Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision Should Both Be Abolished essays
Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision Should Both Be Abolished essays There has been countless news reports and television programming discussing the horrors of female circumcision or female genital mutilation. However, there has been very little in the main stream press regarding the practice of male circumcision. Female genital mutilation is no more of a human rights violation than male circumcision , therefore both should be Although, genital mutilations are usually referred to as a cultural practice, there is increasing evidence that this innocent and benign label actually evades, dismisses and covers-up the horrific effects these mutilations have upon a child's psyche and soma, and, moreover present a very real danger to the child's health.[1] Thus, one wonders how such a practice ever began in the first place. People or cultures who engage in such practices view them as an essential right of passage and often an important requirement for a marriage partner, while those who do not practice genital circumcision view the practice with disbelief, horrified that any human would willingly permit such a thing to be performed on his or her child.[2] So, just where did these practices originate' According to history and archaeology, together with the "global distributions of male and female genital mutilations among native, non Western people, suggests their genesis in the deserts of Northeast Africa and the Near East, with subsequent diffusion outward into sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, and possibly into part of the New World."[3] The practice migrated due to military conquest of cultures that did not mutilate by cultures that did, or by "voluntary adoption in association with other cultural changes of an anti-sexual and anti-child nature," similar to such practices as "infant cranial deformation, swaddling, virginity taboo, vaginal blood taboo, and male domination of kinship and inheritance."[4] Incision, which is considered ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition and Examples of Chiasmus Figure of Speech
Definition and Examples of Chiasmus Figure of Speech In rhetoric, chiasmus is a verbal pattern (a type of antithesis) in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first with the parts reversed. Essentially the same as antimetabole. Adjective: chiastic. Plural: chiasmus or chiasmi. Note that a chiasmus includes anadiplosis, but not every anadiplosis reverses itself in the manner of a chiasmus. Examples and Observations You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.If black men have no rights in the eyes of the white men, of course, the whites can have none in the eyes of the blacks.The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.Chiasmus as verbal judoThe root pattern is called chiasmus because diagrammed, it forms an X, and the Greek name for X is chi. When John Kennedy constructed his famous bromide, Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, he went to the Well of Antithesis for his active ingredient. Where does the X power come from?... Obviously, a verbal judo is at work here. By keeping the phrase but inverting its meaning we use our opponents own power to overcome him, just as a judo expert does. So a scholar remarked of anothers theory, Cannon entertains that theory because that theory entertains Cannon. The pun on entertain complicates the chiasmus here, but the judo still prevailsCannon is playing with the power of his own mind rather than figuring out the secrets of the universe. The lighter side of chiasmusStarkist doesnt want tuna with good taste, Starkist wants tuna that tastes good! Pronunciation ki-AZ-mus Also Known As Antimetabole, epanodos, inverted parallelism, reverse parallelism, crisscross quotes, syntactical inversion, turnaround Sources Cormac McCarthy, The Road, 2006Samuel JohnsonFrederick Douglass, An Appeal to Congress for Impartial SuffrageAlfred North WhiteheadRichard A. Lanham, Analyzing Prose, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2003
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Answer 11 questionsthis is not an essay Assignment
Answer 11 questionsthis is not an essay - Assignment Example The dance was introduced in 1953 by a Cuban violinist called Enrique Jorrà n. This dance has split fourth beat. A person begins the dance by starting with the second beat. Enrique also introduced this dance style in London, and it is currently referred to as the ballroom cha-cha (Andrews 7). 3. The rumba music started in Cuba as an integration of many musical practices. Rumba in Cuba is played through both the triple-pulse and the double-pulse structures (Andrews 3). Rumba is rhythmically played using the five-stroke system referred to as clave. The current types of rumba are; Columbia, yambu and guaguanco. The three rumba types are unique, due to different choreography. 4. Samba refers to a Brazilian dance. The dance style originated in Brazil; however, it has African roots which were influenced through slave trade. The Bahian Samba dance is currently a UNESCO Heritage is Humanity (Andrews 10), and it is mostly played in Rio de Janeiro. The samba is traditionally played by various percussion and guitar types. On 2nd December ever year in Brazil, celebration of the Samba National day is held. 5. Carlos Santana is a Mexican American musician, who was very famous in the 1960s and 1970s. His Santana band initiated the integration of Latin American music with rock music. He has won numerous music awards; for example 10 Grammy awards (Andrews 15). The guitar lines of Carlos were usually based on the African and Latin rhythms. His popularity in the world music industry was again felt towards the end of the 1990s. 7. The Andean music ensemble is currently a music type with global audience because; native sounds of the music has been continuously mixed with music form applicable to modern and middle class Europeans. 8. Peruvian wayno is a popular type of Andean music common in Peru, Chile and Argentina. It is performed by various ethic groups, for example the Quechua and the Aymara societies. Its superior character
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Serving In Florida Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Serving In Florida - Essay Example The story â€Å"serving in Florida†is a story about a woman, Barbara Enrenreich, who started her life on a â€Å"low-wage life†in the Key West of Florida. Among her main fears is that some locals may possibly recognize her. This recognition from locals interferes with her main task of investigating lives of the working poor. Barbara starts her life in Florida with an allotment of about $1,300 (Ehrenreich 16). The amount seemed too convenient to enable her pay two months’ rent on the apartment she rented. Afterwards, she embarks on hunting for a job. As her search for job continues, she realizes that there is no correlation between the number of vacancies or jobs available with the amount number of the available adverts. Moreover, it became apparent to her that the low wage jobs had high turnover. The high turnover job markets facilitate the main restaurants and hotels to keep the ads running. Regardless o f the tussle in the job search, the author proceeded with job search, and eventually managed to be hired. Her first job experience in Florida was the application of the job to the Winn-Dixie that had a computerized interview. The question asked wanted her to determine the amount of dollar worth the stolen goods the prospective employee had purchased in the previous year, or would he or she have turned in one of the employee to steal. The final computer interview question was, â€Å"are you an honest person?†... Barbara engages herself into several job searches; however, she declines to accept the job offer at the Hearthside restaurant. The rejection might be because Barbara contemplates on spending additional $2.15 per hour on the trips that are associated with that job. Nonetheless, she settles in being a waiter, and a waiter named Gail takes the task of training Barbara. Gail is a woman in her forties, has ever been homeless, and has for most her life spend her nights in her truck. Just recently, her boyfriend is murdered in prison. Another waiter by the name Joan also starts liking Barbara. Joan has three kids to whom she raises in a mobile home all by herself. There seems to be a tremendous generosity within these women that have never been noticed. Some of these traits are witnessed in their extra croutons in serving salad whenever the management allow them to only extra six, or an extra rolls whenever the manag ement allow them only one. Barbara after a while begins to develop these traits of generosity and caring, particularly towards customers and her coworkers. These ideals are clearly demonstrated, when Barbara clienteles and serves customers and her fellow workers with the best of dinner experiences she acquired before she became a narcotic (Ehrenreich 293). It is apparent that as Barbara is carrying out her duties as a waiter, she truly accomplishes her mission of investigating the lives of the poor employees. One day while wrapping some silverware, Gail told Barbara that she (Gail) was contemplating of hiring a room that would cost her between $40 and $60 per day (Ehrenreich 48). Barbara then asks her why she could go for
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Inventory Stratification Essay Example for Free
Inventory Stratification Essay Creating shareholder value is the ultimate goal of all businesses, so all processes should be directly tied to it.(1) The wholesale distributor’s core business process framework is a collection of process groups called 7S source, stock, sell, ship, supply chain planning, and support services. Linking these process groups to shareholder value are the process metrics – percentage of slow moving inventory; and the financial framework. This framework consists of the financial elements – inventory; the financial key performance indicators – GMROII; and the financial drivers – profitability. Inventory stratification is a specific business process under the inventory management subgroup in the stock process of 7S. Like most processes there is a common, good, and best practice for inventory stratification. Inventory stratification which includes the GMROII (gross margin return on inventory investment) method of A, B, C, D, X and Y items is considered best practice. A, B, C, and D represent items in inventory ranked by percentage of profitability from higher profitability down to zero profitability respectively. X and Y represent items with zero inventories, X represents items with gross margin dollars and Y represents items without any gross margin dollars. GMROII focuses on the items profitability making it a financial driver and is considered best practice. However, for optimal inventory stratification solutions, the final rank should include a combination method of the GMROII method; sales volume method – representative of customer-centric data; and the hits method – representative of logistics based data. Once the weighted combination data is compiled, best practices can be implemented throughout all the 7S process groups and in every section of the financial framework linking inventory stratification (process) directly to four financial drivers: asset efficiency, profitability, cash flow, and growth. These four financial drivers increase ROI (shareholder value). With inventory stratification complete sourcing has integral data to complete best practice process metrics for supplier management. Supplier stratification can help a firm modify their supplier base into one that is profitable and efficient for all channels within the supply chain. Supplier scorecards can be created which leads to numerous financial elements being increased. Inventory stratification is key for best practice levels in determining the right number of suppliers as inventory stratification status of the product in terms of movement and profitability. This indirectly defines the required customer service level as well. With supplier performance improvement, higher satisfaction rates evolve both with the distributor and further more with the customer.. If the distributor is tracking the supplier’s performance and is able to having periodic meetings with their supplier’s based on the results of the scorecards this will drive efficiency and supplier performance improvement. Also, higher supply chain reliability occurs since the supplier knows where the distributors need increased satisfaction levels to be able to continue servicing their customer at high standards. If the scorecard says the supplier is lacking in the area of competitive pricing the distributor then has the data to begin price negotiations. This knowledge allows sourcing through the subgroup supplier management to eliminate suppliers who only provide C and D items finding the right number of suppliers for the organization. Eliminating C and D items reduces inventory and increases GMROII. You now have the option of reinvesting the resulting capital into A and B items, paying back loans, or other business opportunities. In the debt reduction case, the impact can be readily seen on the balance sheet. The investment in A items leads to further sales opportunities. The reinvestments and its associated expected inventory turns will help in calculating additional revenue and resulting improvement in EBITDA. Reinvestments can also be for capital purchases to position the business for future growth. Inventory stratification also affects the ship and store segments of the 7S process group. With the knowledge that can be obtained from the data slow moving items can be removed from branch inventory and a Regional Distribution Center (RDC) may be implemented. This allows the branches to carry more A or B items, or simply to reduce their inventory cost. RDC’s are usually able to operate with less inventory by sales volume. Labor expense is also reduced driving profitability to the shareholders. Inventory stratification is the primary driver for sales forecast and helps populate fill rates by rank. Forecasted demand combined with lead time and safety stock is the primary component to reorder point. Inventory stratification minimizes the normally time consuming forecast process both with information systems resources and with human resources. The best practice forecasting model is driven off the inventory stratification and is therefore driven by the sell segment, this numerically factual forecast will be void of the emotional forecasting of the sales force. Marketing can use the inventory stratification to process what customers’ needs are or what customers are interested in. Inventory stratification is integral in both customer stratification which once completed and redeployment of the sales force has occurred additional revenues are recognized and cost to serve are reduced again driving profit to shareholders. Customer service often drives large, inefficient inventories in an attempt to be all things to all people. Shareholder value seeks to carry only profitable products, at reasonable levels, producing maximum sales, while also increasing market share. Inventory stratification is an integral part of this process. (1) Optimizing Distributor Profitability: Best Practices to a Stronger Bottom Line, by Senthil Gunasekaran, Pradip Krishnadevarajan, F. Barry Lawrence, NAW Institute for Distribution Excellence 2009.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How Are Automatic Stabilizers Used To Combat Inflation? :: essays research papers
How are Automatic Stabilizers Used to Combat Inflation? Â Â Â Â Â In today's economy, there are devices present called automatic stabilizers. Automatic stabilizers, are mechanisms which aid in the correction of an economic problem without the interference of anyone or anything. They are perhaps most useful to combat demand - pull inflation. Demand - pull inflation, is when prices rise because the economy cannot produce enough goods to satiate the economy. An automatic stabilizer, that is beneficial to combat such a problem, is a progressive tax. A progressive tax, is a tax that becomes a higher rate for each increasing level of gross domestic product. If such a tax is present within the economy, when the society becomes more prosperous, such as in the situation with demand-pull inflation, the citizens are taxed more, therefore decreasing the marginal propensity to consume, and decreasing consumption. The marginal propensity to consume is the fraction of any change in disposable income spent for consumer goods. If this decreases, demand will not be as high above, or even above where the supply is, therefore reducing the demand - pull inflation. Â Â Â Â Â Another way to stabilize demand - pull inflation is to reduce government spendings. Government spendings, are the spending that the government make with the tax revenues, and they add to the gross domestic product. An automatic stabilizer that will lower gross domestic product is welfare. As income rises, there are less people who need welfare, therefore reducing the amount of government spending, and lowering the gross domestic product. Â Â Â Â Â Due to such automatic stabilizers as progressive tax rates and the decrease of government spending due to welfare, therefore a decrease in government borrowing, therefore a decrease in the demand for the dollar, therefore a decrease in the interest rate, which would cause a decrease in the foreign demand for dollar, which would cause the dollar to depreciate, therefore lowering inflation due to a less valuable dollar.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A response to the great Gatsby Essay
â€Å"The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a widely considered masterpiece of American literature. Set in Long island, 1922, The Great Gatsby portrays a time in which massive war-born wealth and cheap liquor give birth to the great American party period, where booze and bobbed hair reign supreme in newly rich New York. This sets the scene for the tragic love story between †The golden girl†, Daisy Buchanan and war hero, James Gatz (Gatsby). The Great Gatsby is an interesting novel due to the ideas it presents that our society can still relate to today. Media manipulation, money before love and fame because of nothing more than wealth, are all ideas presented in the novel and they are all ideas that our society is notorious for today. Daisy and Gatsby were pre-war lovers that become separated by the war and the overbearing difference in social class, Gatsby was poor and believed he was unworthy of Daisy, determined to make something of himself Gatsby leaves. Daisy is madly in love with Gatsby, but marries Tom Buchanan, the richest man in east egg, straight after she gets a letter from Gatsby, asking her to wait until he becomes a rich man so they can be wed. Scott Fitzgerald uses this situation to portray a major ideology in the novel and of the time; that enough money can buy love. This is still relevant today as we constantly see Hollywood’s rich and famous will marry not out of love, but out of the desire for publicity and money. Gatsby, now a rich man who hosts extravagant parties every weekend but barely reveals his identity, is likely the most talked about person in New York, yet almost no one knows anything real about him. Throughout the novel our bank of information surrounding Gatsby grows, as we know nothing of him at the beginning, wild rumors spread around by the city folk New York are the only prior knowledge we have of Gatsby. â€Å"Well, they say he’s a nephew or a cousin of the Keiser Wilhelm’s, that’s where all the money comes from†This quote from minor character Catherine, shows how little most people know about Gatsby, and how willing and excited they are to spread false rumor. Fitzgerald deliberately presents Gatsby as a man of mystery and intrigue to show us how known, yet unknown he is. This is effective in creating uncertainty in the reader about Gatsby’s character, as we start to feel as if no information received about Gatsby, even from Gatsby’s own mouth, can be trusted. It’s the same case today with the media’s tendency to manipulate and exaggerate, combined with possibly edited and misleading sources of information such as photographs and video, separating the real from the fake becomes almost impossible. The Great Gatsby is unique in the sense that it was not written as Gatsby’s own experience, but the experience of character who’s role in the plot is more to observe than to intervene. Nick Carraway is Daisy’s cousin and was a solider of the Great war who, after the conflict, joins the bond business and later moves to West Egg becoming Gatsby’s Neighbor. Nick becomes the bridge between Gatsby and Daisy, having connections to them both, yet not interfering with their lives in the sense a character like Tom does. We read the entire novel out of his experience and this allows us to view a completely separate perspective to that of the true main characters, and unlike a third person writing style, we are also given the opinions, biases and thoughts of the man who is â€Å"Within, and without.†The purpose of using this writing style is to show us insight in to the lives of all main characters, while still delivering a story in a first person perspective. This technique is effective in making the reader feel connected to the text and in reading of Nick’s experiences putting you in the situation whist still showing Gatsby’s and Daisy’s life as opposed to a restrictive first person perspective following only one. The Great Gatsby was a definitive novel at the time of its publication, and is just as relevant today. Gatsby was in the end, a celebrity only due to his large wealth and even larger parties, but when misunderstanding holds him to blame for a horrific car accident, people lose interest in the man they once found fascinating. Gatsby is very relatable to a modern day celebrity: he was famous because of wealth, had his relationship ended because of money, was subject to public rumor, scandal, and in the end forgotten, and replaced by the next rich man to host a big party. When Gatsby dies at the end of the novel, the only one to attend his funeral is our narrator, Nick Carraway. Fitzgerald does this to show that, Gatsby; a man with hundreds of acquaintances and thousands of followers, had in fact only one true friend, only one person who knew anything at all about him and still cared after his death. Celebrities, the Gatsbys of today, may think they have hundreds of friends, even millions amongst fans, but hardly any truly know them, and those who do, like Daisy, usually care more about wealth and status than friendship.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Electromagnetic Radiation and Valence Electrons
Introductory Chemistry, 2e (Tro) Chapter 9 – Electrons in Atoms and the Periodic Table True/False Questions 1) When the elements are arranged in order of increasing number of protons, certain sets of properties recur periodically. 5) A particle of light is called a packet. 9) Ultraviolet light produces suntans and sunburns. 13) Electrons behave like particles and we can describe their exact paths. 17) The ground state is when an electron in an atom is excited into the lowest possible vacant orbital. 21) Bromine has 17 valence electrons. 5) The atomic radius of lithium is larger than the atomic radius of nitrogen. Multiple Choice Questions 29) The number of cycles of a wave that passes a stationary point in one second is called its A) wavelength B) frequency C) crest D) trough E) none of the above 33) Which color of the visible spectrum has photons with the most energy? A) red B) orange C) green D) violet E) yellow 37) Which form of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wav elength? A) Radio Waves B) Microwaves C) X-rays D) Gamma Rays E) Infrared Radiation 41) Which form of electromagnetic radiation has photons with the lowest energy?A) Radio Waves B) Microwaves C) X-rays D) Gamma Rays E) Infrared Radiation 45) Which statement below does NOT follow the Bohr Model? A) When energy is absorbed by atoms, the electrons are promoted to higher-energy orbits. B) When an atom emits light, electrons fall from a higher orbit into a lower orbit. C) The energy emitted from a relaxing electron can have any wavelength. D) Electrons exist in specific, quantized orbits. E) none of the above 49) How many subshells are there in the n = 4 principal shell?A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) not enough information 53) Which one of the following is the correct orbital diagram for nitrogen? A) ^v ^v v v ^ B) ^v vv v ^ ^ C) ^v vv ^ ^ ^ D) ^v ^v ^ ^ ^ E) none of the above 57) How many electrons are unpaired in the orbitals of nitrogen? 61) How many core electrons are in a chlorine atom? A) 14 B) 5 C) 9 D) 3 E) none of the above A) 1 B) 17 C) 10 D) 7 E) none of the above 65) What do the alkali metals all have in common? A) They all undergo similar reactions. B) They all have similar physical properties. C) They all form +1 ions.D) They all have the same number of valence electrons. E) all of the above 69) The size of an atom generally increases A) down a group and from right to left across a period. B) up a group and from left to right across a period. C) down a group and from left to right across a period. D) up a group and from right to left across a period. E) up a group and diagonally across the Periodic Table. 73) Which of the following atoms is the smallest? A) Li B) Be C) B D) O E) Ne Answers 1t 5f 9t 13f 17f 21f 25t 29b 33d 37a 41a 45c 49d 53d 57d 61c 65e 69a
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Recreational Hunting and Fishing †A Great Time with Family
Recreational Hunting and Fishing – A Great Time with Family Free Online Research Papers Ever since I was younger I have really enjoyed a nice morning hunt or fish, it has always been something I look up to doing. Hunting and fishing are great ways to relive stress and relax after a long day. They are big recreational sports these days fathers and there children get the shot guns or fishing poles and hit the water or the woods just as we have since we were younger. Different than 20 years ago now we have peta groups and animal rights groups trying to take away a completely humane sport. Hunting and fishing is viewed by many as inhumane and disgusting. These people say this because they don’t think it is right for humans to go and hunt and fish innocent animals. Hunting and fishing for your food is a way of saving money and eating the animals you hunt or fish witch I consider sport. But if you kill an animal and don’t have it mounted or eat it I would not consider it a sport because the meat has gone to waist. Another thing that the anti hunting groups bring up is animal rights. Yes I will admit if you shoot an animal and then let it run and don’t recover it or catch a fish tear its gill and through it back that is cruel but that is the down side you have to take hunting or fishing. Animals have rights but going out and hunting to eat the meat is normal just like an animal with dominance will go and hunt a smaller animal to fill the stomach it is part of life. These groups say we are really destroying the population of the animals that we hunt or fish. We may be endangering the species a very little bit. But the department of natural resources has bag limits on species to regulate how much of each species is being killed. If there isn’t hunting these species will become over populated and then that is how diseases spread that can wipe out a whole species. With hunting we regulate the population which will keep these animals in better living. Why do we have CWD in deer because they are over populated and that’s how this all begins that is the best example on why hunting is humane. Hunting and fishing are very good ways of spending time with family and will help you take your mind of the stressful things in life. You also get to get a lot of free meat and it is inexpensive. A real sportsman will eat and butcher every thing they kill so nothing will go to waist. There is not any thing wrong with hunting it is a very fun an entertaining way to spend your free time peacefully. Research Papers on Recreational Hunting and Fishing - A Great Time with FamilyGenetic EngineeringCapital PunishmentThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Spring and AutumnDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductQuebec and CanadaLifes What Ifs
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
liberal arts - definition and examples
liberal arts - definition and examples Definitions (1) In medieval education, the liberal arts were the standard way of depicting the realms of higher learning. The liberal arts were divided into the trivium (the three roads of grammar, rhetoric, and logic) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy). (2) More broadly, the liberal arts are academic studies intended to develop general intellectual abilities as opposed to occupational skills. In times past, said Dr. Alan Simpson, the liberal education set off a free man from a slave, or a gentleman from laborers or artisans. It now distinguishes whatever nourishes the mind and spirit from the training which is merely practical or professional or from the trivialities which are no training at all (The Marks of an Educated Man, May 31, 1964). See the observations below. Also see: The Art of Persuasion, by John Quincy AdamsBelles-LettresA Definition of a Gentleman, by John Henry NewmanHumanitiesLady RhetoricMedieval RhetoricSister Miriam Josephs Brief Guide to Composition A Successful Failure, by Glenn Frank EtymologyFrom the Latin (artes liberales) for the education proper to a free man Observations The Liberal Arts TodaySurprisingly, it is the trivium that is the core curriculum managers must learn to do their jobs. What management programs teach, without realizing it and with no sense of their historical mission as moral tools, is the old liberal arts practice of rhetoric, grammar, and logic that along with the quadrivium made up liberal arts and sciences education.(James Maroosis, The Practice of the Liberal Arts. Leadership and the Liberal Arts: Achieving the Promise of a Liberal Education, ed. by J. Thomas Wren et al. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)In its most recent employer surveys (2007, 2008, and 2010), the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) found that the vast majority of employers say they are less interested in specialized job proficiencies. Instead, they favor analytical thinking, teamwork, and communication skillsthe broad intellectual and social competencies available through a liberal arts education. . . .It is time to liberate the liberal arts f rom being portrayed as disconnected from the real world. This historical perception is largely inaccurate today, as more and more institutions of higher learning are seeking ways to bring relevance and application to the liberal arts.(Elsa Nà ºÃƒ ±ez, Liberate Liberal Arts From the Myth of Irrelevance. The Christian Science Monitor, July 25, 2011) Cardinal Newman on the Purpose of a Liberal Arts Education[The purpose of a liberal arts education is to] open the mind, to correct it, to refine it, to enable it to know, and to digest, master, rule, and use its knowledge, to give it power over its own faculties, application, flexibility, method, critical exactness, sagacity, resource, address, [and] eloquent expression.(John Henry Newman, The Idea of a University, 1854) Qualities of an Educated PersonMore than anything else, being an educated person means being able to see connections that allow one to make sense of the world and act within it in creative ways. Every one of the qualities I have described herelistening, reading, talking, writing, puzzle solving, truth seeking, seeing through other peoples eyes, leading, working in a communityis finally about connecting. A liberal education is about gaining the power and the wisdom, the generosity and the freedom to connect.(William Cronon, Only Connect: The Goals of a Liberal Educa tion. The American Scholar, Autumn 1998) An Endangered Species[L]iberal education at the undergraduate level is an endangered species and likely to face extinction in another generation or so, at all but the wealthiest and most protective institutions. If recent trends continue, the liberal arts will be replaced by some form of vocationalism, in disguise perhaps, or migrate into other environments.(W. R. Connor, Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century, meeting of the American Academy for Liberal Education, May 1998) The Classical Tradition of the Liberal ArtsThe medieval program of seven liberal arts can be traced back to the enkyklios paideia, or comprehensive education of classical Greece, that was included in the broad cultural studies of some Romans like Cicero. In antiquity, however, the seven arts were an ideal in the minds of philosophers or a program of reading and study for leisured (liberi) adults, not a series of graded levels of study in school, as they became in the later Middle Ages. Grammar and rhetoric w ere the two stages of an ancient education, both supported during the Roman Empire from public funds in towns of any size; but dialectic, the third art of the trivium (as the verbal studies came to be called), was an introduction to philosophy, which was undertaken by only a few. To learn the quantitative arts that became the medieval quadriviumarithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music theorywould have required independent study.(George Kennedy, Classical Rhetoric and Its Christian and Secular Tradition From Ancient to Modern Times, 2nd ed. Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1999)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Idiosyncratic Volatility Anomaly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Idiosyncratic Volatility Anomaly - Essay Example Investors look to these corporate-level indicators when determining the most viable security purchase that will facilitate effective returns and minimize risk of volatility. The IVOL comes into play when a specific security does not conform to known economic models that illustrate either inverse relationships to tangible corporate level characteristics or direct relationships to known securities in a comparable category. Various factor-model equations have been developed to establish the expected rate of return of a security, utilising complex variables such as known excess stock returns, known sensitivities to volatility risk, and certain conditional market means (averages). Consider the complexity of one such factor-model calculation to determine expected security return: Exhibit 1: Factor-Model Calculation to Determine Expected Aggregate Returns Source: Ang, et al. (2006). The cross-section of volatility and expected returns. The interchangeable variables within similar equation m odelling dictate no elongated explanation of the complexity of this scientific approach to aggregate security returns. However, such models that determine not only future stock returns, but also volatility risk with a specific security or basket of securities in comparable industries, are designed to facilitate more effective and profitable security investment. The idiosyncratic volatility anomaly is an acknowledgement that not all common stock securities will produce returns that follow a logical model of analysis and computation based on known historical patterns of return and volatility. Various models for determining aggregate returns, based on corporate-level dynamics or market risks (among other criteria), should produce consistent stock returns that are in-line with mathematical expectations. The tangible market returns of a security will, at times, illustrate a direct relationship with such modelling that serves to justify these scientific methods of analyses. During other m arket conditions, such returns conflict these models designed to facilitate a more shrewd investment with no legitimate explanation as to why low returns occurred with the security. These are the dynamics of the idiosyncratic volatility anomaly: predictable corporate level characteristics and valuations of a firm, the known statistical significance of the model used to identify expected aggregate returns, and linear examination of historical stock trends should all serve to justify the long-term return of a security. What actually occurs in the stock market is a confliction of these predictive models, often with no concrete explanation for why the security became exposed to higher volatility, price shock, or variable returns. The IVOL is highly pervasive in domestic and global stock markets with many researchers seeking solutions for the recurring prevalence of this anomaly in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Eurasian nations (Chen, et al. 2012; Savickas and Zhao, 2012; Be rrada and Hugonnier, 2009; Jiang, et al. 2007). Berrada and Hugonnier (2009) identify this routine irregularity citing disparities between the idiosyncratic volatility factor with a direct relationship to stock returns in the U.S., and Ang, (2006) confirming this factor tends to hold true in other nations. The dynamics of what genuinely causes the IVOL prevalence is uncertain, as no singular method of determining its catalysts has yet been determined. However, there is speculation that it can be related to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Analyzing and contrasting data mining based network intrusion Thesis
Analyzing and contrasting data mining based network intrusion detection - Thesis Example In this age of the Information Revolution, there are obvious advantages that can be reaped from the vast and ever growing Internet Community of the web: 24/7 connectivity; robust e-commerce that simplified business transactions and operations; erasure of geographical separation and distance; and access to a multitude of modern means of communications. Yet, as the benefits derived from being part of the Internet community are numerous to mention, one resounding concern that pervades this virtual world is security. Most, if not all, entities that are part of the Internet world are on their toes, keeping an eye on their own virtual space on the Internet. Security is an important word in the Internet today. There are many people actively involved in developing attack software and are ready to attack anyone and any site that has a vulnerability in its network security setup. As defenses are developed, the attack software is modified to adapt to those defenses and launch even more deadly attacks. These attacks not only stop people from using their computer systems but some are also designed to damage the target computers or the data that they store. Since many e-commerce companies and enterprises depend on the Internet for their survival, it is not a surprise that there is an interest in finding different way to protect one’s network.... s age of the Information Revolution, there are obvious advantages that can be reaped from the vast and ever growing Internet Community of the web: 24/7 connectivity; robust e-commerce that simplified business transactions and operations; erasure of geographical separation and distance; and access to a multitude of modern means of communications. Yet, as the benefits derived from being part of the Internet community are numerous to mention, one resounding concern that pervades this virtual world is security. Most, if not all, entities that are part of the Internet world are on their toes, keeping an eye on their own virtual space on the Internet. Security is an important word in the Internet today. There are many people actively involved in developing attack software and are ready to attack anyone and any site that has a vulnerability in its network security setup. As defenses are developed, the attack software is modified to adapt to those defenses and launch even more deadly attacks . These attacks not only stop people from using their computer systems but some are also designed to damage the target computers or the data that they store. Since many e-commerce companies and enterprises depend on the Internet for their survival, it is not a surprise that there is an interest in finding different way to protect one’s network. Over the past couple of decades, techniques to secure network through latest technology have gained an importance and have proven to be a necessity to any entity maintaining a network. The need for security has spawned in the design of firewalls, cryptography, authentication and many different intrusion detection systems. Among these security tools, network intrusion detection systems hold the potential to become a tool against computer crime. An
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