Friday, May 31, 2019
George Meade :: History
George MeadeDo you know who was the general for the Second involution of strapper Run? Everyone knows what the Second Battle of Bull Run is but who was the general? Some sight even know that the North won that participation. Most people do not know that General George Meade defeated General Lee at that battle. General George Mead accomplished much during wartime. General George Meade had many accomplishments during wartime. First of all, he defeated General Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run. Why would not General Meade crush General Lee at this battle and end the war there? Facts say that heavy fog and rain forced Meade to stop. Likewise, on June 1, 863 a surprise encounter forced his troops into the Battle of Gettysburg, the greatest battle on American soil. This battle came about when General Lees army needed shoes. The two forces met here on accident and fought to a conquest for the North. Lee acknowledged his defeat and retreated to Virginia. Not only did Meade serve in t he Civil War, but also served in the Mexican War. He served in the battles of Palo Alto, Monterey, and Veracruz. During these he served under General Zachory Taylor. To sum up, General George Meade accomplished many things during his time at war. Each of General George Meades accomplishments had one major effect on how life is today. To start, if Meade had not defeated Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run the war would not have started off positively for the North. This was authorized because the soldiers gained their confidence when they won this battle. If the North would have lost the entire war the U.S. would be two different countries. Secondly, Meades defeat of Lee at the accidental Gettysburg. This was a battle that turned the war around and gave the North the advantage. This was the Norths first victory in a long time. Finally, if the U.S. had not have won the Mexican War, Where Meade served as a soldier, the U.S. would not have gained the southwest portion of the country. This ,as you remember, was where the gold rush took place that caused the country to spread out over the land. As has been shown, Meades accomplishments had many cause on how life is lived today. There are many things that would be different if George Meade had never lived.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essays --
The author of the article Why I changed my mind captured the true picture of the monstrous shadow that stalks teachers in public schools. The NCLB might cause been conceived initi every last(predicate)y with good intentions but had spawned into a creeping threat creating nightmares to educators. Like what Diane Ravitch said, accountability became the stick that is used to punish schools. I think it also created thorniness and this resentment has taken away the joy of teaching and learning. The non-stop assessment to measure if standards have been taught left teachers always on their toes. In effort to cover all concepts included in the test, teachers are left with no choice but scratching on the surface without getting deeper on the content. Not only this leaves students with no mastery, it also resulted in the widening of learning gaps. Teachers, year after year, inherit students who are unprepared and lacking grade level skills. This is evident to some fifth graders in my school who are in still struggling to subtract with regrouping, much more across zeroes. Subtraction with regrouping is first taught in second grade. In addition, with assessments used as a measure of teachers performance and determinant of incentives to teachers created inequality. Teachers with students scoring high and receiving monetary incentive may feel elated. While in contrary, teachers who someway got a group of students who did not perform well are left demoralized. Teachers cannot choose their students. With all the factors stated in the article that determines students performance, there are new(prenominal) aspects that are beyond the teachers control. I personally know a teacher who teaches at a regular public high school, he is very devote and almost yearly trained at ... ...w the concepts based from observation and work samples. In several occasions, during benchmarks or in the real test, her haemorrhoid were one or two questions away from passing. I saw how her morale and self esteem deteriorate. She became so unsure of herself becoming anxious each time a test. Her dumbfound even considered transferring her to a private school so she will not be subjected to state testing. With her morale destroyed, the more she became unfocused during testing. To help her cope, I try to appease her dismay with encouragement, highlighting her strengths and stressing that her scores are not reflective of whom she is. She seemed to have understood. However, I knew that as she move up to middle school, her test scores will be the first data being looked at. It is a sad reality that all the learning and effort of this student are summarized to her test scores.
School Year Round Essay -- essays papers
School Year RoundYear Round School An Annual Mistake Throughout time education has been considered a process that every so often must be improved. The education quality in the U.S. has declined over the years and tribe have been looking for a way to vex improvements. A more recent proposal has been to go from a traditional nine-month schedule to an all year program. Supporters of year round shallow claim it gives the student a better education. However, the prospect of year round school is not beneficial to the taxpayers pocket, to the education a student receives, or to the people involved with the district. All year school ends up costing the school district and surrounding community more money than a traditional nine-month schedule. to a greater extent funds would be needed to cover the costs of give the teachers and staff for one full year instead of for 180 days work. (Stevenson 2). Teachers currently make an average of $37, 000 in the United States. However, the cost s would increase to $53, 000 to keep the teachers for a full year. (Somersby 8). Currently, a district uses a lot of its budget on paying teachers. Once the increased costs are put in place, the budget depletes rapidly. Yet teachers must be paid, as they are the cornerstones of education. Also, it takes additional funds to perform the school all year, due to things such as air conditioning in the summer (White 28). Many schools due not currently need AC systems to be used. However, AC is a costly ame...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Jurassic Park: Comparision Between Book And Movie Essay -- essays rese
Jurassic Park Comparision Between Book and MovieMichael Crichton, a master of suspense, has created a novel for yourimagination. This book involves prehistoric animals and plants from theJurassic era. Steven Spielberg took on this book, as a movie project to add tohis collection of visually mastered Science-Fiction motion pictures. Both themovie and the book have captured the imagination of people more or less the world. Inthis paper, it will surface the similarities and differences for the first third ofthese two superb creations. One of the similarities of both the movie and the book is the anatomical structure accident. The movie and the books opening scenes show someJurassic Park workers loading a dinosaur into a maximum security cage. Thedinosaur grabbed a hold of one of the workers causing chaos throughout theworksite. The construction worker was drawn in by the dinosaur and neverreturned. After this "construction accident," the workers family was suingJurassic Park for a sizable sum of money. The family sent out a lawyer to theisland to see if the park is safe, and if its the cause for their relativesdeath.The book tells stories that the movie doesnt show. One of those is abouta little girl. The little girl is vacationing with her parents when she goesoff by herself exploring. She was looking for animals for her class, when shestumbles upon a lizard. She starts to get closer, when the lizard attacks her.The little girl ...
Gay and Lesbian Issues - Homosexuality Is Wrong Essay example -- Argum
Homosexuality Is Wrong Within the past several years gay and sapphic rights has become a huge issue. Gays and lesbians have started to come out of the closet, and proudly admitting their sexuality. In the past few years gays and lesbians have been fighting for the right to marry, and keep up children. So far there is only one state that allows gays to become married. People have become more and more open minded with homosexualism. twenty years ago homosexuality was looked down upon (in general), but now our society thinks that there is nonhing wrong with homosexuality. Our nation has started to move away from idol, this is why lot think that homosexuality is all right. If people are not close to God and do not follow Him, then they are not tone ending to abide by His standards. There are several places in the Bible where it talks about homosexuality. The Bible has nothing positive to say about hands and women sleeping with the same sex. In Leviticus 2013, it states If a m an lies with a man as one lies with a woman, two of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death their blood will be on their own heads. This is saying that if a man has sex with another man, then both of the men should be put to death. It would be the mens own fault for their death. This is one of the few sins mentioned in the Bible that suggest death for the sin. Now long time people are not put to death for this sin, they are accepted and viewed as normal. People do not really see anything wrong with homosexuality. Our horticulture needs to study the Bible and come closer to God instead of moving away from Him. If our nation does this then they may see why homosexuality is wrong. Our culture does not view homosexuality as a ... ...ast several years. People are believing that homosexuality is o.k. if it feels good. People need to learn that God hates the act of homosexual relations. God has destroyed cities in the past because of the gays and lesbians. Homosex uality just is not a natural act. You have never seen animals that keep sum partners for life, go and have sex with the same sex. The Bible teaches that gays and lesbians should be punished, in the Old Testament they were killed for their actions. Our nation needs to realize that being gay is not all right, that it is an abomination unto the Lord. Works Cited Bible. Its a sin this we know cause the Bible tells us so. internet. 1996. 1-7. Its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. internet. 1998. 1-2. Living On The Edge. internet. 1998. 1-2. The Christian Anti-Homosexual Web Site. internet. 1998. 1-2.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Things Arent Always What They Seem :: essays research papers
Things Arent Always What They SeemAs a Hispanic young man, I have witnessed many racial remarks andexpressions. Many people think I am Anglo-Saxon because I am light complected.I have not only noticed racial slurs from Angles, but also from Hispanics.People track down to open up in front of me, because round of them think I am Anglo-Saxon and do not know Spanish. I can pass the first day of summer school, myfirst day of work, and the time that Anglos stare at my girlfriend wonderingwhy I left their race for a hispanic girl.My first day of summer school was a day I will never forget. As Iwalked into my class the students just looked up at me and stared as if I was aportrait. In a polite manner, the teacher told me to sit next to those girls atthe corner. At first they were quiet and thence the whispers began. Oye chulo,they began to call me. I didnt know what to do, so I did what any guy with agreat girlfriend would do, played dumb. Then they began telling each other thatI was pr obably rich and conceited. Their remarks about my clothing and thecolor of my eyes and hair, surprised me. I was not upset because they wereHispanic. I am sure that I would have been mad if an Anglo-saxon girl wouldhave talked bad about a hispanic guy or girl.Another time hispanics thought I was Anglo-saxon, was when my bestfriends dad got me a job at his company. The first day he showed me around andmajority of the workers were hispanic once again they all looked at me again.My first encounter with my racist co-workers was during lunch. As I sat down toeat my sandwich, the guy I got to know asked me if I wanted to try some Mexicanfood. Thats when I gave him this expression that must have stunned him,because he asked me what was wrong. I told him, What, do you think Ive nevereaten Mexican food or what?He replied, Sorry, I didnt think know white people knew anything aboutMexican food other than tacos.I am not white, I am a mexican just like you I exclaimed. From thatday forth I was t reated just like one of the guys. It is strange that hispanicsare always battle for equality and an end to discrimination. Ironically, theyare the ones that are being racist.The only time I can recall being treated wrong by Anglo-Saxons, was the
Things Arent Always What They Seem :: essays research papers
Things Arent Always What They SeemAs a Hispanic materialization man, I wee witnessed many racial remarks andexpressions. Many people think I am Anglo-Saxon because I am light complected.I have not only noticed racial slurs from Angles, but also from Hispanics.People tend to open up in front of me, because some of them think I am Anglo-Saxon and do not know Spanish. I can recall the first sidereal daylight of summer school, myfirst day of work, and the time that Anglos scan at my girlfriend wonderingwhy I left their race for a hispanic girl.My first day of summer school was a day I will never forget. As Iwalked into my class the students just looked up at me and stared as if I was aportrait. In a mannerly manner, the teacher told me to sit next to those girls atthe corner. At first they were quiet and then the whispers began. Oye chulo,they began to call me. I didnt know what to do, so I did what any shout with agreat girlfriend would do, played dumb. Then they began telling each other thatI was probably rich and conceited. Their remarks virtually my clothing and thecolor of my eyeball and hair, surprised me. I was not upset because they wereHispanic. I am sure that I would have been mad if an Anglo-saxon girl wouldhave talked bad about a hispanic guy or girl.Another time hispanics thought I was Anglo-saxon, was when my bestfriends dad got me a job at his company. The first day he showed me around andmajority of the workers were hispanic once again they all looked at me again.My first encounter with my racist co-workers was during lunch. As I sat tear toeat my sandwich, the guy I got to know asked me if I wanted to try some Mexicanfood. Thats when I gave him this expression that must have stunned him,because he asked me what was wrong. I told him, What, do you think Ive nevereaten Mexican food or what?He replied, Sorry, I didnt think know white people knew anything aboutMexican food other than tacos.I am not white, I am a mexican just like you I excl aimed. From thatday forth I was treated just like one of the guys. It is strange that hispanicsare always fighting for equality and an end to discrimination. Ironically, theyare the ones that are being racist.The only time I can recall being treated wrong by Anglo-Saxons, was the
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hals Woodworking
HALS WOODWORKING SWOT ANALYSIS Table of Contents SWOT Diagram . 3 Introduction. 4 Strengths .. 4 Weaknesses. 5 Opportunities.. 5 Threats. 5 Conclusions and Recommendations.. 6 References.. 7 Strengths Weaknesses Family owned avocation Local presence Local community presence Limited Internet website improvement oriented tradition. Small online selection Established tradition No internet business knowledge Has established customer base. Limited staff Management is act to lodge. Limited budget Qualified and knowledgeable staff Dont view a detailed plan yet. We would be a small player. SWOT SWOT Opportunities Threats increase internet characterisation Increased competition from brick and Increased sales mortar stores like Home Depot. Larger customer base Increased competition fr om online gather margins will be good. retailers such as virago. Could seek better supplier deals. Competition can easily enter market. Opportunity to expand Vulnerable to responsive attacks by major competitors. Price competition Risk of losing family owned reputation Introduction This SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis evaluates the desirability of expanding Hals carpentry website beyond its contemporary state. The current website includes information about the company and some store information, such as locations and hours. Management is considering expanding the web site to include online shopping.Through the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats I have determined that expanding Hals carpentry is good idea since it has many strengths that will overcome its weaknesses. Expanding will be necessary for the company to s tay in business for the long term. But Hals carpentry also needs to focus on their weaknesses and threats to avoid being run out of business by enceinte chain retailers such as Home Depot and Amazon. Strengths Hals woodwork has various strengths that could make the expansion of selling products on a website successful.Hals Woodworking has strong local anaesthetic community presence that through the expansion of the website will allow the company to reach customers who they cant reach now by moving from local to worldwide. The company also has strong reputation of being providing high qualified service through knowledgeable staff. That strength could be translated to the website if the inscription that the company offers on the website is tailored by the staff that knows the product. In doing that the customer could either buy it from the online store or go to the store with the knowledge of what they want.That could pass along to a no hassle experience for their valued custome rs and new customers. Weaknesses Hals Woodworking has various weaknesses that could hinder the success of expanding to shopping on their website. The store is local and will only showcase a limited selection of their products online. Being a local presence the price points for the products will not compete with the large websites like Amazon and Home Depot. But if the company wants to compete, lower prices will be needed which will cause a decline on advantage margins for the products offered by the company.With no solid plan in place Hals Woodworking needs some expert advice before entering the ecommerce world. Opportunities Hals Woodworking will have various opportunities that could help the company succeed in expanding its website. Currently the company offers classes and workshops for the homeowner and hobbyist each month and regularly schedules seminars that are underwritten and taught by manufacturers. If the company could offer those videos on the website it could add even more value to high-end specialty tools currently being considered for the website.In expanding to selling online it will lead to increased exposure and the increased web presence which could lead to increased sales that could help the company to eventually expand. Threats Hals Woodworking will have various threats that could peril the company expansion of its website. In order to reach their valued customers, it will be a threat for them to compete with big time companies like Amazon and Home Depot since these big companies already promote products at low prices. This will leave Hals woodworking susceptible to price changes and could leave the company with low profit margins if Hals decides to compete on price.Lastly, Hals Woodworking risks losing their family owned reputation if it strays from what has made them successful. Conclusion and Recommendations In order for Hals Woodworking to succeed the company could create and expand partnerships with other tool manufacturers. This co uld allow the company to be able to bid for lower prices of products and eventually sell those products to consumers at a lower cost. Another recommendation includes having promotions, free products, or loyalty discounts for regular costumers that visit the website.This will help retain current customers and help crystallise new customers. Lastly an online membership could help the company monitor customer trends. With a solid plan in place and expert advice, Hals Woodworking could successfully sell products on a website if the company uses its established reputation. Although the company cant compete with the cheap prices from big companies it can offer choice service which the company is known for. References Schneider, Gary P. Electronic Commerce. Boston, MA Course Technology Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ecology in Relation to Ecocriticism
Whatever human beings do to the ecosystem take in the reflections back. If man does not reproach nature, the nature keeps him safe. Ecological concerns have become the centre of todays discussion. Literature has been responding to the world with its motley changes throughout ages. Literary writers have made enormous contributions in representing the world, analyzing its various changes and projecting perspectives in various forms in order to entertain and enlighten the global masses. Though common population was aware of the hazards in the ecosystem to some extend, the dietary writers spurred them through their works.The literary writers started relating the environment with humans and named the study Criticisms. A theoretical analysis of criticisms is being dealt in this article. We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong we begin to use it with love and respect. Aledo Leopold Now-a-days, almost all people have turned their attention towards the planet of life, the earth. The ecosystem which accommodates human beings acts reflexively. Whatever unmans do to the Mother Earth, have the deeds reflected on them.A sudden attraction towards the ecosystem came about when scientists found a hole in the ozone layer. Then the people began probing the planet more and more. They became more conscious of the environment in which they live. The word semiconscious was coined in 1988. Merriments lexicon defines CEO-consciousness as marked by or showing concern for the environ meet. When people slowly started understanding what is happening to the ecosystem where they live, they started relating the ecological study -? which considered the ecological problems equal pollution, global warming, etc. to literature.There emerged a new field of study over the last three decades. It was not until the end of the twentieth century that the study of literature and the environment was recognized as a s ubject to rise. The literary people named it Criticisms or Environmental Literary Criticism. This study addresses how humans relate to the anthropoidal nature. A theoretical approach states that criticisms grows out of the traditional approach to literature. Though Criticisms became a subject heading in the Library of Congress list of governing in 2002, it is not yet listed in the Oxford English Dictionary.However many words prefixed CEO are listed among them like coefficients economics, etc. The prefix CEO has its go down in the Greek word kiosks which meant house. The Oxford English Dictionary cites the German ecologic as the first appearance of ecology in 1876, which meant the branch of biological science that deals with the relationships been living organisms and their environment. Criticisms was defined as the conflation of ecology and criticism. Criticisms is the criticism of the house, the environment as represented in literature.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Intel vs AMD Processors Essay
In an age where technology is constantly evolving and the demand for execution is increasing, the central touch unit (CPU), also known as the processor, is a main concern for many computing device buyers. There ar many considerations that take place when choosing a processor such as whether the computer leave behind be used for storage or gaming, will the user be looking for performance in speed or graphics, and individual budget. Among all the different brands the 2 biggest companies considered competitors are Intel and AMD.Even though each company may form an edge in certain areas, both companies continue to constantly make changes and improvements to their products in an attempt to remain competitive. The purpose of this comparative paper is to look at both companies to go through if one companys processor is truly better than the other. Literature Review Performance and value are major considerations when deciding to purchase a new computer. Much of a computers performanc e is based on the central processing unit also known as the CPU or processor. tally to Fisher, The CPU could be considered the brains of the computerand is responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computers hardware and software. In todays market the two leaders in CPU production are Intel and Advanced Micro Device, Inc (AMD). Depending on a persons computing needs, one CPU major power be better than the other when considering price, speed, and performance. Analyzing each companies product and comparing them will help use determine which processor is best for us. Our first consideration will be speed.If speed is a big concern, which it is for many computer gamers, Intel has sightn to be the better product. According to Singh, Intel processors give you a higher clocking speed, which means they have a higher frequency of work done per second. Intel is designed different from AMD because it divides the total work into the smallest possible division a nd then goes through it in a high frequency. AMD goes through it process at a s land rate but processes more(prenominal) of its data per cycle. For this reason, one can not make the precondition that Intel is better simply because it is the faster processor.In addition, AMD has recently made claims that there new Piledriver processor will present stiff competition for Intels a la mode(p) Ivy Bridge processor. Another consideration is power consumption. In the past AMD use to be the clear winner, their release of the Athlon 64 surpassed the efficiency of Intels Pentium 4 processor. Since then, Intel has implemented new power management features and has focused on increasing efficiency. As a result, Intel has beat out AMD and currently has the most efficient processors available.An added realise to lower power consumption is that the processor dissipates less heat and stays cooler. AMD has been known for heating up faster under intense and heavy trade computing conditions. However , it is speculated that the new generation of AMD processors have taken care of the overheating issues. Gavrichenkov (2011) conducted a comparison of the power efficiency of AMD and Intel Processor and stated Systems based on processors with integrated graphics cores become increasingly popular not only due to possible system miniaturization.In most cases the users decide to go with them, for cost-cutting purposes. Processors want that help to save some cash not only by omitting the external graphics accelerator, but also by allowing to build a more energy-efficient system with total power consumption being lower than that of a system with discrete graphics. There is another bonus to it quiet operation modes, because lower power consumption leads to lower heat dissipation and therefore the use of simpler cooling systems. (p. )The next consideration is overall performance. Depending on your needs, performance can be interpreted in different ways. If you compare processors with the s ame rating side by side it is clear that Intel is the better performer. But, if you are a gamer you will exhibit that AMD is the better choice. AMD processors are much more compatible with ATI graphic measures. To many gamers graphics are everything and when looking for a processor to integrate with an ATI graphics card AMD is the best choice.If you do not intend on using you computer for gaming and simply would like computing performance Intel is the better choice. Intel has the best multitasking abilities which tally to Singh, is the ability to divide work into smaller pieces for faster computing. The final and to some the most significant consideration is price. This is an area where AMD and Intel are clearly distinguished. Although performance statistics show the Intel is slightly better overall, AMD is priced 20% to 60% cheaper.For gamers who are generally under the age of 30, this difference in price makes AMD the favorable processor. To those who have the money and are lo oking for performance Intel would be the better choice. According to Shulka (2012), (Intel) prices will be slightly on the higher side compared to AMD, but given the consistency, superior performance specs and its downward- traveling energy consumption curve. Intel many not have that much to worry about. It retrospective, it ultimately depends on what it is you plan on using your computer for.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
From the Madding Crowd Essay
However, when he first met Bathsheba he called her names like lady and miss. The way that troy weight treats cornerstone after his consanguinity with Bathsheba signals that in retrospect, troy weight did in some ways love shtup. Ironically, we see this the most after Fannys death when Troy gets a headstone for Fanny and plants flowers on her grave, but the concomitant that the water from the gargoyle could wash away the flowers so easily, could signify how fickle Troy is and how easily his affections for Fanny were also swear out away.Earlier on in the novel when Fanny comes to see Troy at the barracks, Troy does not realise that it is Fanny, his fianci standing outside his windowpane 5What girl atomic number 18 you? , He 6doesnt quite recollect that he promised Fanny they would marry, even though he said lots of times that he would marry her. This shows how he doesnt think of the penalty of his words. Fannys terrible relationship with Troy could have been used to predict the consequences of his relationship with Bathsheba.Similarly, the fact that in the few times that Fanny appears in the novel, she is in a gloomy and dreary atmosphere which was dooming her to death with descriptions like 7A heavy unbroken bitterness of cloud stretched across the sky, shutting out every speck of heaven. Her appearance in these depressing environments was a prediction to her passing away. Secondly, she is used to show the true nature of Troys lineament, and highlight this as he is in a relationship with Bathsheba until Bathsheba herself realizes Troys true nature in finding Fanny.Once her theatrical role has been fulfilled for courageous, he kills her off because she has reached the characters limitation and isnt needed in the story any more. This aforementioned(prenominal) meeting also exposes Troys cowardice and shallowness, and is a turning point in the novel, as if he had at this point admitted to Bathsheba his connection with Fanny or even that this woman was Fanny Robin, Bathshebas missing servant, then Fannys death and the following events could have been avoided.Thirdly, Fanny is also twisting with the character of Gabriel Oak and brought his character out in the way Fanny borrows money of him and Gabriel gives it to her, she brings out generosity in him and that he is caring. Hardy then shows Gabriel to be kind from the heart to the character Fanny and others when he rubs off and child off the coffin lid, this is so we can see that Gabriel cares about Bathsheba being blissful with Troy and tries to protect her from the truth.Her life is controlled by fortune and chance and this shows how her function for Hardy extends beyond the plot and the development of other characters. Fate plays a bountiful part and is a key part of the storyline in the role of Far From the Madding Crowd. The first time she is included as a fate icon is when Boldwood reads Fannys letter but it was intended for Gabriel this fate causes a description of Tr oy and the bringing together of the two rivals over Bathsheba, who are Gabriel and Boldwood but dont realize they are both in love with the same person.It is also fate that Fanny confuses the two churches so Troy doesnt marry her and it is by chance that she meets him outside the church and he replys to her plead to forgive her with You fool, for so fooling me But take no more. But if he really loved her he would forgive her. Once again there is more fate involved with the character Fanny Robin where Troy has been looking for Fanny but re-encounters her when its too late and Troy has married Bathsheba.The chance has been enrolled in Fannys role, this is when Troy keeps a lock of Fannys hair and Bathsheba finds it by chance and she gets jealous, this causes extreme arguments between Bathsheba and Troy and gives Bathsheba a clue to Fannys identity. Hardy seems to evoke pity when he describes Fannys last journey (her death from child birth) with a description of a hostile background and a dog that is helping her, this is her only friend but even that gets stoned off and adds more pity to fannys case.Her death is also to go with the contrast of a melodramatic death of troy. The irony to her death is that she has more effect on the characters than when she was alive. Fanny Robin has a minor role in the novel Far From the Madding Crowd however the sense cannot be said about the significance of the character Fanny Robin. The reason for why Hardy introduced this character is to have impact on various main characters. She is a pivot in the novel and she causes the main key storyline changes.Yet she has a deeper role in the novel as a symbol for Hardys statement about the 19th century men and how they treated the working variant girls. It is only when the question What is the significance of the character, Fanny Robin in the novel Far From the Madding Crowd? is viewed from a variety of angles that there is a true termination presented. If Fanny were not in the nove l, it would be more difficult for Hardy to emphasise the discrimination against women at the time, as well as creating tension and perplexity in the plot and highlighting the true nature of other characters, especially Troy.Therefore, a reader would not be as aware of the irony adjoin her role and so would not realise how her presence in the novel helped Hardy to show all these parts. 1 Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd Penguin Publications, 1985, (Page 135) 2 Ibid, (Page 54 55) 3 Ibid, (Page 336) 4 Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd Penguin Publications, 1985, (Page 366) 5 Ibid, (Page 137) 6 Ibid, (Page 137) 7 Ibid, (Page 322 ) 1 Jordan Daniels 11. 5 Matthew Moss high School.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Consumer Behavior Essay
Todays client is habituated with the changes progress activities. So without such activities it has become delicate for companies to achieve their target. The term sales promotion refers to many kind of selling incentives and techniques intended to product immediate and short term sales effect true sales promotion include assays in pack premiums values pack refund and rebates sale promotion can be apply to across to large range i.e from chewing gum to household and car The other defining characteristics of sale promotion ar its short term or immediate. For the present motif the researchers considers the household consumer for their primary survey as the products that they have taken into consider come under the FMCG. Major players of FMCG industry wereTop 20 FMCG Companies in India1. Hindustan Unilever Ltd.2. ITC (Indian baccy Company)3. Nestl India4. GCMMF (AMUL)5. Dabur India Ltd6. Asian Paints (India)7. Cadbury India8. Britannia Industries Ltd.9. Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care10. Marico Industries Ltd.11. Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd.12. Gillette India Ltd.13. Godfrey Phillips14. Henkel Spic15. Johnson & Johnson16. Modi Revlon17. Wipro18. Nirma Ltd19. Amul India20. Godrej Consumer Products LtdLiterature ReviewThe Indian FMCG industry is crowded with numerous national regional and local players. To win the consumer heart and retain the market share the competition amongst the respective(a) players. The major companies ruling the Indian market in the category of FMCG items is HUL Amul, Nirma and many more than Every day the Indian consumer who watch television and listen to the radio are thrown in front of a huge clutters of TV ads and commercials by these firm with the same intention and common purpose of convincing the customer that products is the best since India is a country where profiles of the also vary significantly with age human ecology income level etc in order to cater to need And demand of the different customer India many sales promotion schemes are highly successful as the market is the price sensitive as well as highly competitive even difference in few paisa can provoke the customer to switch to different brand the concept of brand loyalty an brand attachment takes a back seat in this situation. When the consumer feel that there are getting something extra, but at the same cost, they do non mind switching from one brand to other.However even today there make up a class of customer who still consider quality and brand as the deciding factor but their number is comparatively less mass of consumer in India, till date consider price to be the about important and deciding factors in the secure of FMCG goods Kumar And Das (2009) in their article meeting Of Sales progress On Buyer Behavior-An Empirical study Of Indian Retail Customers opined that todays customer can greatly influence the producer of the marketer regarding the size, quality, control of the product, price, post sales service, etc. in the present study the author attempted to find out the clash of sales promotion on consumer buying behavior.Research GapThe study highlights consumer behavior and purchase decisions made during various sale promotion schemes after viewing advertisement and analyzes the effect of various marketing tactics used by different companies. It also investigates area like consistency of sale promotion schemes and availability of schemes along with the products to analyze their impact on the minds of the consumer. The study would prove to be helpful for the company in deciding schemes that attract consumer, their buying patterns, time period of the schemes availability by sale promotion, advertisement and other activity.Research ObjectivesThe objective of the study are1) To analyze effect of sale promotion and advertisement on the consumer buying behavior and purchase decision of FMCG product. 2) To analyze relationship between sale promotion and consumer buying behavior. 3) Consumer beh avior when they FMCG product.Research ModelHypothesisH0 - Sale promotion of FMCG Product is not effect on Consumer Buying Behavior. H1 - Sale promotion of FMCG Product effect on Consumer Buying Behavior.Research DesignA research design specifies that rule and procedures for conducting a particular study. The researcher should specify the approach be intends to use with respect to the proposed study, broadly research can be grouped in to trine categories.1. Exploratory Research Design2. Descriptive Research Design3. Casual Research Design1.Exploratory Research DesignAn exploratory research design focuses on the discovery of ideas and is generally based on secondary info.2. Descriptive Research DesignA descriptive study is undertaken when the researcher want to know the characteristics of certain group such as age, sex, income, education level etc.3. Casual StudyA casual researcher is under taken when the researcher is elicit knowing a cause and effect relationship between two or more variables. As pre my objective to know effect of Sale promotion on consumer buying behavior there are necessary to know their characteristics so that we make research to select Descriptive Research Design.Source of info(1) Primary Data-The primary data are those data which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happened to be original. For this research the primary data are collected. (2) Secondary Data-The secondary data are those data which have already been collected by someone else and which have already passed by statistical process. Here we consider primary data fop researchResearch InstrumentResearch instruments is the tool by which the researcher can do research on specific problems or objective. The most popular research instruments for collections data is Questionnaire for a particular investigation. It is simple for a moiled set of questions presented to respondents for their answers. Due to this flexibility, it is most common instrument used to col lect the primary data. During the pre-testing of questionnaire, we seen the reaction of respondents and suggestions required to make change in research instrument.Research instrument is the means by which we can observe the market station. In over project topic is Effect on Sale promotion on consumer buying behavior. So knowledge of consumer buying behavior is taken by preparing the hard print of questioner for the collection primary data.Sampling PlanSampling frameSampling sizeIt refers to the question How many people should be surveyed?Sampling UnitIt means Who is to be surveyed. Here target population is decided and it is who are interested to leveraging FMCG Product. Here we take sample unit as an Individual.Sampling MethodMethod for choosing the representative respondents call for in this stage, i.e., how should the respondents is chosen? The sampling procedure indicates how the sample units are to be selected. We can used Simple Random Sampling Method for survey.ReferenceSou rce1) http// 2) Kumar Vishal And Das Gopal (2009) Impact Of Sales Promotion On Buyer Behavior-An Empirical study Of Indian Retail Customers journal of management vol.3 no.1 pp11-24 3) Indian journal of marketing nov. 2012 vol 4 pp30-3
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Business Environment and Its Impact on Premier Food
The peripheral environment includes of different kinds of aspects out of the beau monde doors that typically onto have often control over. Managing the strengths of internal operations and recognizing potential opportunities and threats outside of companys operations be keys to argumentation success. phase modulation solid food is oneness the famous and largest retailer in UK which is in the beginning re instantaneouslyned for food manufacturing. autopsy Food is well managed in its internal and external factors which lead them to progress successfully.TASK 1 I(a) Purpose of Different types Of Organization premier Foods atomic fig 61 Foods produces a range of own-label harvest-homes across many food categories. Premises major markets ar the United Kingdoms cosmicgest food tillers, wholesalers and convenience stores, and food manufacturers. They have a crystal clear defined plan of merging reflected in the recent addition of the postmortem examination product like Ox, Bo tchers and Homicide. Their expertise passes over in a wide range of food and drink sectors, and reputation of their comprehensive range means that they have an annual group turnover of over IEEE million.By owning some of the Auks well-nigh recognized food brands, they additionally manufacture hundreds of products that cater for the food accommodation industry and are introduced to supply retailer branded food product to the Auks touristed food retailers. Avoidance It is a major international telecommunication corporation with coverage in 29 countries and partnership contact with a further 42 countries including Safari in Kenya. It has almost 75,000 plyers in all over the world and in 2014 had more than 295 million c fraudnts. In the UK, almost 25 million throng are using Avoidance services for communication.Avoidances goal is to be the worlds telecommunication leader and a key element of this is to build a good kin with the customer by trust and admiration. The company ensures this by taking a relevant step by which they are contending their equines in all over the world. By taking this type of approach they increase its reputation and builds customer loyalty. Its incorporated techniques and its Corporate indebtedness (CRY) techniques are internally linked. Avoidance be certain of their long retailing achievement emanate from contemning business in an imperish up to(p) way. (b) Central deli really VS. Market economy In market economy, market prefers mutually estimable exchange between producer and consumer and system that rely on markets. That means what to produce determined by consumer, how to produce is determined by the reducer and who gets the products depends in the buy power of the consumer. On the different hand, in central economy the occupation of goods and services is undertaken by state-owned enterprises. That means an economic system in which conclusivenesss are taken by the government rather than by the interaction between consumers and businesses.Both this system generally used to prevent economic problem. In market economy the price Of the product is always fluctuating. As a result sometimes its very hard to grab the customer in one product. Also at that place have some opportunity for the producer like a grand revenue opportunity. On the basis of the physical and tactical position both premier food and Avoidance commode survive on that following economic decision. But as premier food is a food manufacturer, they are very flexible in central economy rather than market economy because the coordination of scarce resources at times of crisis, such as a war or natural disaster.Free markets also fail at times to allocate resources efficiently, so remedies often involve the allocation of resources by government to compensate for these failures. As for Avoidance, they can survive in both economic systems. 1 (C) Identify Reasons Of stable demand Of rimier food The strategy of Premier food is very simple. They pro duce unattackable and reliable food that give the customer satisfaction and produce a great variety of product that gives opportunity to the customer to sagaciousness different flavor. Thats why consumer always attracted to the companys product. Over the last 1 0 years company expand its business globally.They did an obligation with the Gores group to improve their operational infrastructure and to bring up their technology. As a result they are now manufacturing more foods effectively and ensuring more safety measure to the foods safety. Also recently they are selected a telecommunication provider AVOIDANCE to provide integrated communication. So that its gives the company to boost their merchandising strategy. So on my perspective think Companys customer environment is break up than 10 years ago. I(d) Objective of the different Stockholders Premier food is the largest food manufacturing company in ASK.So they are greatly affected by their stakeholder like customer, employees, government, community, proprietor etc. The customer of premier is always seeking for safe and reliable product and value for money. The employees of the company ho give their best to bring in the business successful want job security, job satisfaction. Company must ensure that want to give better service to the consumer. The government manages the economy so company must give them Taxes and ensuring upstart job opportunities. 1 (E) Responsibilities to the Stakeholders Premier food is maintaining a good relation with the consumer.As a result they are now able to find out the solution of relevant problem very effectively. Company offers a great Variety of product which give opportunity to the customer to taste different product. Employees are the major element of the company. So company gives them proper satisfaction by paying them properly and ensuring a great job environment. Premier foods audit their financial statement time o time. This will pee-pee the government to feel that they are following their rules and regulations. Moreover they are paying taxes properly.TASK 2 2(a) PESTLE Analysis political UK Government is very much concern about the condition and derivation of the food people eat. They also want to make sure that food is originated in very ethical way, with give attention in the environment, which is generally accepted welfare standards are practiced. As per government insurance policy Premier Food Continued commitment to ELK sourcing such as Hoops bread made from flour 100% garnered in the I-J. Premier Food always maintain a strong food Safety unit to check the food that produced by them. Economic In the world, the United Kingdom has one of the paced increasing food and drink markets.Only the food and drink category achieves sales and paramount magnification areas lie in value integrated products I. E. Ready foods or Non-European prescription. Premier foods presumed that the UK cuisine market is extremely emulous, inductively authorizing c onsistent product origin and dependable supplier whilst finding more competitive racing and innovative inchoate products. On that purpose Premier Foods make an agreement with an private investment firm named Gores Group trading as Hoops Ltd that help them to introduce new technology to smooth transition.Social Over the year premier Foods made further significant progress in their four major Corporate Social Responsibility (CARS) sector of retail place, Environment, Workplace and Community involvement. They also gives bolster to local charitable party in a regular period and motivates their workers to organize respective(a) activity and grow money to support in the good causes near o where they work such as Employees raised a fantastic IEEE,OHO for corporate charity partner Cancer Research KICK. Technological To build new technology, Premier foods make an agreement with the Gores Group that help them to smooth Transition.Legal Premier foods run away in an industry where it is very difficult to have a product that is different to its competitors, when they do release a product with an innovative capability it is vital to protect the rights to it through patents, copyright, bartermarks or design to ensure they are not stolen by their competitors. Not only are competitors a threat of intellectual, but Premier food must ensure they do not fall victim to counterfeiters. Environmental The company started to give five star environmental awards to their entire production put in 2009 in order to maintaining the environment from any kind of disaster.The scheme is a benchmark takeing energy utilization, waste, dehydrogenate monoxide utilization and carbon dioxide emissions are meticulously monitored. They also use unfriendly machine and work environment which has a adverse effect on polluting environment. They always try to maintain chief operating officer friendly Environment. 2(B) How following factors Effect premier Foods Unemployment commit unemployment denote s being fired from the firm or corporation or positions where the people want to work in affirm or company but retain none. Unemployment is one of the most paramount macroeconomic be speaker to quantify the ability of an economy.If one mortal fired from his job then one person is less from the economy who will not pay state and federal income taxes, one fewer single who will not able to pay additional retail tax income as a work less worker will fixating on snip on their dispensable additional spending due to less expandable income and very much worried bout further economical security. As a food manufacturer, it will effect on their selling. ICP inflation For the day to day consumer, it means prices for things go up. But, if the ICP is rising quicker than people average wages, then the consumers purchasing power declines.They cant buy as much as whatever it is as they did in the past. So it has great effect on Premier Foods. Interest Rate Interest rates are a quotidian element of business.. Companies focus exuberance on money they scrounge, and when they have adventitious money, they apprehend ebullience when they ascertain that cash in a secure investment. Companies additionally complaint enthusiasm when the companys consumers purchase goods and accommodations on credit. A elevates or reduction in enthusiasms returns have a great effect on this business performance as well as the purchasing style of the companys consumers.As premier food is a very big manufacturing organization so they also need to get loan from the financial institution. As a result this factor has a great impact on the Premier food. Exchange rates Exchange rate is an outcomeant tool in international quite a little. Without this, it is not possible to trade. If the Premiers goods become expensive in other countries cause of international trade then those foreigners will not purchase those goods. RIP Inflation Retail price index measures the change in the speak to of a basket of retai l goods and services.So if the index shows high rate then it will create great effect on companys price of the product. If the price of the product increases then the customer may not give attraction to the product. So its necessary to control the RIP inflation. 2(C) Indication of social and cultural factors affecting consumers which lie behind Premier Foods Premier Foods have 30 food manufacturing sites, 12 distribution depots and flour mills across the United Kingdom, working almost 19,000 people. umpteen of their production areas have a long past with a intense relationship with their local neighborhood.For example, Ambrosia has been making popular dairy-based products, at the same site in Devon, since it was established in 1917. The Creamery began with only a dozen Staff and now employs 270 local people over its 93 year history, generations of families have worked at the production areas. Each of their sites has a neighborhood winner who along with their working partner determi nes which local charities and movements o get presuppose with and support. In December 201 1, the agreement with CRUD, a charitable organization is come to end.The partnership with CRUD is recognized in a great accomplishment, the companys entire worker did a hard work and activities for CRUD so much, and as consequence of the employees activities they raised IEEE,OHO against an initial target to raise IEEE,OHO. At the end of 2010, they again asked all their employees to nominate their preferred charity partner for 2011 and 2012. The charity with most votes was Help for Heroes. Although company Specialized with various mind of brands like OX, Quern , Hoops, Botchers and Brannon Pickle which make them power brand of the country.For that following reasons Premier foods now recognized as both power and support Brands. 2(D) Choosing the Right Strategy Premier Foods now established as UK leading food manufacturer, specializing in many consumer brand product like OX, Quern, Hoops, Botcher s and Brannon Pickle. It is predicted that 99% of UK population buy at least one premier product in each year. Their employees efficiency and management skill and adopting new technology increases the production, its quality and ells. In recent strategy change they linked with Avoidance which help to boost in their marketing support.So in this prospect they have to expand their business in different European country. As a result they can use different environmental advantage to boost their production and cutting marginal cost. So on my perspective they need to concentrate on expansion. Task 3 3(a) Significance of world-wide Trade International trade is mutually beneficial for two countries. It is pregnant for the I-J so that it can maintain its economics strengths and improve in an increasingly competitive global economy. There are many important elements that are important about international trade, economic strengths and global markets.Without international trade business would not be as profitable and economies would suffer. If UK leaves IF, then it will create a great impact on economy. If UK based company had to only retail and trade their manufacturing item internally, never retailing or presuming their items to customer in another marketplace or countries, the government of the country would completely restricted Its percept. They may pee a steady trade from UK customer, but they wouldnt be prosperous to increment as much as if the many retailed with ten other countries realtor. Additionally it thus far engender a disadvantage for the company.EX. is a free traded area where products are able to move independently with no border sustentation and no import VAT and obligations. On the other hand, Business like premier Food has to give additional cost for import goods or raw material. So, it will be a bad news for Premier Food. 3(b) Impact of global factor in UK business Premier food and Avoidance, both have face detriment if UK leaves EX.. They have t o cost more money than before to continue their business in EX.. They are not blew to do their activities independently with no border maintenance and no import VAT and obligation in all EX. country.Avoidance is more lose than Premier Food because they spread their business in most of the EX. country. For this decision they have pay more money and as a result it will create a great impact on their consumer mobile electric charge system which is not so good for the company. 3(C) Impact of EX. policy in LIKE UK economy is greatly influenced by the ELI membership in a number of ways. One of the most important effects rise through the Single Market, the element of economic integration through which the Elses four freedoms are established. EX. has a great combination in their policy which affects the other policy too.The EX. maintain a great relationship with other countries outside the community to negotiate retail and to make investment and the competence is a man made community with a general peripheral tax on imported products. This relationship thus contributes a deep affects the Auks trade relations with non-E members. An expanded EX. creates new markets for the UK exports. It allows the I-J firms to enjoy the benefits of economies of scale and so gain from trade. New markets for UK exports and increased intention from new members countries should increase ever-changing efficiency.The UK firms like Avoidance and Premier food in the traded goods and service sectors will be forced to improve their competitiveness. The UK will have a good trade relation with other countries. There will be a trade creation. Conclusion From the above observations premier Food have to monitor some important issue. Premier food is a Food manufacturing company beside that is a listed company in the London Stock Exchange. They started from a small scale but now reached the global arena. They should be more attentive to meet the objectives of its stakeholders.
Monday, May 20, 2019
NCAA Sanctions and Paying Players: Should This Be Allowed
A customer walks into the local Pizza Hut, and sits down. A waiter approaches and asks what kind of pizza they want. The customer gives his order to him, and lays 200 dollars under the menu. The waiter notices, and organizes the bills. The customers pizza is 10 dollars, and he even ups for it by a debit card. When he leaves, he mystifys 300 dollars under his own plate. The waiter grabs the money, places the money in his pocket, and goes back to working.Now, if two new characters illustrated the names of the waiter and the customer for the footb on the whole game buncoer, and an athletic booster, then everyone would be severalizeing how rude it is, and how corrupt our society is. That is an exact reason why we shouldnt pay players, and how the sanctions that the NCAA has put down to prevent the main sanction (paying players) from happening. Paying players to play an athletic sport in the NCAA should not be allowed, and thats because colleges arent allowed/shouldnt pay player s and they dont need to earn money. in that respect are many arguments against paying players The starting argument, Colleges arent allowed/shouldnt pay players has many opinionated answers, are biased, or energize no clue of whats going on. In some past research, there have been some points that have been do that they should be paid. Others, for instance, show that they shouldnt be paid. Theres been that theyre she-bopting free academics, free board, free meal, etc. and theres besides seen that full-ride scholars bottom of the inningt have a full- flavour job, so they could use some money.Both, I agree with, nevertheless in general, they shouldnt be paid, but there should be some rule changes. What Im saying is, is that you notice smaller schools getting hit with the sanctions. For instance, S placehern Methodist University, in the 80s, paid 21 football players over $61,000 to play for them over 3 years. If you notice, there is a rule that you cant pay players to play NCAA Football. To pay college athletic supporters to play football for you is illegal. They tried to get above the level playing field that the NCAA had set.Their punishment was extremely serious, and called The Death penalisation. They lost 55 scholarships, had their 1987 season cancelled, pulled from live television, and banned from postseason play until 1989. And obviously, since they are still in the meeting USA, they havent recovered since. (Yahoo Penalty 4) The rules are make for a reason, and should always be followed. In another(prenominal) example, The University of Southern California, or known as USC, received a letter of investigation concerning Reggie Bush and his time at USC. He had knowingly received benefits from an outside source.NBC reporter Greg Beachem stated, A two-year bowl ban, intravenous feeding years probation, loss of scholarships and forfeits of an built-in years games for improper benefits to Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush date to the Trojans 2004 n ational championship. As you can tell, he received benefits from some divide of person who wont be questioned for who he is, because he doesnt have a name akin Reggie Bush does. There were also had noticed that the rule changes that were mentioned earlier were a major part in fixing the rules for players to stool money.For instance, Title IX states that all men and women must have an equal amount of scholarships. That may healthful just fine, but the truth is, there is no Womens Football. So thats 85 scholarships that have to be evened out to women. If Title IX disregarded football, then that rule would be completely fine. Plus, there are 2 sports that generate revenue for an athletic program. That would be mens football, and mens basketball. So its up to those teams to pay for the entire athletic department. This also shows how players shouldnt be paid.If only two different sports make money for an entire team, what are the reasons that they should be paying players, when that team may want to use the money for other additions to the campus? Plus, if you leave the lavish schools to pay for players to come, then a smaller school like Texas Christian University, or capital of Idaho State University, wouldnt ever earn any big time players. Teams like Texas University, Ohio State University, Michigan University, (other rich D1 schools), would buy out all the players, and leave everyone in the dust. The 2nd argument, that players dont need to be paid, is also a biased argument.Finding information on this rule is very tough, because all search engines bring up many blogs about peoples opinions and those arent credible. Ive noticed that some people think that rule changes are needed, and some say that the whole rule should be abolished, and all athletes should be paid. With my personal knowledge of secrecy and how people can secretly hide items of interest, some students would possibly work at Pizza Hut, have a boosters khat order a $10 dollar pizza and leav e a $500 dollar tip. We all know that thats not right to do, but some regulations need to be lifted.If you let college athletes work within the school, such as in the cafeteria, or the library, the NCAA could possibly monitor the earnings they make. Its possible that if they worked at a Pizza Hut, or a Taco Bell, they could make sure that the NCAA has some sort of access to see the paycheck they earn and make sure it makes it to the bank account. Depending on how big the college is, depends on how the school leave behind be corrupted more. For example, at Capital University, the cost for a year is $33,210 for a full-time undergraduate year, including room, board, etc.Now, if that is compared to the University of Southern California, their tuition is $56,813 per year, including room, board, etc. (USC 2011 estimations) The difference here is, Capital is a Division III school, and has an extremely lower school population than a school like USC. USC has a population of 15,600 undergra duates as well as a staggering 15,224 graduate students (USC College Admission). At Capital, you get a smaller amount of TV Time, if not any, while USC is making a large amount of money and getting TV Time every week.If you have to pay players that play for a college that cant afford to do it, like Capital University, many small colleges will be taken out of athletics, and will be losing scholarships. To add on, its not like these athletes have to spend their built-up savings account to go play football. They get to use all the money they saved up to go earn an pedagogy in college, to buy what they want. They may not get any more money to spend, but the vehement $30,000 that would be in their bank account should be enough if theyre not paying a penny for the classes they have, the meals, their dorm, and their textbooks.Plus, if theyre at a big-time school, like Ohio State, or Texas University, then they especially wouldnt have to pay the $35,000 that a semester of college costs. B ut my point isnt completely set in stone because colleges shouldnt pay players, but some rule changes need to be made, as I will gurgle about later. NCAA rules state that if youre an athlete, you cant work. When you read that rule, you think of the big-name athletes like Cam Newton or Terrelle Pryor, that have full- rides to play football.But, theres always the people who have half-year scholarships, or are considered walk-ons, that also cant work. To add on, I believe that if you arent being paid in that season/year, you should be allowed to work. The full-ride scholars are being paid to play football, and getting a free education, while half-scholarship athletes and walk-on athletes are not allowed to work, and are being forced to pay their education. When you go on to any college website, you will find a link to go to something about financial aid, so its not like nobody is out to help.To talk about rules are a different story, and it needs to be addressed. To pose what the NCA A calls a Professional Team, is if it declares itself to be professional or provides any player more than actual and essential expenses for participation on the team. (NCAA Guide 10) The NCAA-made pamphlet answers all questions to the rules that Ive mentioned. It states rules for students who are in Division I or Division II schools, such as Division 1 student-athletes arent allowed to accept a salary, while Division II student-athletes are permitted to do so.Division II teams can enter a contract with a professional team, while Division I teams cant. Do these rules sound middling? I have to say yes, because Division II teams dont get any TV Time. If a team has some TV Time, it increases their stock value to play in the NFL. There are also some rules that apply to both Division I and Division II teams. For example, Division I and II teams cant receive benefits from an agent, or enter an agreement with an agent.The reason that this rule is made is because agents would have the most contact with an athlete, and would be able to obtain money from a boosters guy and the athlete would illegally receive the money. If the rule was changed so that sanctions would be softer on the crime, or players being paid was made legal, the rich schools would become the ultimate powerhouses, and the other schools would become obsolete, like what was discussed earlier. These big schools, like Texas or USC would take over college football and leave teams like TCU or Boise State behind.When you purpose to pay players on a two-sport revenue generator, you have to decide who youre going to pay, how much youll pay them, when youll pay them, and decide about which players dont get paid. An offensive lineman may not get paid, and he makes the running back or the quarterback look like he carries the team. Does he deserve to get paid over the quarterback? The final thought that goes with this paper is, if we paid student-athletes, should we pay every sport, and if we do, do we give an eq ual amount to each player? You find your own opinion on the matter.
Balance Sheet And Market Value
The most notable thing in the table presented preceding(prenominal) is the disparity between the actual market value and what is reported in ARCs eternal sleep sail. The fit sheet funding totaled to $1. 465 billion while the market value ballooned reaching $2, 390 billion. When compared, the going away is a staggering $20 million indicating that ARC owes more than to its financiers than what it actually claims. The source of this long disagreement is the disparity between the balance sheet amount of desire-term debt and its market value. The caller-up does not interchange its bond so the yield is compared with companies issuing the same bonds.When converted to its present value, the book value is importantly set down than the market value. Another is the amount of stockholders equity. It should be noted that in reality, more funds are generated from the sale of stocks than their attributed value in the companys books. The difference in the poesy has several implications when the capital structure of the company is considered. Two specific financial ratios are often computed in order to look at the risk entailed by a business organizationthe debt ratio and the long term debt to equity. The debt ratio looks at the portion of the companys asset which is financed by creditors.Accordingly, it gives an idea to the leverage of the company along with the potential risks the company faces in legal injury of its debt-load (Debt Ratio 2007). When computed using the balance sheet encrypts, ARC has a debt ratio of 68%. On the other hand, when market value is utilized the figure shrinks to 67%. This implies that 67-68% of ARCs assets are financed by its creditors. In the industry as a whole, a higher debt ratio is an indication of higher financial risk because debt is often perceived as riskier order of financing. Thus, when market value is used, ARC has the chance of showing a better credit standing.The disparity is scummy but not insignificant. It should b e noted that investors often look at the credit exposure of the company by looking at the debt ratio. A small percentage can spell a huge difference when investors are making their choice. The debt to equity ratio on the other hand shows the proportion of creditors assign to equity holders in the companys resources. Accordingly, A high debt/equity ratio generally elbow room that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt which can result in mercurial earnings as a result of the additional interest expense (Debt to Equity Ratio 2007).Using the balance sheet data, ARCs debt to equity ratio is 2. 16 while market shows a lower 1. 98. Both of this data shows that ARCs debt is much greater than its equity account. For the balance sheet data, both dollar in ARCs equity is matched by a corresponding $2. 16 in total debt. On the other hand, market value data shows that every dollar of equity hardly has a corresponding 1. 98 debt. In general, the computed ratios show the high exposure of the company to financial risk.It should be noted that debt entails the payment of interest at regular intervals and face value (Keown et al 2005). References Debt Ratio, 2007, Investopedia. com. Retrieved 06 December 2007, from http//www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtratio. asp Debt to Equity Ratio, 2007, Investopedia. com. Retrieved 06 December 2007, from http//www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtequityratio. asp Keown, A. J. , Martin, J. D. , Petty, J. W. , and Scott Jr. , D. F, 2005, Financial focal point principles and applications, Pearson/Prentice Hall International Edition, 10th Edition.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Animal Protection Decision Essay
In Why Do Species Matter? , Lilly-Marlene Russow argues that human being permit a moral promise to protect and to ensure the continued existence of things of aestheticalal tax which includes some but not necessarily all animals. In this paper, I will argue that the subjectiveness involved in ascertain aesthetic value turns it an insufficient element for determining moral obligation to the breastplate and preservation of some animals.Russow begins the short letter by separating humanitys obligations toward species from obligations to individual sh ars of a species. This is to drop by the wayside consistency with the disapproval of speciesism. Russow admits that by protecting individual animals we may, as a byproduct, protect some threaten species but segments of the endangered species should be treated no differently than those of a flourishing one. She states that the concept of having interests, as it relates to determining value, cannot be applied to species but rathe r only to individual animals.Russow then uses several try out fictional characters to draw some conclusions close humanitys confusion around what a species really is and what it is rough certain species that we ar trying to preserve or, in some cases, we do not care to preserve. Next, Russow provides objections to three traditional creases for why species do matter. The first is the argument for stewardship which Russow dismisses due to its assumption that species are valuable. The second is the argument for extrinsic value of species regarding their contribution to big picture of life.Russow objects to three different extrinsic value perspectives by 1) stating that we cannot use a species declination as a sign that humans are doing something wrong because that cannot account for unforeseen events, 2) stating that not every species is required for ecological stability, and 3) denying the evolutionary chain argument because extinction and development of species are both part o f evolution. The third argument objected to by Russow is the argument for congenital value. Ironically, Russows main objection to this argument is the same objection that debunks her own argument.What gives intrinsic value? How a lot intrinsic value does something have? Drilling into intrinsic value hike up, Russow objects the biodiversity view claiming if diversity is virtuous than we would be obligated to create as m whatever new species as possible, however useless they may be. She excessively objects to the aesthetic value view of species in that other benefits, such as economic, may override aesthetic value of a species. However, Russow does believe that the aesthetic value view is correct but must be applied more granularly to individual members of species.Russow argues that humans value the aesthetics presented by a single member of a species, not the species itself giving the example of valuing the beauty of a specific Bengal tiger we index interpret but not the specie s Panthera tigris. She also argues that we value the continued existence of individuals like that which sounds very connatural to species. This is odd since the argument for aesthetic value related to species was previously objected by Russow. I argue that aesthetic value is a very subjective concept that is incapable of providing information that would be useful in determining the fate of some animals.Furthermore, aesthetic value is not an appropriate measure for making any relative comparisons to other individuals aesthetic value or other worldly good things or benefits in order to make logical decisions concerning the individuals in question. Much like the case of inherent value, there is not a reliable method for determining what has aesthetic value or not. Russow uses the rarity of encountering a member of a species and the desire to see a member of a species again as possible qualifiers for designate aesthetic value. Other factors include beauty, intriguing environmental ada ptations, and awesomeness.However, not all humans are loss to consider these factors equally when determining aesthetic value of an animal. For instance, using Russows Case 1 as an example, one person may honor the survival techniques of the snail darter enough to protest the edifice of the dam while another person may not care at all about the snail darters existence because they are disgusting and unnecessary. One objection to my argument concerning the subjectivity of aesthetic value may be an appeal to the majority. Opponents may draw a comparison to the case of moral good and evil.A heavy majority of people believe that murder is wrong. Society determines murderers are immoral and governs accordingly. Therefore, if many people find something to be beautiful that a minority finds ugly, the case might be made that the minority is incorrect or somehow lacks the proper aesthetic judgment to make a proper determination of the things value. To tackle this argument, I look no furt her than my own home. My wife is ophidiophobic, i. e. she has an irrational fear of snakes. I on the other hand greatly admire the beauty and intrigue of snakes.If there were a vote to be made on whether to annihilate a rare species of snakes in order to develop the land which they reside, I would most likely vote against. Conversely, my wife would rally supporters and be first in line to vote for eradicating the snakes simply for the fact the snakes would be gone. even out if it was known that these snakes ate some kind of potentially harmful insect that would not matter to her. A 2001 study from Gallup, Inc. suggests up to 50% of Americans may possess a fear of snakes so I find she would not be alone in this decision.We cannot determine who is right or wrong in this situation. I cant say my wife is wrong because no snake will ever have a drop of aesthetic value to her. Meanwhile, to argue against a case for preserving a snake cosmos to aid in eliminating a harmful insect popul ation doesnt seem correct either. This leads keystone to my original objection which is that there is simply too much subjectivity involved in determining aesthetic value for the idea to be relevant in decision making related to the protection of animals.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity Essay
The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases (KMT) is an explanation and description of the motion and behavior of molecules. It looks into the kinematics of molecules, wherein centering on the forces exists in the midst of molecules and the energy generated by the motion of these molecules (Poseidon Softw be and Invention, 1997). Etymologically, the KMT comes from energising which means moving, and molecular which comes from the group word molecule, classically the smallest unit of particle.The KMT includes several postulates which describe how the molecules of fuck upes behave. The following are characteristics of how gas molecules behave (1) Gases are composed of very small particles called molecules (2) the molecules are very large in number (3) they are suddenly spherical in shape and elastic in nature (4) their volume is negligible which implies that they can give notice freely (Dogra, 1984) (4) the average distance between molecules is relatively large as compared to their s ize (Kotz, et al. , 2008) (5) they behave in a state of continual, random motion following Newtons faithfulnesss (Selvaratnam, 1998) (6) they move in a straight line until they collide with another particle or with the walls of the container (Whitley, 2005, n. p. ).(7) the collisions of the gas molecules with other particles or with the walls of the container are suddenly elastic such that the total energising energy after the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy before the collision (8) there are no attractive or repulsive forces between the molecules, and only during collisions do the particles exert forces on each other (Wulfsberg, 2000) (9) there is no energy disjointed during the collisions energy is conserved and (10) the average kinetic energy of the particles depends on the temperature of the system.These postulates can be further illustrated in terms of the interpretation of the temperature and pressure of a gas. Temperature, being a macroscopic characteristi c of matter, is interpreted in terms of the kinetic energy of the molecules (Selvaratnam, 1998, p. 183). There is a directly proportional relationship between the temperature and the kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas. This means that an increase in temperature becomes a similar increase in the kinetic energy or rapid movement of the molecules.The hotter the gas is, the faster its particles move (Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). Pressure, on the other hand, is due(p) to the incessant bombardment of the walls of the container vessel by the billions and billions of molecules present (Selvaratnam, 1998, p. 183). This only means that if more collisions occur, the pressure is higher. The idiosyncratic gas laws could be put into perspective in relation to the KMT. According to Boyles Law, at constant number of moles and temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional (Whitley, 2005, n. p. ).Charles Law, on the other hand, states that at constant number of moles and pressure, t he volume and the temperature are directly proportional (Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). A third Gas Law consists of the theory that at constant number of moles and pressure, the volume and the temperature are directly proportional (Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). These individual gas laws, if combined, would produce an ideal gas. In relation to the motion of the molecules, the molecular activities in the three states of matter disaccord in several aspects.In the solid state, the particles are packed in a more nearly manner. They are held closely to one another by their attractive forces (Poseidon Software and Invention, 1997). These strong, attractive forces between the particles cause them not to move freely and instead, vibrate. This feature results in a definite shape and volume of solids. In the liquid state, the intermolecular forces only permit the particles to flow or glide over one another. As compared to solid, the motion of the molecules is more random.The shape and volume of a liquid is dependent on its container. The intermolecular forces are also essential in understanding the dissolution of things. In the dissolving process, the molecules of the solute are surrounded by the molecules of the solvent. Here, molecular bonds between molecules of solute have to be broken and molecular bonds of the solvent also have to be disrupted (Educating Online, 2007, n. p. ).ReferencesBlauch, D. N. (2001). Kinetic Molecular Theory. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http//www. chm. davidson. edu/chemistryapplets/kineticmoleculartheory/BasicConcepts. html. Dogra, S. (1984). Physical Chemistry through Problems. India New Age International. Educating Online. (2007). solvability of things. Retrieved March 6, 2009 fromhttp//www. solubilityofthings. com/basics/why_things_dissolve. php Kotz, J. C. , Treichel, P. & Weaver. (2008).Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity. U. S. Cengage Learning EMEA Poseidon Software and Invention. (1997, November 16). Kinetic Molecular Theory. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http//www.psinvention. com/kinetic. htm. Selvaratnam, M. (1998). A Guided Approach to Learning Chemistry. South Africa Juta and Company Limited. The Kinetic Molecular Theory. (2009). Bodner Research Web. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http//chemed. chem. purdue. edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch4/kinetic4. html. Whitley, K. (2005, may 13). Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http//www. chemprofessor. com/kmt. htm. Wulfsberg, G. (2000). Inorganic Chemistry. U. S. University Science Books.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Entrepreneur: Small Business Management
Sm each Business Management 1. I rally that entrepreneurship nates be taught, because many of us exactly students had no experience with business and wish to acquire about it, not the fact that all heap will work on the specialty, solely all of them need money to live, and one way to reach this goal is entrepreneurship. When it is taught, we already know from what to begin and we oeuvre on anothers examples as it is possible to avoid some problems. On the other hand it depends on the soul how he can use this knowledge from lesson more efficiently for his firm. . It seems to me that our collegiate entrepreneurs face a stack of barriers with schedule or time management, because they need to pass their course while they control their own businesses. alike when person launching his own business and its connected with producing product, he need demand for his product, but nowadays a lot of customers do not wish to take if the goods are not so known and many of them have got used t o take the checked up goods. Another point of barriers is choke up of employees it should be very responsible people.Of course every collegiate entrepreneur faces some financial breastwork because many of them invest their money, and they want to recover their money quicker, hence many of them look for new extremely paid job as they want to be independent. 3. One advantage that collegiate entrepreneurs can do its very useful experience for future because they need to analyze will be this tolerate profitable, use knowledge involving accounting, finance, management, marketing and so on also at the beginning its raise will be a boss.As a student entrepreneur can take vestige from teachers who provide to him advantageous information. Also lots of young people is very risky and they dont afraid of launching business and their mind more creative and more fashionable. 4. I think that university can organize some special club for those people who want to begin their own business and adopt people who really work as entrepreneurs, who can share their own experience with the other people
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Short Anlytical essay Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Short Anlytical act - Movie Review Examplenversations between the man, his secretary, his mother and the federal promoters pose several questions about the importance of standing on his real individuality for a person.The movie shows how mistaken identity could take a person close to death due to others misunderstanding about him. It tells about the situations when the false identity captures a person so strongly that the fair play becomes vulnerable and mistaken identity dominates the life of the people notwithstanding their will to eject their real identity. The lead character of the movie a successful advertising administrator Thornhill was believed to smuggle the film and the spies tried to prevent him. They strived to kill him as they believe that he was George Kaplan. The agents followed that man crossways the United Stated to stop his interference with their plans.Due to his mistaken identity the agents strived to prevent him from smuggling the microfilm that contai n some very important government secrets however, in real he has nothing to do with the government secrets, microfilm and plans of the U.S. secret agents. He was busy in his routine activity when the federal agent identified him as Kaplan. Since, no one has seen Kaplan in real it became even more difficult for Thornsill to prove that he was not Kaplan. The innocent and ordinary wrong man hero represents the 20th century movie characters surrounded by dangerous circumstances, police chase and mysterious and glamorous lady. The scene, graphics, music and background colors are also brilliantly selected by Hitchcock to appropriately compliment the main theme of the movie.The movie tells the twaddle of life of an ordinary person caught up by mysterious incidence due to mistaken identity however the movie conveys the deep message about the mistaken identity of the entire society. It shows that everyone in the orb is not actually what he appears in front of the others. Thornhill used to do the job of hiding the truth and portraying false image of things in
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Innovation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Innovation Report - Essay shellThis paper will examine the impact of trigger on Apple, Microsoft, Nike Inc. and describe how each companys strategy, processes, harvests, and or work have been affected by innovation.To understand the impact of innovation on strategy, processes, products and services the definition of innovation needs to be understood. Innovation is not about designing new products, innovation is about creating or delivering to customers products or services they dont even bed they want but now they must have (Harvard Business Review 2009). Innovation is the thought of a new creative method process or idea to a service or product already in existence and that has worked well but now has been changed or modified to fulfill a different need, market or demand. The change or modification will then bring superfluous revenue to the brass as a result of the innovative process. (Burns, T., and Stalker, 2006, 02) Strategy refers to how the organization will meet the end s it seeks to achieve strategy refers to a position taken by the organization. Processes ar the learning, designing and planning of the strategy. Products are the results of goods through manufacturing or a service. Services are the efforts or work by one person or group of persons who benefit another person or group of people, services are considered to be intangible (Betina, 2003).The impact of innovation is clear when looking at how any organization reacts and interacts with the changes of the market. The first organization that will be evaluated is Microsoft. Microsoft is one of the most profitable, most innovative and successful organizations in the world. Microsoft has successfully utilize innovation to maintain a competitive advantage and market share. Founded in 1975 Microsoft is the world leader in software services, solutions, applications and services that help business operate and stay competitive (Human resource management 2008). Microsoft is at the forefront of inno vation and
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Triangle of forces (Engineering Science) Lab Report
The Triangle of overstretchs (Engineering Science) - Lab Report ExampleFigure 2 on the left shows a space diagram in which but the lines of action of the forces atomic number 18 shown. On the compensate is the force or transmitter diagram in which sides of the trilateral represent to scale the magnitude and likewise the watchfulness of the tierce forces.Forces in the space diagram are designated by capital letters place in the spaces on each side of the force, e.g. the force labelled ab in the force diagram is called AB in the space diagram. Note that the force AB emanates outward from the node. A force designated BA would be the opposite direction.Figure 3 on the left shows a space diagram (the power of the strings) in which only the lines of action of the forces are shown. The combination of weights (forces) taken are 70g, 70g, and 90g.On the right is the force or vector diagram in which sides of the triangle represent to scale the magnitude and also the direction of the three forces. The force 70g () is represented by vector in the, the force 70g () is represented by vector in the, and the force 90g () is represented by vector in the. From figure 3, it can be seen that the three forces,, and in equilibrium forms a triangle (approximately). The triangle is not closed because of measurement errors.Figure 4 on the left shows a space diagram (the position of the strings) in which only the lines of action of the forces are shown. The combination of weights (forces) taken are 90g, 70g, and 90g.On the right is the force or vector diagram in which sides of the triangle represent to scale the magnitude and also the direction of the three forces. The force 90g () is represented by vector in the, the force 70g () is represented by vector in the, and the force 90g () is represented by vector in the. From figure 4, it can be seen that the three forces, , and in equilibrium forms a triangle (approximately).Figure 5 on the left shows a space diagram (the positio n of the strings) in which only the lines of action
Monday, May 13, 2019
How do you grade creativity in the classroom Essay
How do you grade creativity in the signifierroom - Essay ExampleIn a classroom it is possible that creativity level in the school-age child, who is achieving high grades, is at low level and creativity level in a student who is performing not well and achieving low grades, is at high level. In this kind situation, it is now own teacher that how he will assess the creativity level of either student. Short Introduction of Toolmin model Stephen Edelston Toulmin who was a British philosopher presented a model for presenting the arguments in well prep ared form. He stated that for the conquest of any good argument it is necessary to provide good presentation and justifications about argument. He expressed his philosophical system in six different ways those are correlated to each other. According to Toulmin there are three necessary parts of any argument and other three are stinkpot be treated as optional or additional parts. Those six parts include claim, support, warrant, backin g, rebuttal and qualifier. How do you grade creativity in the classroom? How to you grade creativity in the class room? That is the briny question that is rising in these days. Creativity grading of a student is necessary for any student to judge the level of creativity in classroom. As the creativity is not the separate faculty that near people have and others do not. (Ken Robinson). Everyone is original but the variance in the ways of start office be possible. For manikin a student draw ups 10 pages in with the help of pencil in given(p) fourth dimension period but on the other stance other second student cannot write 10 pages in given time period. Simply any one can state the primary student lended better than the second student. From above mentioned results can we assume that that fist student is more yeasty than second student? Most of the teachers those are not able to grade the creativity level of any student will answer that Yes, First student is more creative t han Second student because he can write 10 pages in the given time period. But this statement is not adjust practically. WHY? The reason can be found as seeing on the other side of coin, second student can draw 10 drawings with help of the pencil in given time period. On the other hand same first student is unable to draw same work in given time period. In above scenarios all the things are same excluding the nature of the work. E.g. students are same, pencils are same even pages are same but the difference is that both of student can only work better in which they are creative. Generally, as described in above example creativity is not exclusive to particular activities. And the level of grading the creativity level in class room is also not exclusive to particular judgments. Students can come up with more creative ideas this can only be possible if the student will give proper attention in the field that he thinks he can work better than others. Creativity is a key for success in entire life. The example of this can be described as people can do their best in their own work. E.g. Scientists, Technologists, business man, educators can only be creative in the work they do. As in current modern environment it is noted that the generation becoming ever more difficult to engage in a traditional classroom environment. These students are also referred as digital kids. It is the generation that needs some creative inspiration. Now the next thing depend on teachers that how they beatify creativity. How they train the students to the best things. Creative Processing for the students are rooted in imaginative
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Sotcks investment project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sotcks investment project - Essay ExampleListed at the big board in 1970, the UK riotous was selected because of the interest in the might sector based on the price fluctuations it experiences. The BP births were art well at an average of $41.5. With earnings per share of 4.99 in the current year, investing in the riotous would be a noble idea. But with the news of how the company was duped in the compensation of for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico drain because its attorneys failed to include the need for proof of damage by the spill, the BP stock slipped, and particularly by 1.2% in capital of the United Kingdom on 5th June 2013. The same manufacturing had me trade in ConocoPhillips, a major(ip) integrated anoint and gas firm that explores, produces and markets crude look at, natural gas and bitumen globally. With its headquarters in Houston, Texas, the firm was founded in 1917 with Conoco and Phillips group meeting in 2002 to create the firm. The choice of ConocoPhillips stock for trading was informed by the need to understand the industry by considering another firm other than the earlier studies BP. ConocoPhillips would be a viable investment because since 2002, the firm has had its gross profit and cost of goods sold remain constant or improve, save for the year 2008 when fall commodity prices and declining market capitalization caused a slight dip. As such, shareholders are assured of returns on their investments everywhere a long term. Additionally, the firm is the largest independent energy and petroleum firm as measured by production and proved reserves as noted by Market Watch a reign that secures the interest of shareholders. The stock price of ConocoPhillips exhibit strong correlation with its financial achievement. The $11 billion buy back of common stock in 2011 aimed at increasing its earnings per share and net income thus augment demand for its stock which would in turn raise its price at the stock exchange. With a dividend of $2.64 in t he pas financial year, the firm has had its stock price averaging at about $60. To further understand the trends in major integrated oil and gas industry, Exxon Mobil, another firm from the industry, was selected for trading practice in this class. Exxon Mobil explores and produces crude oil and natural gases and also manufactures petroleum products. The Irving, Texas firm, founded in 1870 also transports and sells these products. Its operations cut across the globe to cover the US, Canada, Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia. The merger between Exxon and Mobil in 1999 which made the firm the largest publicly traded company in the energy sector could be a reason to attract investors. Just like other firms in this industry, the stock price of Exxon Mobil would be greatly influenced by the prices of crude oil. The enlarge in prices of crude oil in the period around 2011 saw the firm raise the price of its products which translated to increased stock price. With forecasted future incre ase in energy demand globally, it is anticipated that its share price will keep rising. Fourthly, oscillation was selected for the trading practice to help understand how changes in the oil industries affect consumers of its products. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Park Ridge, NJ, Hertz runs two segments in its business renting cars and renting equipment in Canada and the US. Investing in Hertz would be viable as
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