Thursday, December 26, 2019
Susan Beth Pfeffer s Novel, Life As We Knew It And Family...
Authors Bio Susan Beth Pfeffer decided that she wanted to be a writer when her father dedicated the law book he was writing to his daughter. Right then and there she wrote her first little story about the love between a pair of scissors and an Oreo cookie. Her childhood experiences form the basis of her writing, seeing that she grew up in the suburbs in New York. This explains why most of her books focus on young people growing up in the suburbs. Pfeffer went on to New York University. After getting her degree in radio, television, and motion pictures she started a writing course and her first novel Just Morgan was published. Throughout her life she has published more than 75 books and some of them include: A Year without Michael, Devils Den, Life as We Knew it and Family of Strangers. The themes of her books usually include emotional problems, divorce, historical fiction, and people having fantasies of modeling/acting. Her science fiction stories contain apocalyptic futuristic even ts like her novel Life as We Knew it. Susan Beth Pfeffer was born to Leo and Freda Pfeffer on February 17th, 1948, in New York, NY and now lives in Middletown New York. She usually writes about a chapter a day, which has allowed her to complete numerous books. It gives her so much time to spend with young readers and eventual writers. Pfeffer says, â€Å"What I love best about being a writer is that people actually pay me for making up stories†(Susan Beth Pfeffer.). Novel Synapsis â€Å"I wonder ifShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesmanaging, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.†™s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Case Study Lowe s Home Improvement - 3405 Words
The company I have selected for the final project is Lowe’s Home Improvement. I chose this company because it is a well know fortune 500 company. Lowe’s was founded in 1946 and has grown from a small hardware store into the 2nd largest home improvement retailer worldwide, 2nd to only Home Depot. Lowe’s started as a single store in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina in 1921 by Lucius Smith Lowe. The company went public in 1961 and quickly grew in numbers. In the 1980s the company suffered due to market conditions and increasing competition, such as Home Depot. Lowe’s resisted adopting the mega-store format at first but once they changed their perspective the company began to flourish again. It is considered the 8th largest retailer in†¦show more content†¦This could help ensure a quicker process during the install. Next we would focus on the delivery aspect. As it is, Lowe’s is flooded with delivery to where a new install job may not be on the top of the priority list. Having a separate delivery team prepared to focus solely on these types of jobs would help ensure a better system to rely on. Also, create a process that the installers could have access to the product giving them the ability to deliver it if needed. Lastly, we would focus on the current install process. When people want to renovate many have no intention of making in a month or yearlong process. They want to start the project as soon as possible. Currently Lowes will require you to go to the store, pay for a $35 detail, and then wait for the installer to contact you within 48 hours to set up a time to get measurements. After that is finally done the measurements go back to the store so product and labor can be put together in a contract and the presented to the customer. If the customer accepts they will pay and then wait for the installer to call again to set up a time to start the install. Just getting it organized can turn into a two- week process which for many people could be frustrating. Improving on this process will be the focus of this new service that Lowe’s will provide.Show MoreRelatedRole And Importance Of An Sm921 Words  | 4 Pageseconomically and environmentally responsible Sustainable Management Home Depot Home Depot has focused on saving an estimated average of 500,000 gallons of water per year. They switched to high-efficiency fluorescent lighting at lower wattage from 49 watts to the 44 watts in their stores. Home Depot uses local materials for construction of their new buildings. Their building signs areRead MoreHome Depot -vs- Lowes3730 Words  | 15 PagesHome Depot / Lowe s Financial Analysis 1 Running head: THE HOME LEADER -VS- IMPROVING HOME IMPROVEMENTS The Home Leader -vs- Improving Home Improvements James J. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Rationale For Giving Mary A Tetanus Boosterâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is The Organism That Causes Tetanus And Why Is It Of Concern In This Situation? Answer: Introducation The causative organism for tetanus is Clostridium tetani and can be found in manure containing garden soil. On infecting a wound it can live anaerobically, is a Gram-positive, endospore-forming, non-capsule forming pathogenic bacterium. The fact that it is found in soil and can infect a wound is a matter of concern in Mary's case. Because she suffered a 4cm deep cut on her leg while working in the garden, she may have exposed herself to C. tetani endospores. It is also not clear whether she has received a tetanus vaccine recently (, 2017). According to the guidelines in the The Australian Immunisation Handbook (Dept. of health, 2017) on administering a tetanus booster, discuss the rationale for giving Mary the tetanus booster The rationale for giving Mary a tetanus booster is that she is 50 years of age and all Australians above this age are recommended for a tetanus toxoid booster, particularly if they have not received one during the previous 10 years. Besides, there have been cases where a booster has not protected people with minor wounds from getting tetanus, so a booster soon after the injury is usually given. Also, her exposure to garden soil puts Mary at a risk of Clostridium tetani infection.For each of the three wound observations indicate, and provide a rationale, as to whether it is a sign or a symptom.As soon as injury occurs, an acute inflammatory response sets in. The process of homeostasis begins in order to prepare for repair of the injured tissue. Discuss the physiological basis of the first observation. The wound edges are hot to touch and red. There is an instant release of chemicals that cause inflammation. These include histamines, complement components, prostaglandins and kinins among others. Under the impact of these the arterioles dilate and the permeability of their walls increases. This increases blood flow to the area so it appears red. Chemotactic movement of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils to the area increases. An increase in the local temperature increases the metabolic rate of cells in the vicinity of the injury, so the area is hot to touch. Cells with phagocytic action, such as macrophages identify and kill the pathogens at the site of the injury (Marieb Hoehn, 2014).` Discuss the physiological basis of the second observation. The surrounding tissue is swollen because of the leakage of fluid from the capillaries. This leads to the formation of exudate. The spaces between tissues are filled with the protein-rich fluid and this causes swelling of the tissue. It is also referred to as edema. Often the swollen tissue is painful and restricts activity in the affected area, thus forcing the patient to rest. This allows the process of repair to occur faster (Marieb Hoehn, 2014). Discuss the physiological basis of the third observation. A purulent and odorous discharge is a sign that the wound is infected. Mary has also complained of fever and may have to take systemic antibiotics in order to treat the infection. In Mary's case the exposure of the wound to garden soil could be the reason why her wound became infected with microorganisms. The warm, moist and nutrition rich environment of the subcutaneous tissue promotes the growth of pathogenic organisms. The immune system responds by increasing exudate formation, inflammation and swelling and pain (Bowler, Duerden, Armstrong, 2001). The wound can be sampled for a culture test to determine the pathogen and a sensitivity test can help to find the antibiotic that the infectious pathogen/s is sensitive to (Bowler, Duerden, Armstrong, 2001). Once the antibiotic is administered it can kill the pathogen and help in the recovery from the injury. Development and benefits of fever (Total: 5 marks). How did Marys fever develop? Mary developed fever as a consequence of the inflammatory response to the infection of her wound. Release of exogenous pyrogens in the form of endotoxins released by the pathogenic organism can stimulate the release of endogenous pyrogens or cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and interferons. Prostaglandin E2 and endothelin I along with corticotrophin-releasing factor are released in response to the pyrogens. These act upon the preoptic area, a region of the anterior hypothalamus and trigger a febrile response. The temperature balance point is then raised to a higher level than it normally is. Heat production in the body follows accompanied by conservation of the heat and the body temperature begins to rise, resulting in fever (Craft, 2015). Discuss two ways in which fever is beneficial. Fever is beneficial in reducing infection because it can kill pathogens because they cannot multiply at higher body temperature. It reduces serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc, these minerals are vital for replication of bacteria. Fever helps in faster diffrentiation of lymphocytes into B cells and T cells so the immune response becomes stronger and in response to fever the phagocytosis gets enhanced for faster killing of pathogens (Marieb Hoehn, 2014; Craft, 2015). Name one endogenous source of contamination and discuss the mode of transmission from the source to the new host. Endogenous sources of contamination with Staphylococcus aureus is the skin and the mucosal surfaces. The organism is a commensal and lives on these surfaces without causing any harm to the human body. But in the inner reaches of a wound, the environment is favourable for it to multiply and offers more moisture, an optimal temperature and ample nutrition. But once it enters the wound, it becomes pathogenic and delays the tissue repair and causes fever. The Stapylococci can be transferred to the wound site through the patient's hand that may have been contaminated due to nasal mucosa or the oropharyngeal mucosa (Lee, 2016). In a study on patients with leg ulcers it was found that some patients who harboured Staphyloccoccal strains as nasal carriage had the same strains in the leg ulcers. This points to the risk of endogenous transmission of bacteria in patients (Gjdsbl, Skindersoe, Skov, Krogfelt, 2013). Removal of infection is difficult when a reservoir is present in the patient's bo dy. Name one exogenous source of contamination and discuss the mode of transmission from the source to the new host. When transfer of an organism to the patient occurs through contact with other surfaces or persons, the source is said to be exogenous. An exogenous source of the Staphylococus aureus could be contamination of hands of healthcare staff. Since S. aureus contamination from soil is quite unlikely, exogenous contact through hands of people around Mary could be a likely source. Contamination through objects that been touched by other people is another possibility. In a study on healthcare workers, it was found that they contaminated non-sterile disposable gloves with pathogens and skin commensals (Hughes, Cornwall, Theis, Brooks, 2013). Since the strains isolated from the gloves were virulent, it is alarming that hand washing regimen is not being followed by healthcare workers when retrieving gloves from a box. Gloves could therefore act as transmission vehicles and cause nosocomial infections in hospital settings. Another study focussed on spread of infectious organisms through the surfa ces of stethescopes, keyboards and handsets. The difference in microbial counts before and after disinfection was compared. Disinfection was recommended in particular for the first aid units where contamination of surfaces was found to be rather high (Messina, et al., 2013). Given the colonizing organism was Staphylococcus aureus, discuss why Augmentin is an appropriate prescription? Staphylococcus aureus causes wound infections but most of the infections are caused by the antibiotic resistant strains. In Mary's case, her wound was infected and the only way to cure the infection was to administer a systemic antibiotic which would be effective against the causative organism. The wound swab that was taken for a culture sensitivity test confirmed that it was an S aureus infection that was sensitive to Amoxycillin and Augmentin also contains Amoxycillin, so it was an appropriate choice of antibiotic for treating her infection (Bullock Manias, 2017). Describe the added benefits that Augmentin provides, with reference to the role of the major ingredients in Augmentin. Staphylococcus aureus is often resistant to the antibiotic Amoxycillin which is a penicillin derivative. Amoxycillin can inhibit bacterial growth because the beta lactam ring in its structure inhibits the formation of the peptidoglycan cell wall in bacteria. But the inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. S. aureus can produce the enzyme beta lactamase which renders the beta lactam antibiotics incapable of blocking cell wall formation. Augmentin is a combination of amoxycillin and clavulenic acid. Clavulenic acid is a beta lactamase inhibitor and therefore in its presence amoxycillin can continue to inhibit the multiplication of S. aureus and cure the infection (Bullock Manias, 2017). Presentation Referencing in-text and in reference list conforms to APA 6th Ed. referencing style. Critique supported by relevant literature as prescribed. Correct sentence structure, paragraph, grammatical construction, spelling, punctuation and presentation. References Bowler, P. G., Duerden, B. I., Armstrong, D. G. (2001). Wound Microbiology and Associated Approaches to Wound Management . Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 14(2), 244269. Bullock, S., Manias, E. (2017). Fundamentals of pharmacology (8th ed.). Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson Australia. Craft, J. . (2015). Understanding pathophysiology (2nd Australian and New Zealand ed.). . Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier. Gjdsbl, K., Skindersoe, M. E., Skov, R. L., Krogfelt, K. A. (2013). Cross-contamination: Comparison of Nasal and Chronic Leg Ulcer Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from the Same Patient. . The Open Microbiology Journal, 7, 68. Hughes, K. A., Cornwall, J., Theis, J.-C., Brooks, H. J. (2013). Bacterial contamination of unused, disposable non-sterile gloves on a hospital orthopaedic ward. The Australasian Medical Journal, 6(6), 331338. (2017, August 1). /Aus-Imm-Handbook.pdf. Retrieved from$File/Aus-Imm-Handbook.pdf Lee, G. . (2016). Microbiology and infection control for health professionals (6th ed.). . Melbourne, Victoria : Pearson Australia. Marieb, E., Hoehn, K. (2014). Human Anatomy Physiology, Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited. Messina, G., Ceriale, E., Lenzi, D., Burgassi, S., Azzolini, E., Manzi, P. (2013). Environmental Contaminants in Hospital Settings and Progress in Disinfecting Techniques. BioMed Research International, 429780.
Monday, December 2, 2019
When I, Like Most People, First Read This Poem, I Saw The Theme As An
When I, like most people, first read this poem, I saw the theme as an arbitrary death of a young boy that could have been easily avoided. One critic wrote that, "the theme is the uncertainty and unpredictability of life... A boy who is already 'doing a man's work' and gives every promise of having a useful life ahead of him is suddenly wiped out." (Laurence Perrine, Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry). While this analysis fits quite well superficially, I believe it to be inadequate and lacking in sufficient depth. Robert Frost describes his writing while being interviewed, and said, These poems are written in parable, so that the wrong people won't understand, and so will be saved.? After all this is a criticism on a man who, like the poem, appears to be simple, but actually alludes to an underlying complexity. After taking this into account, and reevaluating my criticism on this poem, this boy's life wasn't taken, but given by the boy himself. Perhaps this was not a purposef ul act, but instead a Freudian "slip", "He must have given the hand". Robert Frost personifies this buzz-saw almost as a kind of animal or beast from the very first line of the poem, "The buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard". Then goes on to paint a beautiful picture of "Five mountain ranges one behind the other / Under the sunset far into Vermont." and then reiterates the beastly snarling and rattling of the buzz saw. This seems to clearly separate the boy, and the buzz saw from nature. While the buzz saw is personified with animal characteristics, it is easy to see the ?big boy? as a human machine that mindlessly feeds wood to it all day. The sunset continues and this boy and all but "... those that lifted their eyes..." continue their work with a mechanical indifference to the signs that " was all but done." I feel that this seems to be the focal point of the story. Why was this "boy" being worked all day? In fact Frost seems to plead with "them", "Call it a day, I wish they might have said". Here Frost is pointing out the perversion of w orking a boy all day long, and then not even " him the half hour / That a boy counts so much when saved from work." In a sense this boy is a slave to productivity and monetary progress. This boy's life is in a prison who's walls are productivity and industry, a good life for him is seen as a productive life, ?No more to build on there. And they, since they / were not the one dead, turned to their affairs.? This idea of juvenile oppression also appears as the boys sister. She has no doubt spent all day in the kitchen cooking, when, "His sister stood beside them in her apron / To tell them "Supper." Then after the accident, he does not appeal to his mother or father, but to his sister to save his hand from the doctor. I believe that he feels he has a bond to his sister, because she knows what he has been going through. When she came and told him that it was supper time, most people would think that this is a good thing, but to this boy while it may signify food, it also signals that his day is over, and that what free time he may have been hoping for was now gone, "?the saw, As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, Leaped out at the boys hand, or seemed to leap-- He must have given the hand. However it was, Neither refused the meeting. But the hand! The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh,". There are many clues to show why the boy gave his hand, but did not intend to kill himself. When Frost writes ?Neither refused the meeting this is an obvious clue. The icing on the cake though is the boy's reaction to his shaking hands with the buzz saw. It isn't a surprised scream, or a whimper, or even a swear word, but a ?rueful laugh,? which makes clear the boy's true intentions. I don't believe that
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