decision and measures taken by the management team.Â
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Ethical Issues when Marketing with Children Essay
Ethical Issues when Marketing with Children - Essay Example It was also revealed that children greatly affect the commodities their parents buy. Estimates done in this field show that projects tailored for children in the year 2006 totalled fifty two billion dollars. (McGee and Heubusch, 1997) Regardless of all this potential returns that children can give manufacturers and their marketers, there are key ethical issues that arise in the discussion. For example, do children have the capability of understanding some of the intricate marketing tactics Do children posses the final buying power Do marketers need to get permission from their parents And do children understand the negative effects of some of the products advertised to them These key questions will be analysed in relation to business pressures then recommendations will be made. Some companies have become notorious for the utilisation of psychologists in their advertising and marketing campaigns. Normally what such companies do is that when trying to create marketing strategy, they will involve psychologist to tell them about tactics that they can use to influence children. Since psychologists understand the way child's mind works, they can help marketers create campaigns that will be directly aimed at them and those ones that can easily influence their choices. This trend has becoming so alarming that the American Psychological Association has raised an alarm about it. They have set up a committee to estimate the effect that the involvement of psychologists in the marketing process of children's products has on them. The group has asserted that no psychological principles should be used when marketing to children. They are also recommending that there should be some sort of strategy to protect the young ones from exploitation though the use of psychologica l ploys. (Beder, 1998) The basic framework which steers marketing ethics revolves around three main issues. These are; values stakeholders processes Marketing ethics that are done on a value inclined framework are those one that involve the analysis of the kind of value that the marketing idea creates. So advertisements may instil in their target audiences positive or negative attributes. This all depends on their implementation. For example, an advertising targeting a child may become a problem if it violates the right to privacy, transparency, honesty or autonomy. By using psychologists in the process of creating advertisements for children, marketers are imposing upon children's right to autonomy and transparency. They try studying children's behavioural trends and then use this to exploit those children. This is quite unethical. The process oriented framework in marketing ethics is founded on the basis of analysing marketing ethics through the categories that marketers use. For example research, promotion and placement must be done in an ethical manner. This is something that marketers have chosen to ignore because their research is not done in an ethical manner. Their research involves using psychological experts who may use their knowledge to take advantage of children who belong to vulnerable groups (Lizabeth, 2001) Targeting children alone Marketers who create marketing campaigns that are just directed towards children only are engaging in unethical marketing practices. This is because children are naive. They are at a stage of development
Monday, September 9, 2019
Information Security implications of using Java and AJAX Term Paper
Information Security implications of using Java and AJAX - Term Paper Example In fact, information technology based systems are currently more commonly used for business and personal tasks. However, distributed and e-commerce systems and applications normally depend on a wide variety of features and technologies in their realization, comprising scripting languages, web, server side systems, mobile processing and in fundamental database. Additionally, the mixture of these systems and technologies produces a system that necessitates extra concentration regarding various kinds of security and privacy issues and the system all together. In this scenario, in systems working and operations, these issues take place from the interactions of privacy and security arrangements accessible for every component (Lindquist, 2002). This research presents an analysis of the information security implications of using JAVA and AJAX. This research will focus on the security implications of using Java and AJAX, such as how easy/difficult it would be to secure a Java/AJAX applicatio n. This paper will also offer some recommendations for programmers who use Java/AJAX as a programming platform. This research will also present some of the major strengths and weaknesses, common security vulnerabilities and demonstration of findings regarding security and privacy issues. JAVA Programming and Security Issues One of the major software design considerations for the Java based platform is to offer a protected environment for running mobile code. Basically, the Java programming language encompasses its own exclusive set of safety and privacy aspects and challenges. In view of the fact that the Java security structure can defend a client and systems from hostile applications and can be downloaded over a network, hence it cannot protect beside system implementation issues that appear in the trust system code. Additionally, similar issues and bugs can involuntarily open a large number of security holes that the security arrangement was intended to hold, including access to printers, files, microphones, webcams and the network from behind firewalls. In some of the hardest issues local applications can be Java security disabled or executed. Without a doubt, these issues can turn the system into a zombie platform, take secret information from system and web, stop helpful process of the system; spy through linked devices, support additional security based attacks, and a number of other malicious tasks. In addition, the selection of programming language for system developments influences the robustness of a software application. In this scenario, the Java programming language and virtual machine offer a number of characteristics to ease and support common software programming issues and problems. Additionally, the programming language is type-safe, and the run-time offers automatic system memory management
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