Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Environmental Biology and Conservation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Environmental Biology and Conservation - Essay Example The elephants are particularly killed for their valuable ivory that is used in the manufacture of traditional medicine especially in China and Taiwan and making of game trophies and ornaments. In this respect, the conservation of the animals especially in the African continent has become one of top priorities in order to safeguard their crucial role they play in the ecosystem. Destroying local elephant habitats to create room for human settlement is an important local issue in Africa that has resulted to deaths of the African elephant. This paper examines the impact of killing the African elephant one of the threatened species, with special focus on its role in the ecosystem and the conservation measures put in place to ensure its survival. Population trends of African elephant and its major habitats The population of the African elephant has dropped sharply from about 1.3 million animals in the 1970s to about 450,000 animals today (Chris, 1999). The population of these animals has reduced drastically in their main habitats across the African continent presenting serious ecological challenges in the affected region. In view of the declining numbers, some African countries have established conservancies such as game reserves, game parks and national parks in addition to lobbying for international ban on ivory. According to Chris (1999), the African elephant, Loxodanta africana inhabited virtually all parts of the continent for many centuries. Currently, the animals are mostly concentrated on the southern Saharan desert, and their numbers are scattered and disjointed in the region. The habitats of elephants in the sub-Saharan Africa are divided into four main zones that include central, southern, western and eastern Africa (Anderson and Coe 1974). These regions have varying human p opulation that plays a critical role in determining the destruction of the habits and the subsequent animal population. Human population in the central Africa is quite sparse and this region has one of the largest forest cover on the continent. The forests form an important habitat of the forest elephant, the Loxodonta African cyclotis subspecies (White and Child 1988). Due to the dense forests, low human population and limited destruction of the habitats, central Africa is home to about 45% of the total African elephant population (Chris, 1999). Western Africa is one of the regions in the continent that has the highest human population. Consequently, the elephant habits have largely been interfered with, causing drastic reduction in the animal population. According to Chris (1999), elephant population in the region is restricted in the fragmented habitats raging from the savannah and the remaining forested areas. According to Chris (1999), western Africa comprises of just about 2% on the entire population of the African elephant. The countries with the highest numbers of elephants in western Africa include Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast (Chris, 1999). The eastern Africa is another important habitat for the elephant population. Geographically, the region comprises of highlands endowed with rich volcanic soils. Consequently, the dense human population engaged in crop farming in the fertile highlands has destroyed habitats for the African elephant. From early 1970, to 1980, the region experienced high level of elephant poaching and the high population decimated the elephants further (Bengis, 1996). Chris (1999) estimated that the region accounts to about 20% of the total elephant population in the continent. Tanzania is one of the few countries with high elephant population but Kenya is recording an increasing in numbers after enforcing stringent conservation measures (Bengis, 1996). In southern Africa region, the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategic business management planning
Strategic business management planning Introduction In this assignment I will be aiming to access, in a critical manner, the classic and contemporary models, concepts and tools in business strategy and planning. I will also be evaluating the methods used by organisations to identify their goals and values. I will be doing the above two in reference to the British bakery chain Greggs plc. 1) Manning (1988:27) made a set of assumptions about the contemporary concept and ideas of strategy, and in relation to Greggs plc they are: The strategy Greggs develops must be designed in order to allow the organisation to deal with an uncertain future. The strategy developed designs a restructuring process instead of a plan per se. The rules of competition with other bakery must be inherent in the strategy. Inspiration and imagination of Greggs allow better performance for them. Synthesis is the most important skill for Greggs. All discussions in the Greggs board room are followed by measurements, which in turn is managed. ‘Transformational is an executive management tactic. This involves combining Greggs organisational strategy and target with their initiatives for the employees, process and technology. This tactic helps in supporting the business strategy and achieving the long-term goals. This tactic is achieved by combining different areas of people, process and technology, and trying to achieve specific targets together; this involves changing appearance, shape and form, and also through new technology, business models and management practices. Incremental is a gradual increase by a certain (or fixed) amount. E.g. Greggs experienced the opposite of incremental (a decrement) as it had a gradual decrease in its profit margins from 2009 to 2010, and then continuing to 2011. However, they also had an increment as sales increased on a fixed percentage of 2.1% year on year. 2) Greggs uses various methods, as shown above, to achieve their targets. As a modern day organisations, it is fair to evaluate the success of those methods for Greggs. The strategy Greggs developed a few years back has surely failed to ensure it was designed for an uncertain future. This is evidenced by their fall in profits from  £52 million to  £48 million; they were not able to prepare for a future they were not sure of and thus had to face consequences. On the other hand, if Greggs initial strategy was to increase sales then they have indeed succeeded as they have experienced increases in sales of 2.1%. But, even so Greggs can still be taken to be a failure as it failed to increase profit. Therefore we can conclude the success of their strategies depends on exactly what they were, but either way Greggs have faltered. Transformational is visibly used by Greggs. This is evidenced by their use of newsletters to increase communication between employees; this will allow staff, starting from those in the lowest level to those in the most influential position, to be aware of the organisations target, as well as staying updated on any happenings around any other departments. This in turn will aid in motivating and inspiring staff to work harder together towards the common target. 3) The main differences between prescriptive and emergent theories in relation to Greggs plc are: Prescriptive approach, as used by Greggs, will be systematic and based upon pre analysis of future happenings in the bakery industry. But, emergent, in contradiction to that is, unplanned and develops over time as Greggs continually keeps adjusting to the changing business environment in the bakery market. In prescriptive, the executives of Greggs set the objectives, and design the organisation strategy. But, in the emergent approach, managers at any level (e.g. managers of local branches) are capable of having an input in setting the objective or strategy. The prescriptive approach supports analysis of the situation in the bakery market as a strong base for competitive advantage. But, the emergent approach supports Greggs expert knowledge as the basis for competitive advantage. The logical and analytical approach of the prescriptive allows Greggs to predict and revise their strategies in order to take advantage of any new opportunities that may come up. One example of this approach (in relation to another company) is when EasyJet correctly predicted and lowered their cost in order to gain an advantage in the cost-conscious European market. Whereas, the emergent approach allows a more creative and responsive strategy which can be well suited for a hyper-competitive and unpredictable business environment (as that in the food market). Examples of organisations (other than Greggs) that dont tie themselves to pre-designed objectives and strategies include big names such as Microsoft and Apple In todays organisations, like Greggs, the emergent approach would have a bigger relevance. The reason being the prescriptive model doesnt allow the contemporary style of allowing employees at the lower levels to make contributions to the decision made. As a result of such an approach employees become less motivated. 4) There are three types of goals. They act together to form the overall organisation goal. The three goals in relation to Greggs plc are: Strategic Goal (the targeted position Greggs intends to be in the future), Tactical Goal (the targets set for the most important departments within Greggs), and Organisational Goal (specific results expected from a certain department, groups or individuals). Goals help in designing the actions to be taken, and works best when clear choices exist regarding the future. But, in may not work properly if Greggs restructures at a fast rate. Every organisation has its own values, including Greggs. This values shape the Greggs culture and working environment. It helps in setting goals in line with the culture, and in increasing performance in key areas such as quality and customer service. Peter Druckers Eight Content Areas in Developing Goals are: Marketing Innovation Productivity Physical and financial resources Profitability Managerial performance and development Worker performance and attitude Public responsibility One of the most important problems with goal and value setting is the failure of Greggs to think strategically. A common problem that occurs is that planners (i.e. the executives at Greggs) confuse organisational efficiency with organisational effectiveness. In doing so, they only look at internal matters and how to make things slightly better than they currently are. Ultimately, they end up without having solved potential threats, and without using their strengths to gain advantage. Steps to a progressive strategic thinking (in other words settings goals and values) are: Select the strategies that Greggs wants to implement. Strategies must focus with the restructuring of Greggs, as this aids in directing and sustaining changes. Strategies must be designed in order to allow adaptation to unexpected results. Use brainstorming techniques to allow fellow planners to contribute. While developing the strategy the planners (the executives at Greggs plc) must think whether it will allow a change in the organisation, as well as it was whether it was actually a strategic activity. Reconsider strategies that have failed in the past. Make sure to avoid conflicting strategies. Also, Greggs must take the following into considerations to ensure their strategies, targets and values are truly effective and dont contradict each other: The most important issues always present the most complicating problems. Therefore it is advisable to concentrate more on such matters. Continually question every idea to ensure clarity. Each of the strategies must be associated with currently running programs. 5) Stakeholders in Greggs plc have different interest, some of which are conflicting and some of which are in agreement. Examples of agreement include high profits (which leads to high dividends and job security), interest in growth and prosperity, etc. Examples of conflict include wage rises (which results in a decrease in dividends), growth of the organisation at the expense of short term profit and local community, etc. It cannot be taken that stakeholders have equality in terms of power and influence. Stakeholders can exert influence by disrupting and causing uncertainty in Greggs plans. However, Governments, community groups and managers can also exert influence; government can indirectly through the use of taxation, community groups through protests and violence, and managers as they make decisions and therefore hold extensive power. In conclusion, even though stakeholders on paper have greater influence and power, other individuals or groups can exert influence through indirect means and methods. However, if conflict or disagreement exists between stakeholders, than proportionality in the ownership of the company comes into effect, as those with the largest share are the most influence. 7) Strategic intent is the reason behind the existence of any organisation like Greggs. It forms a clear path to achieve the vision of the company. It helps to prioritise and concentrate on the important issues. The means of strategic intent are the following: A properly designed strategic intent allows development of strategies and setting of targets. Inspiring people by making targets a valuable asset. Encouraging participation and contribution. Careful direction of resources. Emphasises on building new resources. Strategic intent has certainly been used by Greggs in restricting their organisation. They have ensured participation, efficiency of resources and have developed a well thought strategy. This is clearly visible as their number of sales as increased in the past years. In conclusion, strategic intent is indeed a successful theory as seen by the success of Greggs due to their implementation of it. Mission statement states the importance behind the existence of Greggs. It explains the basic expectations, and the primary values of the company. The statement should be brief, to-the-point and easy to understand. Also, it should showcase the uniqueness of the organisation. Vision statement is how the organisation wishes to be in the future, in other words its future position. 8) Mission intent is a description of the role the organisation plays in serving their stakeholders.It provides a framework upon which strategies are formulated. The means of mission intent are the following: Produce a mission statement that is feasible and clear. A statement which is inspiring and credible. A statement which is unique and analytical. Greggs mission statement is â€Å"Making a difference to the lives of people in need in the heart of Greggs local communities.†It is a well-structured mission statement because it is feasible and very clear (to help the local communities), it is inspiring (helping others is always a motivating cause) and analytical (because it looks carefully at the specific needs of the community). And it certainly seemed to have succeeded as Greggs successfully raised money in aid of the local community, as well as ensuring to provide environmental friendly packaging for its products. In conclusion, the mission intent is an effective tool in creating a friendly and comfortable atmosphere and environment. It increases organisation profile and allows successful growth. Vision statement is a statement identifying what the organisation intends to be in providing its services and products. A well planned statement should be clear, realistic and should harmonize with the organisations culture and values. Greggs vision is â€Å"Our vision is to be Europes finest bakery-related retailer. Our purpose is the growth and development of a thriving business, operating with integrity, for the benefit and enjoyment of our people, customers, shareholders and the wider community.†It is a perfect vision statement as it is clear (grow into Europes finest bakery), realistic (it can almost be achieve as it continues to grow across Europe) and harmonize with the organisations culture and values (of support for the community). The fact Greggs clear vision has allowed it to become one of Europes biggest and fastest growing bakery shop, proves that vision intent is indeed an effective method. Objectives are targets that the organisation aims for in a certain time. The theory of objectives suggests they are: They are the basics of any plan. Policies are designed in order to achieve objectives. Setting objective is the responsibility the executives. It is common to have a set of objectives, rather than one single. Objectives are set in the short term, as well as long term. Objectives must be set in order to ensure they can be adjusted in the future if needed. The objectives must be feasible, realistic and operational. Greggs objective of being a ‘customer-focused business has certainly been a success, as seen from their increased sales and their growth. This proves that setting objective is indeed effective as it allows an organisation to meet their target in an organised manner. Conclusion: In conclusion, businesses now-a-days use all forms of models, concepts and tools, regardless of whether their classic or contemporary, to develop their strategy and plans, and do so in a successful manner so that the strategies and plans are both compatible for both the present and future situations that the Greggs might find themselves in. Also, the methods used by organisations like Greggs to identify their goals and values, are certainly effective and aids in developing and furthering growth for the company.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essays --
Conservation Environmental problems mainly generated in the economic activity, therefore it should be resolved together with the economic activity. In both developed and developing countries, there is always an argument, stated that whether the economic development come first or the environmental conservation come first? The former follows the â€Å"develop first, conservation later†model while the latter follows the â€Å"conservation while development†model. For developing countries which also known as Third World countries, which model should be follow to achieve a win-win situation which benefits both human beings and environment. However, some powerful insights opposed that Third World countries should take the model of â€Å"develop first, conservation later†. They believe that for developing countries, the best way is find a way in which both development and conservation are benefits to each other by converting the resources gained from environment and turn the resources into profits which help in economic growth, later by using this profits and use it as a fees for the conversation of environment to compensate the loss of environment for the profits gained. This method combine both environmental protection and economic development and forming a mutually benefits between the two. Third World countries are able to protect the environment although they have a lower income levels compared to those First and Second World countries. Due to various reasons, the economic development is different among developing countries. Therefore, developing countries don’t have to follow the path of developed countries which develop the economy first and then just conserve the environment. Environmental conservation not only depends on economic growth, ... ...e public destruction" of the situation, and ultimately reach the purpose of combating desertification. Therefore, combating desertification must be combined with poverty, poor governance must sand. Only effective control of desertification, economic development is sustainable; only achieve poverty alleviation, people will consciously safeguard the achievements in combating desertification. So, compared to only consider combating desertification, which is a positive and effective way. Visible only to find a developing country can protect the environment, but also bring economic benefits of the method, the poverty resides in protecting the environment, the protection of the environment in which resides in poverty, in order to embark on economic and environmental coordination broad road .This is developing choice! This is the inevitable choice for developing countries!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Alexander Hamilton Essay
I consider Napoleon, Fox, and Hamilton the three greatest men of our epoch, and if I were forced to decide between the three, I would give without hesitation the first place to Hamilton. He divined Europe. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand. So begins the biography of Alexander Hamilton on the web page from Revolution to Reconstruction. Even Jefferson was in awe of him as he told James Madison in 1795, â€Å"Hamilton is really a colossus . . . without numbers, he is a host within himself.†– quoted by De Coralis. Alexander Hamilton was born in about1757 on the Caribbean island of Nevis. He had no birth certificate so the exact date is disputed, but he always said it was in 1757. He was one of two sons born illegitimately to a French Huguenot mother by an irresponsible Scots father who was later to abandon his family. His mother died of yellow fever when he was only 13, having been imprisoned for adultery at the instigation of her husband , who then managed to successfully sue for all her meagre assets, leaving the two boys with nothing. All his life Hamilton was aware that people knew of his beginnings and discussed them behind his back. After his mother’s death he began to work as clerk to New Yorker Nicolas Cruger. In Cruger’s absence he ran the firm and so even as a teenager he came to learn and to manage the intricacies of international trade – something that was to be in his stead later. He also saw the dark side of trading – slavery, which he came to hate. Eventually he was to co-found an abolitionist society. Another mentor was clergyman Hugh Knox, who tutored him in both humanities and sciences. It was these mentors and other rich islanders who paid for him to study in New York at the then King’s College . (Now Columbia University). Their idea seems to have been that he study medicine and then return to set up practice. That was the theory, but the fact was that he never returned to the islands. He arrived in New York in 1773. In 1774 the first continental Congress met to decide what to do about what they saw as the tyrannical rule of England. Following the Boston Tea Party Hamilton travelled to Boston where he became convinced of the rights of the colonists. The newspapers were full of arguments for and against and Hamilton joined in when he wrote his first pamphlet â€Å"A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress,†According to Lisa Marie de Coralis on the web page ‘From Revolution to Reconstruction’, in 1769 Hamilton had written to a friend saying that what better way was there for a young man to change his station in life than in war. His argument was that in war it is one’s abilities rather than one’s background that counts. Considering his background it is hardly a surprising view. In the summer of 1776 the British fleet were sailing towards the city of New York and Hamilton responded quickly to a call for volunteers. He soon became captain of a group of artillerymen, even paying for their uniforms himself. He and his company fought alongside Washington and his men at Long Island and in other battles that year  His talents were recognised and he became, aged 20, aide-de-camp to General George Washington with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. It seems with hindsight that he made the right choice, for he had earlier turned down similar positions with other military leaders. He continued to be close to Washington for most of the time and was eventually among those who composed Washington’s farewell address in 1796. Valley Forge in the winter of 1777 -78 was an important time for Hamilton. Washington had some 9,000 men forced to scavenge for supplies, because of the inability of Congress to act on their behalf. All around men were starving and Hamilton realised that the Americans would become a laughing stock if their government was seen to be unable to support its troops. There was to be an alliance with France and Hamilton, probably using the French he had leant from his mother, became interpreter. In the summer of 1779 rumours began to circulate that Hamilton was to lead a move to overthrow congress and install Washington as a dictator. Colonel John Brooks told Hamilton of these rumors adding that he had heard someone say †Mr. Hamilton could be no ways interested in the defence of this country; and therefore, was most likely to pursue such a line of conduct as his great ambition dictated.†His colleagues realised that the rumours were false. Hamilton was frustrated with Congress, no more. It did make one thing plain though, Hamilton was, and always would be viewed as an outsider – a non-American, a major reason why, despite his massive abilities he is not included in the list of American Presidents. Other reasons given are his affair and the fact that his politics and reasoning were way above the heads of most Americans. Hamilton on the other hand firmly links himself with the American cause as when he wrote to Congressman Duane in 1780 â€Å"the defects of our present system, and the changes necessary to save us from ruin.†– See chapter 8 ‘From Revolution to Reconstruction. In the letter he sees America as other nations would see her, with a weak congress, unable to fulfil its commitments. Much of the letter is about his financial plans for the country – not surprising for someone who was to become its treasurer. Washington was not known as a placid man. There were several spats and then in 1781, Washington felt that Hamilton was not respecting him and the two fell out. In April of that year he resigned as aide-de camp and went to stay with his new wife in Albany. From here he began his first essays on American government. â€Å"The Continentalist,†In 1781 he finally had his first command and victory at Yorktown. In January of 1782 his first child was born and two months later he resigned from the military, being appointed as Receiver of Taxes for New York. At the same time he began to study law, completing a three year course in just a few months. In 1782 he also became a congressman.  He is quoted by De Coralis as writing to Lafayette:- I have been employed for the last ten months in rocking the cradle and studying the art of fleecing my neighbours. I am now a Grave Counsellor  at law, and shall soon be a grand member of Congress. The Legislature  at their last session took it into their heads to name me pretty unanimously one of their delegates.†As a lawyer he acted in many cases involving anti-loyalists laws. One of his most important cases ensured that federal laws were to be treated as supreme over those of individual states. Hamilton could be quite outspoken. In June 1780 he write to John Laurens describing his fellow Americans as having ‘the passiveness of sheep †¦they are determined not to be free†¦I f we are saved France and Spain must save us.’ Eventually of course they rose to the occasion, though France did contribute to the success by not allowing Britain to make full use of its military and naval powers. Despite his American nationality he admired the British system of government . He said when addressing congress in June 1787 ‘I believe the British government forms the best model the world ever produced.’ Hamilton is one of the anonymous contributors to the Constitution, the final text of which was drawn up by James Madison in July of 1787, according to Cohen and Major ( page 511). First of all Hamilton asked for a revision of the articles of confederation. He called them to arms saying as quoted in volume 4 of his papers:- Let Americans disdain to be instruments of European greatness! Let the thirteen states, bound together by strict and indissoluble union, concur in erecting one great American system. He signed the constitution in September 1787 and when Washington took on the presidency he knew that Hamilton was the best man to take on the country’s finance and he became the first, and perhaps the greatest, Secretary to the Treasury in 1789. He served in this post from 1789 to 1795, during which period he succeeded in restoring the country’s financial position. Early in his period of office he produced lengthy reports for congress about what the country needed financially including a system of taxation and funding of the national debt. The report controversially included the need for a national bank, an idea that Washington for one did not at first approve of. In 1792 there was a stock market panic and from this time on Hamilton came under attack for his policies. In 1804 there was to be an election. During the run up Hamilton, then leader of the Federalist party and famous for arguing for freedom of speech, was heard , on more than one occasion, to be vilifying Aaron Burr, the Republican leader, vice-president and a long time enemy. He had already come out heavily against Burr in the press. Burr demanded satisfaction in the form of a duel, and despite the fact that his beloved son had died in a duel, Hamilton, after the interchange of several letters, finally conceded. It was his eleventh and last duel. Hamilton fired firs t and missed. Burr’s first shot, hit Hamilton in lower abdomen, paralysed him and he died at home the following day, having confessed to hi s doctor that he had had no intention of hitting Burr. He died  leaving a wife, seven children and a mountain of debts, having frequently undercharged clients, subsidised newspapers and having refused an army pension. The financial genius had failed to provide for himself. Neither man benefited as Burr was indicted for murder, though duelling was not outlawed in New Jersey, and though later acquitted, Burr’s political career was over, as of course was Hamilton’s. Bibliography Crystal, D. editor, The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1995 Hamilton,A. Address to the Constitutional Congress, 11th June 1787, quoted by Cohen,M. and Major,J. in History in Quotations, Cassell, London ,2004. Hamilton, A., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton vol2 (1961) pages 347-8, volume 4, page 345. Electronic Sources De Coralis, L.M. From Revolution to Reconstruction, Biography of Alexander Hamilton found 2nd June 2007
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cirque Du Solleil- Strategic Management Essay
Executive Summary Cirque du Soleil is an entertainment firm from Montrà ©al, Canada and was founded in 1984. The company started as a small business and gradually grew into a successful organisation with an established presence in the entertainment industry. This report deals with the ways in which the organisation became successful. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse different factors. The first part enumerates the stakeholders which contribute profits for Cirque du Soleil. Conversely, this section will cover the considerations the organisation must take into account for the welfare of its stakeholders. The second part illustrates the organisation’s uniqueness and how they differ from their competitors, which is a result of several innovations and business strategy. In the last part, the mission statement will be illustrated and discussed. Analysis of the mission statement will show the principles, philosophy, and beliefs that take high priority for their business. Furthermore, suggestions for the future will be listed. 1.Stakeholders & the success of Cirque du Soleil A stakeholder is a person or a group who has an input in an organisation. It can affect the achievement of company’s objectives, activities and the behaviour of its member. (Mullins, 2005:163) 1.1.Cirque du Soleil’s stakeholders Cirque du Soleil, like all other organisations, has many stakeholders which include managers, employees, customers, government, etc. Every stakeholder has its particular interests to support an organisation. 1.1.1.Managers Managers have particular interests in an organisation e.g. in job security, size and growth of the organisation or prestige. (Mullins, 2005: 164) Additionally, the managers achieve a self fulfilment because they have career prospects due to the variety of jobs e.g. in environment issues. (Cirque du Soleil, 2012) Hence, the managers are able to learn different stages of work and also have job possibilities in non-circus work. 1.1.2.Employees Like managers, employees have interests in job security and in learning because the shows are always differentiated. Therefore, employees can also experience a self fulfilment. It is believed that employee’s salary is above the average circus industry salary because the shows are upscale and successful. Thus, employees can build up a reputation and also expand career options e.g. by retraining for a second career or by changing the industry like transitioning to musical theatre for example. (Cirque du Soleil, 2012) 1.1.3.Customers The customers of Cirque du Soleil are the audiences and they are of prime importance for the organisation. The benefit that Cirque du Soleil gives to the audience is an escape from the stress of their daily lives. In other words, they can get away from it all for a short while. The audience gets a unique experience from the spectacular performance. Due to the multiple shows, customers may come frequently which brings travel possibilities because the organization is touring around the world. An adult experience can be fulfilled due to the fact that the show is more elegant and rich than loud like in a traditional circus. (Pawar, 2007: 8-10) 1.1.4.Government The government’s purpose in helping the organisation might be to enhance their image. Especially for tourism, the organisation enlarge government’s cultural offering. Therefore, a new target group can be achieved e.g. those who are not interested in historical sights. As a result, this benefit supports the local industry due to taxes. Hence, the city can pursue other projects like the construction of parks as public service. Cirque du Soleil has an agreement with the Government of Canada to serve 25 years with entertainment to support the cultural program in Canada. (Canadian Heritage, 2010) 1.1.5.Suppliers & Distributors Suppliers and distributors are committed in long term relationships with Cirque du Soleil and bring prestige to the stakeholders due to frequent orders and demand. It may also be possible that the stakeholder gets new customer groups due to references. 1.1.6.Investors & Sponsors For these groups, cooperating with Cirque du Soleil brings a prestige to the locals. In the case of Arab investors, the cooperation brings business in tourism, regional development and support for the local industry. Dubai firms bought 20% of Cirque du Soleil which brought profit. Last year 10000 visitors watched Cirque du Soleil’s performances and the company owns a stake in casinos where Cirque’s shows are shown. (The star, 2008) Sponsors want to enhance their image and in addition, get new target groups. Besides, return on investment is a benefit for sponsors. Nevertheless, sponsors are a low key stakeholder because they also use the event for fundraising opportunities. (De Wit, 2004: 931) 1.1.7.Community The province of Quebec and its community share almost the same interests as the government. Quebec wants to enhance their image and enlarge their cultural offering and in doing so, hope to achieve new target markets. The global community looks for funding and developing e.g. for projects like charity. Cirque du Mond is a special project for youth who have HIV or victims of sexual violence. Cirque offer them workshops to express themselves. (Cirque du Soleil, 2012) 1.2.Stakeholders & financial performance The aforementioned stakeholders bring their expectations to the organisation and the organisation tries to fulfil their expectations which may simultaneously lead to the organisation accomplishing its own goals. If the requirements and expectations are reached, high performance can be achieved. (Manowong, 2010: 131) 1.2.1.Superior financial performance through serving stakeholders’ interests In the interests of the stakeholder, managers will be rewarded for their performance. When expectations are met, managers build commitment and loyalty and thus, cause a positive contribution from each member of the organisation. This in turn, lowers the cost for recruitment and training. Satisfied employees provide inputs for creativity for new shows. If they perform excellently they can bring more possibilities in creating new and spectacular acts. Hence, better shows can be offered. As a result more tickets can be sold for high prices which lead to high turnover and profits. Furthermore, new target groups can be tapped into by attracting those who are watching the shows for the first time out of curiosity. By giving the audience unique experiences of its shows, Cirque may receive frequent and repeated business. As a result, and similar to the effect that employees have on the organisation, the audience brings the organisation turnover and profit due to high ticket sales. (Kim, 2005: 15) The government supports the organisation. One example can be given from 1985 where Cirque du Soleil was in debt. The Quebec government granted funds to the organisation to sustain their business which brought the organisation slowly back into a stable condition. (Pawar, 2007: 4) Due to long-term relationships to suppliers, the stakeholders build trust after a long collaboration. As a result, the stakeholder supports the organisation with lower and better prices. Concerning investors, they support Cirque du Soleil with projects for example. Therefore, Cirque du Soleil has lower financing costs and has a better financial reputation and position. Cirque du Soleil attracts investors and thus, they have a financial backup. (TheStar, 2008) Through the community, Cirque du Soleil achieves a reputation e.g. by giving tickets to charitable organisations. Having a positive impact on the greater community and society in general can help Cirque boost their ticket sales. (Pawar, 2007: 9) Corporate social responsibility became important where companies take responsibility towards community and environment and operate in social and ecological aspects. As a result, the organisation may increase customer retention, enhance relationships (customer, supplier) and differentiate from competitors. (Sims, 2003: 43-44) 1.3.Serving stakeholders’ interests through superior financial performance Good financial performance of Cirque enables the organisation to better serve the stakeholders in more ways than simply revenues and profit. As a consequence of superior financial performance, a further aspect is important to how Cirque du Soleil satisfies their stakeholders. Due to the high turnover and profit in business, better shows are offered where the expenditure is spent on modern technology or venues. Suppliers are charged with new tasks and build trust. Besides, the bigger the company size, the bigger the orders because the company may have the ability to manage the delivery. Hence, the studios get seller’s attention. (Hollensen, 2005: 296-297) Additionally, better training can be provided for employees in circus school and career transition program support artists when they step out of the organisation. Furthermore, Cirque du Soleil offers their employees health benefits like medical plan and travel benefits due to shows in different countries. (Cirque du Soleil, 2012) Communities can be provided with new projects beside environment issues like environmental pollution. According to Cirque du Mond Cirque du Soleil can provide new projects. So besides Africa and Australia they could also operate in Asia. (Cirque du Soleil) 2.Operational innovations at Ciruqe du Soleil Operational innovation is about creating new ways in business e.g. in new projects or providing customer service to achieve success. Consequently, success is not only based on the working performance of a company. (Hammer, 2004) 2.1.Operational innovations & the unique Cirque experience Cirque du Soleil distinguishes themselves from traditional circuses by eliminating and adding factors. (Kim, 2005: 36) Eliminate Star performance Animal shows Aisle concession sales Multiple show arenas 3 ringsRaise Unique venue + Touring location Reduce Fun and humour Thrill and dangerCreate Theme + Multiple shows Refines environment Multiple productions Artistic music and dance Music first than shows Production e.g. film, TV, retail, corporate shows Unique combination of performing act Table 1 Eliminate- Reduce- Raise- Create Grid (Source by Kim, 2005: supplemented by author) Furthermore, it is said that less successful companies followed usual strategic logic and successful companies used value innovation. Value innovation differs from the basic strategy and does not focus on rivals. It focuses more on the values customers have in common and new processes. (Kim, 1998: 25-26) Moreover, by eliminating certain elements, costs can be reduced e.g. by reducing advertising because value innovation causes word-of-mouth. Thus, a part of differentiation is also value at a lower cost. (Kim, 1998: 28-30) As illustrated below (see Figure 1), the key factors for the value curve are focus, divergence and a compelling tagline to achieve and exceed the value for both buyers and the organisation which Cirque du Soleil manages to do. Evidently, it is shown in Strategy Canvas that Cirque du Soleil differs from other competitors. The Circus Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Value Curves are similar to a traditional circus and Cirque du Soleil is the total opposite of it thr ough alternatives with new factors. (Kim, 2005: 37-41) Proceeding on the assumption, the operational innovation leads to value innovation and as a result, those unique strategies such as new concepts and process create unique experiences. (Waltz, 2003: 86) For example they attract audiences with lighting effects, original music and new and appealing costumes. (Pawar, 2007: 4) In general, a mature industry has a greater chance of success and rewards than industries which appear profitable because mature industries have a greater creativity in business and higher level of innovation. Customers are especially attracted by the creativity of industries which can cause unique experiences. These industries are also difficult to compete because of the market niche they create. (Baden- Fuller, 1992: 18) These criteria fit Cirque du Soleil’s business model and is carried out by its Blue Ocean strategy in which the organisation builds a new and uncontested market which made the competition irrelevant due to creative innovations. (Kim, 2005: 4&18) 2.2.The influence of operational innovations on the financial dynamics of Cirque du Soleil Financial dynamics reflect results of an organisation’s decisions which are important for the cash flow. Increasing the productivity means not reducing costs. Nevertheless, it creates options which may lead to turnovers. The effect of increasing output or input may enhance profit for the business. (Yu- Lee, 2002: 136&138) In general the circus industry comprises high costs and most of the circuses incur increasing costs without rising revenues. (Kim, 2005: 13) Based on the innovation in 2.1 the author identifies the reducing cost and the turnover due to the organisation’s elimination and addition of elements which lead to profit. 2.2.1.Turnover Cirque du Soleil has various factors which attract customers and leads to turnover. For example, they have unique venues with comfortable seats instead of hard benches like in traditional circus. (Kim, 2005: 15) Cirque du Soleil started to perform in different continents like Asia and Europe and people all over the world have the chance to take part in the events. Moreover, the organisation creates themes which have impressive storylines and multiple shows with new acts. Additionally, artistic dance and music make it more unique. A special feature of the shows is how they create music first and then adapt the acts to the music. All in all, the unique entertainment created a new form of entertainment and combined circus art with theatre and ballet. (Pawar, 2007: 3-6) This generates turnover because creativity causes a great ambience and introduces an intellectual element into the shows which impress audiences and increase demand. (Kim, 2005: 15) In general, Cirque’s shows are sold out or well frequented with occupancy of 85-95%. (Williamson, 2004: 931) By other ventures like audio, videos, t-shirts and masks Cirque can increase their revenue. (Pawar, 2007: 3) In addition, less than 10% of revenues come from concessions at shows. Nothing is sold inside the tent and also not during performances. Therefore, Cirque du Soleil offers VIP packages which include food in a separate tent. Hence, the customer can get better beverages for a higher price. (Williamson, 2004: 931) 2.2.2.Reducing Cost Reducing costs are achieved by significantly eliminating elements. By eliminating circus animals reduce one of the most expensive expenditures. This consists of training, insurance, medical care and transportation, and transportation expenses are especially costly because Cirque du Soleil tours around the world. Moreover, star performances in traditional circuses are expensive and Cirque does not include these performers in its programs. Instead of three-ring venues Cirque reduces it into one which reduces e.g. the effort of decoration costs. (Kim, 2005: 14) Besides touring shows they have permanent shows which take place in Las Vegas, Orlando and Walt Disney World. (Pawar, 2007: 3) 2.2.3.Profit In terms of profit, operational innovations develop improvement for better market performance. It enables Strategic, Marketplace and Operational benefits. (Hammer, 2004) The results of Cirque du Soleil’s innovations can be gathered from â€Å"A Powerful Weapon†(see appendix: table 2). Applicable to Cirque du Soleil, they achieved strategic benefits which lead to higher customer retention, ability to execute strategies and to enter new markets due to their new entertainment business. Their marketplace benefits are based on greater customer satisfaction, differentiated offerings and stronger relationships due to offering unique experiences. Operational benefits are acquired with lower direct costs and more added values. 3.Cirque du Soleil’s corporate mission The corporate mission is an element of the organisation’s business plan. It is a function for the strategic planning which gives a specific direction to the business process. Therefore, the organisation has a purpose and business principles to form the firm’s identity. (Bierce, 2004: 592) 3.1.Components of the corporate mission The corporate mission consists of three elements. First of all, in organisational beliefs the members have the same strategic beliefs and share a common understanding which makes decision making easier in business processes. It results in a more confident and driven group. (Bierce, 2004: 592) Secondly, the organisational values guide the actions in a business and are an integral part of the company but each person has her own value in what they believe to be good. Therefore, by sharing common values e.g. in ethical behaviour or worthwhile activities, reaching aims can be supported. Lastly, an organisation has a specific business definition which creates a direction for the organisation to follow and thereby attain success. Through this guideline, members focus on opportunities and efforts to expand their business. (Bierce, 2004: 593) 3.1.1.Business definition According to the mission, Cirque du Soleil places high importance on artistic performances and creative productions. (Cirque du Soleil, 2012) Based on the research of the author, their mission is not a precise business definition of Cirque du Soleil because there is no clear direction how they want to develop. For example, they do not define themselves as a traditional circus. Not having a business definition points to a weakness in the organisation. On the other hand, not having a definition is a strength because there is no other organisation which is similar with Cirque du Soleil’s business (exemplified in 2.1.). 3.1.2.Organisational purpose Cirque du Soleil’s purpose â€Å"[..] is to invoke the imagination, to provoke the senses and to evoke the emotions of people around the world.†(Cirque du Soleil, 2012) The organisation is trying to do everything to impress their customers but to fulfil their needs they do not use market research for their shows. By following trends the organisation will lose their unique presence. Instead, the organisation’s culture is to create new shows to update previous shows. (Pawar, 2007:8-9) 3.1.3.Organisational beliefs Cirque du Soleil is breaking the market boundaries of circus and theatre (Kim, 2005: 14) which points to a new form of live entertainment with a combination of circus art, ballet and theatre. (Pawar, 2007: 3) Coherent with this finding, the non-existent business definition is contradictory because it is said that Cirque du Soleil tried from the beginning to differentiate itself from the traditional circus in business perspectives. (Pawar, 2007: 6-7) Moreover, to achieve this belief by breaking market boundaries, innovations enabled steps to be taken in a specific direction. 3.1.4.Organisational values The value of this organisation is to keep their creativity in business and try to exceed their limits. In addition, the organisation tries to empower its people and promote the youth. Furthermore, every member of the organisation respects every contribution of one person. (Cirque du Soleil, 2012) 3.2.Mission function & statement The mission functions devote strategic measures for the future and thus, represent the purpose of a unit. Moreover, a mission statement defines customers, products and services. (Entrepreneur Media, 2012) 3.2.1.The future development of the business & mission of Cirque du Soleil For the future, Cirque du Soleil is planning to build more entertainment complexes in major cities like Sydney, London and New York. The complexes would include art galleries, nightclubs and restaurants for people to dine. In addition, Cirque wants to include hotels in which artists perform in the waiting area and clowns are doing the room services. (Pawar, 2007: 10) Based on the mission of Cirque du Soleil, the author analyses the factors of mission. The aforementioned organisational values are definite such as the purpose has a clear understanding of what the organisation wants to offer their customer. In contrast to the business definition, there is an indistinct clarification. In particular, Cirque’s intentions for the future blur the business identity and make it even more vague than it already is. A suggestion would be to take preference and choose between the hospitality or entertainment industry and commit resources accordingly. Thus, they can also assure stakeholders of what specific business they are partaking in and the stakeholders have a clear understanding what purpose the organisation is. 3.2.2.Renewed mission statement To modify the mission statement the author extracts parts of the exciting mission of Cirque du Soleil (see appendix: Figure 2) and adds purposes: â€Å"Cirque du Soleil is an international organization and puts a high value on creation, production and performance of artistic work which will impress the audience to evoke the emotions. The organisation will torch people over the world with unique experiences of their performance which differentiate from other entertainment. â€Å" In the modified mission, value on creativity like production will be retained because it highlights the features of Cirque’s business. Furthermore, members of the organisation have a clearer understanding of their aim or purpose. Moreover, Cirque du Soleil should expand in more countries so that everyone, even people in developing countries, can take part in the unique experiences. Cirque could design smaller shows because the usual tickets are expensive. The mission clearly states that they differentiate from others and still hold their accurate business in the background. In summary, audiences might show a continued curiosity with promises. Strategic BenefitsïÆ'ËœHigher customer retention Greater market share Ability to execute strategies Ability to enter new markets Marketplace benefitsïÆ'ËœLower prices Greater customer satisfaction Differentiated offerings Stronger customer relationship Greater agility Operational benefitsïÆ'ËœLower direct costs Better use of assets Faster cycle time Increased accuracy Greater customization or precision More added value Simplifies processes Table 2 A Powerful Weapon (Source: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2004) â€Å"Cirque du Soleil is an international organization founded in Quebec dedicated to the creation, production and performance of artistic works whose mission is to invoke the imagination, to provoke the sense and to evoke the emotions of people around the world.†Figure 2 Mission (Source: Cirque du Soleil 2012, online) Bibliography Baden- Fuller, C. (1992). Rejuvenating the Mature Business: The Competitive Challenge. Routledge Bierce, A. (2004). Strategy: Process, Content, Context. Cengage Learning Emea Hollensen, S. (2010). Marketing Management- A Relaitionship Approach 2nd ed. Pearson Education Limited Kim, C. (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation Kim, C. (1998). Harvard Business Review on Strategies for Growth. Harvard Business School Publishing Corportation Manowong, E. ( 2010). Construction Stakeholder Management. Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mullins, L. (2007). Management and organisational behaviour 7th ed. Prentice Hall Pawar, M. (2007). Innovation at Cirque du Soleil. ICMR Center for Management Research Sims, R. (2003). Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall Waltz, E. (2003). Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Enterprise. Artech House Inc. Williamson, M. (2004). Strategy: Process, Content, Context. Cengage Learning Emea Yu- Lee, R. (2002). Es sentials of Capacity Management. John Wiley & Sons Online Resource Hammer, M. (2004): Deep Change: How Operational Innovation Can Transform Your Company. Online: URL: [25th June 2012] Cirque due Soleil (2012): Mission, Goal and Values. Online: URL: [26th June 2012] Cirque du Soleil (2012): Career Transition.Online: URL: [26th June 2012] Cirque du Soleil (2012): Social Circus. Online : URL : [26th June 2012] Canadian Heritage (2010): Government of Canada and Cirque du Soleil Announce Canada’s Cultural Program for Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Online: URL: [26th June 2012] Entrepreneur Media (2012). Online: URL: [1st July 2012] The Star (2008). Dubai firms buy 20% of Cirque du Soleil. Online : URL :–dubai-firms-buy-20-of-cirque-du-soleil [4th July 2012]
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The eNotes Blog eNotes for Back-to-School (#eNotes4BTS) Win a Lifetime eNotes Pass and $500Grant!
for Back-to-School (#4BTS) Win a Lifetime Pass and $500Grant! We are amping up for back-to-school so that were prepared to help our eNoters with summer reading, pop quizzes, and upcoming exams. To kick off the season and help you transition from summer sun to classroom fluorescents, were excited to announce the #4BTS contest! What you can win! All the prizes are designed to help you transition to back to school, and everyone is a winner! One grand-prize winner will receive a $500 grant and a Lifetime Student Subscription. Three runner-up winners will receive a 1-year Student Subscription, a $49.99 value. Everyone that enters will get 50% off an Student Subscription. Sent via coupon code after the contest ends. How to Enter Let us know why youll need for back to school on Twitter and/or Instagram. You can simply tweet it with text, or use images and videos on Twitter or Instagramthe more creative the better! *You MUST include the hashtag #4BTS to enter. Entries accepted August 5 to August 26, by 11:59 p.m. PST. Text Tweet Entry Example Image Entry Example Video Entry Example We know back-to-schools got you going crazy like So enter the #4BTS contest to get a leg up on 2015-16 and turn all of ^this^ into this. Questions about the contest? Comment below or send an email to dispatch@ and well be happy to help!
Monday, October 21, 2019
NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR by GEORGE ORWELL essays 1 First published in 1949, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, considered as a masterpiece of political satire, is a very compelling novel. The main protagonist, Winston Smith, experiences a number of bizarre and self-fulfilling events connected with his struggles while living under the watchful eye of "Big Brother," a metaphorical symbol used by Orwell to describe the fascist government that controls and sees all. In this society, privacy and freedom do not exist, and its citizens are constantly monitored by futuristic telescreens and subjected to an unending barrage of Winston Smith, a Party functionary, is humbly employed in one of the government agencies, and his job is quite simplehe must rewrite the past so that the Party, being "Big Brother," appears to be without flaw and the master of its domain. But Smith greatly despises the Party and what it stands for, and keeps his feelings about "Big Brother" to himself. One of the turning points in the novel occurs when Smith begins a heated love affair with Julia, a rebellious young girl who works in his agency and shares his dislike for the Party and its beliefs. Throughout the novel, Smith and Julia meet in secret and discuss their shared hatred for the Party. They then join a secret alliance called The Brotherhood, whose sole purpose is to bring an end to the Party, and through the literature of The Brotherhood, Smith and Julia learn about the inner workings of The Party and how it accomplishes its stronghold on the citizens trapped in this oppressive environment, where free thinking individuals are looked upon as dangerous and subversive. But Smith's secret world comes crashing down when he and Julia are arrested 2 Police," a faction of the government that deals with those who ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Five Reasons Why Blogging Improves Your Writing
Five Reasons Why Blogging Improves Your Writing Five Reasons Why Blogging Improves Your Writing Five Reasons Why Blogging Improves Your Writing By Ali Hale Do you have your own blog? If so, do you sometimes feel guilty about spending time writing for your blog rather than working on something which you consider more â€Å"worthwhile†? If you don’t have a blog, have you ever thought of starting one? Perhaps you’re not sure whether it would be worth the investment of your time and energy. Here are five great ways that starting your own blog, or continuing writing the one you already have, can improve your writing. 1. You’ll get into the habit of writing regularly We’ve covered ways to write every day before, and this really is a good habit to establish if you have serious writing ambitions. Blog posts tend to be short and can be online as soon as you’ve written them: it’s much easier to write daily on your blog than to keep plugging away on stories and articles that might not be published for months, if at all. 2. Instant feedback lets you know how you’re doing If you are writing purely for yourself, you don’t need feedback. Most of us, though, feel that a piece of writing is not complete until it has a reader. (Indeed, there is a school of critical theory that insists a piece of writing only truly exists whilst it is being read.) One of the best things about blogging is that not only is publishing instant, feedback is too. As soon as your piece is posted, readers will start adding their comments, emailing you, or even linking to it from their own blogs. You’ll know when your writing is good because you’ll get positive responses. Negative feedback, or none at all, will tip you off that your style might need work, or that the content of your piece may be boring, trite or over-done. 3. Having readers for your work is a big motivation Do you have days when you sit down to write †¦ and stare at the screen for ages before giving up in frustration? Sometimes you just aren’t â€Å"in the mood†to write. When you’re feeling motivated, though, the words come easily. Knowing that real people are reading what you write is a huge boost – something you can only appreciate once you’ve experienced it. Even on days when you’re feeling less than inspired, the thought of your readers can be enough to get you writing. 4. Your writing will improve The best way to get better at anything is to practice. Writing frequently for your blog means your writing will improve – both as you react to feedback, and as you learn how to craft effective sentences and choose perfect words. If you already write a blog, look back at your earliest posts. Do they make you cringe, when compared to your writing now? 5. Blogs are an ideal medium for experimentation Sometimes, you might want to try out a new style or form of writing. Short sentences. (With no verbs.) Bullet pointed lists A more verbose, elegant and poised style, using the rhythms and cadences of the English language to transform a piece of writing into a work of art. Writing a whole story, article or even a book in a new style could be a big risk – what if it doesn’t work? A blog post, on the other hand, is quick to write and free to publish: if it fails, you’ve not lost much. Blogging gives you the freedom to experiment, to try out something new. If blogging’s made you a better writer, let us know how in the comments below. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Dialogue Dos and Don'tsâ€Å"As Well As†Does Not Mean â€Å"And†90 Verbs Starting with â€Å"Ex-â€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Cause and Effect essay topic ( Reasons that relationships fail)
Cause and Effect topic ( Reasons that relationships fail) - Essay Example Other salient ingredients are communication and forgiveness. The foremost cause of relationship collapse has been singled out: ineffective communication. Not opening up to the other person. Understanding is rooted in disclosure.Laughter and play enrich communication by enhancing intimacy. And while sharing both parties must listen to each other and give the other adequate time for self-expression. All other causes including laziness, complacency and lack of cooperation of breakdown stem from this. Men tend to shut down communication-wise to avoid confrontation. For example when a spouse arrives home late and there is a flood of abuse from the other. At the core of this reaction is fear of loss.Once communication goes; it is easier to be detached, insensitive and even selfish about things. There is no support in such a relationship. Another is jealousy. Rivalry is present in almost every relationship. It arises when there is disconnection or competition between people. Selfishness prevents us from feeling one with others’ achievements and genuine happiness at the success of others. Rooted in distrust, suspicions emerge that a projection of our own insecurities. When our emotional attachments to people are irrational, we are prone to become possessive and demanding. A constant need for attention stems from people not having confidence or an inner belief in others. Domination is tied to jealousy. The need for personal space or individual freedom doesn’t go away with the decision to couple. A controlling nature breeds conflict as there’s a lack of mutual understanding and no freedom of expectations. Obsession with other people’s faults because of intolerance and the constant attempts to try to change the other person (Goldschneider, 42) The effect of any of the above mentioned problems on a relationship are stress. Jealousy gives way to paranoia and from this; it is easy to argue about even the most simplistic of issues. When couples feel they
Friday, October 18, 2019
Contemporary issues in management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Contemporary issues in management - Essay Example In many settings, the growth of the society was only beneficial to those who could understand the position of the society when dealing with issues that matter. The only way of benefiting any society is if a company can understand its wants and offer the right product to deal with the issues in place. The contemporary issues dealt with at all levels of management aim at showing the weaknesses and avenues of gaining strength. This report will explore these issues in Apple Inc and create an analysis of issues taking place after examining a wide berth of literature on the topic. An important thing that managers appreciate is the fact that historical perceptions of theory work towards meeting the growing needs of the management processes across the world. The early management pioneers needed to show the world that respect and dignity were essential only if they implemented what was ideal for the employees provided they allowed people to enjoy the process as a whole. An examination of the classical, behavioural, and quantitative perspectives of managing employees within the workplace shows that things are changing in the workplace and reveal the important contemporary issues in the management perspectives chosen by modern-day multinational companies. The classical view sees performance as a means of achieving better results by using what is proven to work as a way of promoting productivity. The behavioural aspect examines the way employers treat their employees while at work. Many argue that the growth of any company has to deal with the increasing of product ivity to match the intended performance levels. The quantitative approach looks at cumulative impacts of the processes used and their impact on productivity. The focus will be on understanding corporate management issues based on an examination of a single company. The examination of contemporary management issues will be easily done by looking at one of the most renowned
IT & Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
IT & Financial Services - Essay Example For this, the needs of financial transactions arise on a regular basis. In these days information technology is the biggest invention that contributes to the welfare of humanity. It not only speeds up the mode of everyday life but also makes life easier. â€Å"Time†is the most precious element in today’s life. The value of time is the biggest concern for everyone. Digitalization and introduction of information technology in the field of financial transactions help mankind to a great extent (Mann & Mann, 2011, p.264-320). Initially it needed some specific computer or web based knowledge to pursue such transactions. However, once a person got the access to knowledge of computer and information technology systems, it turned into the most desired mode of transaction. The online banking facility is one such application of information technology which emerged as the best way to transfer money in short time (Stathopoulos, 1995, pp.56-79). People used to save money in banks no t only for getting interest but also for its security. The implementation of information technology in personal financial transactions, however, gave rise to questions on security. The online banking system depends on a username and password to access an account. So it will be very crucial to make all the transactions in a safe and secured way. Different measures are taken to ensure the security of financial transactions. The measures include generation of one-time passwords, alerts for password changes at periodic intervals, provision of net-secure codes in financial transactions (Glaessner et al., 2002, p.145). Financial transaction When a transaction in terms of money is carried out between two people namely the buyer and seller in the market, such transactions are known as financial transaction. As the transaction is done, the financial position of the two parties gets altered. In most of the cases, a financial transaction is done on account of receipt of different items which c an create value in the form of information, goods, and services. In ancient times, there were no concepts of financial transaction. People used barter system in order to exchange goods and services. The traders faced problems in this system as they may not have needed such items or services in a certain swap. Next, valuable metals like gold and silver were introduced to carry out the transactions. With the advent of civilization, the monetary coins and printed flat money were used for the transactions. These are referred as financial transactions. In the 20th century floating currency gradually got replaced by fixed currency. In recent times, the computer networks are used for electronic mode of money transfer which increased the speed of transactions. However, the advanced mode of electronic money transfer has its own complexities as well (Friedland, 2010, p.245). The money which can be exchanged electronically by using computer networks and internet is known as electronic money or e- Money. When the money is transferred from one account to another through computer using the software and applications of information technology, it is referred to as Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). The other modes of financial transaction include the use of wire transfer, payment card, debit card, direct deposit, online banking electronic benefit transfer, etc. (Friedland, 2002, p.287). Wire transfer- It is also known as credit transfer. Wire transfer involves transfer of money from
Management of Mean Hyperglycaemia Levels in ICU Patients Research Paper
Management of Mean Hyperglycaemia Levels in ICU Patients - Research Paper Example There is enough evidence to believe that the aftereffects faced by sufferers of persistent hyperglycemia can be mitigated purely through better monitoring and management of the patients’ states of health in the Intensive Care Units. However, the exact causes of negligence, mishandling and below par medication of the patients are still not established; nor do we know exactly how these phenomena affect the patients’ organs and organ systems, which phenomenon occurs in what circumstances, and what is implied by each occurrence in medical terms. Problem Statement Diabetes mellitus has a unique association with other acute and chronic disorders such as congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, kidney failure, etc. During hospitalization, patients often encounter hyperglycemia. This is due to the increase in stress hormone circulation (Trence, Kelly, & Hirsch, 2003). It has been experimentally proven that high levels of glucose may have traumati c effects on the hemodynamic, immune and vascular systems. It has also been documented that the patients of hyperglycemia usually encounter subsequent health complications in the intensive care units (Golden, Peart-Vigilance, Kao, & Brancati, 1999). For instance, if the glucose levels are high after cardiac surgery, the chances of infection in the region of surgery increase (Zerr et al., 1997). Figure 1. Relationship between Hyperglycemia and Stress Hormone Circulation. Adapted from "Management of Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting" by Silvio E. Inzucchi, 2006. The New England Journal of Medicine, 18, p. 1904. The observations regarding the relationship of hyperglycemia with disorders of endocrine, cardiac and metabolic systems are not confined to patients of chronic... The research proposal is hereby complete and may be put forward for a practical study based on it. This proposal is of course, a theoretical briefing about the academic way of researching a very particular topic. It is intended to be a guideline for the specific tasks to be performed in carrying out a research study on the management of mean hyperglycemia levels of patients in ICUs. While the proposal is intended to be not lengthy nor incomprehensive or inconclusive, it is limited in scope anyhow by the project’s academic nature and by the requirements of this course and the level of study. Also, the project’s uniqueness is emphasized in the fact that it proposes a quantitative study while research projects regarding an area dealing strictly with human interactions, such as nursing, are most usually qualitative. While there may be some value in utilizing this proposal for some research, there certainly was a lot of useful learning during the performance of this project. It taught me about the value of choosing the right topic for a research: it is what determines the experience in drafting the rest of the proposal. It seems a bit presumptuous to try to adapt a yet-obscure topic for a research study of this level.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Cultural Influences on Communication in Groups Assignment
Cultural Influences on Communication in Groups - Assignment Example In order to carry out our survey, the first task was to build a comprehensive questionnaire after identifying certain measurable constructs from our literature review. The first conflict arose while deciding upon the statements that we should be including in the questionnaire in order to measure â€Å"conformity.†I had suggested that we include â€Å"I get influenced by the opinions of my friends while shopping.†This was opposed by Mike and Janie but in two opposite ways. Mike felt that nobody would agree to this statement since hardly anyone would compromise while making a purchase for oneself whereas Janie felt that it was a leading question and â€Å"obviously†everyone will answer with a yes in order to appear modest and considerate. This debate automatically vouched for the inclusion of the question, however what was evident from the argument was that Janie and Mike belonged to two opposite value systems. Janie had a more collectivist approach whereas Mike was more of an individualist, who could not see beyond himself and his responses while making the questionnaire. Mike was the group leader and was very domineering throughout the project, he spoke more and listened less.
Marketing assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing assessment - Essay Example For the purpose of fulfilling its motto of quality customer service, Etihad Airways provides its travelers with comfortable and convenient lounge services. The lounges are build using warm services and a well-appointed interior which provides its customers a luxurious and comfortable flight to their destinations. The method of SWOT Analysis is a technique of strategic planning utilized to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which are the part of the current project. It pertains to the specifying of project objective and identification of external and internal factors which have been positive and adverse in the achievement of the project objectives. Etihad Airways has built well-furnished, luxurious lounges for its travelers in Abu Dhabi and all around the world. These lounges have spa, refreshment rooms, five start dining, a well-stocked library and other services for its customers. Price is the key element of marketing mix which generates revenues from sale. Besides this, all other elements constitute costs for the business. The element of price is fixed by discovering the customer’s perception regarding the value of item to be
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Cultural Influences on Communication in Groups Assignment
Cultural Influences on Communication in Groups - Assignment Example In order to carry out our survey, the first task was to build a comprehensive questionnaire after identifying certain measurable constructs from our literature review. The first conflict arose while deciding upon the statements that we should be including in the questionnaire in order to measure â€Å"conformity.†I had suggested that we include â€Å"I get influenced by the opinions of my friends while shopping.†This was opposed by Mike and Janie but in two opposite ways. Mike felt that nobody would agree to this statement since hardly anyone would compromise while making a purchase for oneself whereas Janie felt that it was a leading question and â€Å"obviously†everyone will answer with a yes in order to appear modest and considerate. This debate automatically vouched for the inclusion of the question, however what was evident from the argument was that Janie and Mike belonged to two opposite value systems. Janie had a more collectivist approach whereas Mike was more of an individualist, who could not see beyond himself and his responses while making the questionnaire. Mike was the group leader and was very domineering throughout the project, he spoke more and listened less.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Networking in Business Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Networking in Business Organizations - Essay Example A leader must be fully equipped with social networking skills in order to gain further information and a proper reference list of who to go to with what problem (Alt & Flesch, pg. 395-401, 2001). The article’s main purpose is to educate leaders and future managers about the benefits of networking and how to become accustomed with the process. It aims to facilitate and inspire leaders by informing them of the peaks of success that they can accomplish with networking skills and the consequences suffered by a lack of them. The article clearly explains the importance of networking by illustrating a few examples from real life leadership situations in which leaders have lost out on promotions or the ability to stop an acquisition or merger because they did not take out enough time for networking or socialization. The article states that many leaders find networking as a useless or unethical activity. They believe it to be an activity of using acquaintances for your own advantage or â€Å"taking favors from strangers†. Hence, such leaders do not find it worthwhile or feasible to engage in networking activities. Discussion The article describes the three forms of networking which include personal networking, operational networking, and strategic networking. ... articular emphasis upon the skills required to properly network, but also gives a few tips through illustrative stories of real- life executives and how they overcame their lack of social skills (Ibarra & Hunter, 2007). Hence, it provides a solution to the problem instead of just stating the problem. Moreover, it shows us how bookish knowledge and technical expertise are not the only sources of information for a business executive and how important who-you-know is compared to what-you-know (Balkundi & Kindoff, pg 400, 2006). While the article gives sound information upon the acquisition of social skills and the importance of acquiring them, it does not mention how to use these skills and when it is not appropriate to use them. Networking should be used up to a certain extent; however, it does carry some ethical implications with it (Novak, pp. 29-33, 2008). These ethical considerations must be taken into analysis when using personal networks to your advantage in a business organizati on. Moreover, the article is well-organized but does not have a proper sequence to enhance the understanding of the reader. The information in it is repetitive to some extent and lays too much emphasis upon the value of networking opposed to knowledge and intelligence (Bartol & Zhang, pg 389, 2007). However, it does provide insight into an unexplored realm of leadership which may not have been considered just as important previously. It lays emphasis upon the acquisition of skills which were considered irrelevant or time-consuming without much benefit. The article uses simple language and is quite informative in its respect to what a leader should have. Opposing, the article lays too much emphasis upon the formation and use of networks and criticizes those leaders who have chosen not to
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago | Formal Analysis
The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago | Formal Analysis The Dinner Party is a mixed media feminist piece crafted by Judy Chicago and over four-hundred women consisting of ceramic plates, embroidered and woven table runners, woven entry banners, and painted china. This piece sits on a floor made of porcelain tiles which contains the names of 919 women in history. The construction of this piece started in 1974 and took five years to finish. This gigantic piece is on display in the Brooklyn Museum of Art. The structure of this masterpiece is a triangular table, forty-eight feet long on each side, that holds a total of thirty-nine place settings.[1] Each place setting represents a woman in history that has been widely recognized for her achievements. The three sides of the artwork signify women from different time periods. Looking at the piece from the picture below, the side to the right is wing one which covers women from Prehistory to Classical Rome. The back side is wing two which covers Christianity to the Reformation. Finally, the last side is the third wing which covers women from the American revolution until the Womens Revolution.[2] Each plate has a sculpted or painted vagina, done in period style. Underneath each plate is a table runner that is either woven, embroidered, or a mix of the two, some even have special additions to the runners which will be addressed in the following paragraphs. On wing one there is a place setting for the Primordial Goddess. The Primordial Goddess was believed to be the Goddess who created all of life. Her plate, like all the others is painted in the form of a vagina, this vagina in particular is suppose to represent the Goddess female genital organ as being the ground zero of all life on earth.[3] Her table runner, along with some others, stands out among the crowd. The runner, while being embroidered with her name like every place setting, also has unborn calfskin stitched on top of the table runner with little white shells placed around the calfskin. The calfskin also helps represent the Goddess being the beginning point of all life. Wing two holds the place setting for Saint Bridget, a woman born in 450 A.D. who built the first convent in her home country of Ireland after hearing St. Patrick speak. She continued to build convents all over the country and to this day Saint Bridget has many convents, buildings, and even a well named after her. Her plate is painted to represent a vagina, although the meaning behind the style and color is unclear. Saint Bridgets table runner has a wooden cross fixed to the top to symbolize her devotion to Christianity.[4] Caroline Herschels place setting can be found on wing three. Herschel was born in Hanover, Germany and is known for many things, all relating to the science of astronomy. Herschel moved to England to help her brother and became extremely interested in his study of astronomy. By the end of her life, Herschel had discovered eight new comets, 2,500 nebulae and clusters, and she had been appointed as her brothers assistant to King George III; this made her the first woman in history to be recognized for her work in science. Herschels plate seems to be painted in the traditional colors of the night sky, representing her work with the stars. It can be theorized that the eye in the center of her plate could represent Herschel looking out at the stars, but this theory cannot be proven.[5] Herschels table runner is beautifully embroidered with the sun in the middle surrounded by symbols of astronomy and bright yellow stars. There are eight comet-like figures towards the top of the runner whic h represents the eight comets that Herschel discovered during her lifetime. Lastly, her name is embroidered at the bottom with the C in Caroline formed into a telescope. The porcelain tiled floor contains the names of 919 important women in history whose names, unlike the thirty-nine women with place settings, went unmentioned throughout history despite their amazing achievements. The names include women such as Mary Shelley, the author who is most famously known for writing Frankenstein. Caroline Schlegel is another woman who is inscribed on the floor. She was deeply involved in the German Romantic Movement and is responsible for many letters and essays being translated in English.[6] Created during the feminist movement, Judy Chicagos The Dinner Party is a massive installation with an equally massive meaning. Women who accomplish a lot in their time often go unappreciated. Chicago did her best with the help she had to make sure that these women were no longer under appreciated. From the detailed genital plates to the equally detailed table runners, Chicago set out to make a statement and there is no argument that she hit the mark. Word Count: 800 Chicago, Judy. The Dinner Party. Mixed Media. Brooklyn: Through the Flower, 2017. From Through the Flower website. Photograph,, (3/14/2017). Bibliography: Davies, Penelope J. E., Walter B. Denny, Frima Fox Hofrichter, Joseph Jacobs, Ann M. Roberts, and David L. Simon. Jansons History of Art: The Western Tradition. 8th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Learning Solutions, 2011. Place Settings. Brooklyn Museum: Place Settings. Accessed March 13, 2017. Chicago, Judy, Frances Borzello, and Jane Gerhard. The Dinner Party Judy Chicago: Restoring Women to History. New York: Monacelli Press, 2014. Chicago, Judy. The Dinner Party. Mixed Media. Brooklyn: Through the Flower, 2017. From Through the Flower website. Photograph,, (3/14/2017). [1] Penelope J. E. Davies et al., Jansons History of Art: The Western Tradition, 8th ed., vol. 2 (New York: Learning Solutions, 2011), 1069. [2] Place Settings, Brooklyn Museum: Place Settings, , accessed March 13, 2017,, 1. [3] Judy Chicago, Frances Borzello, and Jane Gerhard, The Dinner Party Judy Chicago: Restoring Women to History (New York: Monacelli Press, 2014), 24. [4] Ibid., 86. [5] Chicago, The Dinner Party, 170. [6] Ibid., 181.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice and William Shakespeares King Lear E
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and William Shakespeare's King Lear Two English literary works, one a comedy and the other a tragedy, by two different authors of separate centuries, both have their fair share of characters who illustrate the admirable and the not-so-admirable of dispositions. Jane Austen's socially satirical novel Pride and Prejudice from 1813 and William Shakespeare's poetic poem King Lear from 1606 match each other very closely in the context of how good character reveals itself. In each piece, the authors present readers with a contrast between the wonderful and the terrible and act as puppet masters in the competition for the common object of desire; the "prizes" for Shakespeare's dramatic characters are power and riches, and while Austen's characters also aspire to possess affluence, their primary concern is high regard from others. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, all unfavorable characters commit different offenses against amiability in their quests for a flattering reputation, but Austen manipulates their actions so that each comes off as being an extrovert. Similar terms apply to King Lear in that Shakespeare's disgraceful characters act grandiosely and employ dishonesty in attempts toward prosperity. As Pride and Prejudice's villain in disguise, Mr. Wickham sets out to convince his new acquaintances of Hertfordshire that he is a victim of a heartless Mr. Darcy. He initiates discussion with Elizabeth about Darcy's spiteful disposition and ventures so far as to claim to her sympathetic ears "I can never be in company with this Mr. Darcy without being grieved to the soul by a thousand tender recollections. His behavior to myself has been scandalous," (59). Elizabeth later d... ...extroverted methods in meeting the desire. Superior characters demonstrate non-public acts, and anonymous deeds in terms of King Lear, and always without selfish intent. Those successful in attaining the want in both works are on the good side, but inevitable flaws mildly contaminate their characters. As authors, Austen and Shakespeare have the power to personify perfection and invent a role with developed, first-rate, and unblemished character. No one is without fault; high-value characters are the next best example of humanity. Through two contrasting literary pieces, Austen and Shakespeare both present readers with the proposition that one need not be perfect to have noble and virtuous character. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. England: Signet Classics, 1998.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Michael Jackson :: essays research papers fc
Michael Jackson My topic for my report is Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is a longtime pop music star, known as the King of Pop. Michael is a winner of many Grammys and other music awards. My first subtopic goes into his music. The details giong into Music are his many albums, the many awards Michael Jackson has won, and the songs he has written. My second subtopic goes into the history of Michael Jackson. The details going itno History are Michael's family members, the places he has lived, and Michael Jackson's family life. My third subtopic goes into his tours. The details going itno Tours are the places he has given concerts, the incidents that happened on his tours, and the kinds of people that were at his concerts. My fourth subtopic goes goes into the interviews of Michael Jackson. The details going into Interviews are the television interviews, the magazine interviews, and the newspaper interviews. To find all of this out, you have to be patient and read this report! Michael Jackson is the King of Pop music. When Michael Jackson was nine years old, he started being the lead singer of the Jackson 5. The Jackson 5 also consisted of his older brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon. (Jackson: 8) The Jackson 5 had many songs. Michael Jackson's first solo album is called "Off the Wall," and it first released in 1979. The songs on "Off The Wall" include "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" and "Rock With You." His following albums include "Bad," "Thriller," and "Dangerous." Michael had a 2 CD album called "HIStory Past, Present, and Future Book 1," and it first released in 1995. The first CD has his most popular songs from the past. The second CD has his newest including "Scream," which is a duet with with his younger sister Janet Jackson, "You Are Not Alone," which was a 1996 Grammy Awards nominee, and "Childhood," which is the theme to "Free Willy 2." Some of his past songs include "Black And White," "Billie Jean," "Thriller," "Beat It," "Remember The Time," and "Heal The World." Michael Jackson has been famous for so long that he has won many awards, especially Grammys. Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana. His Mother's name is Katherine and his father's name is Joseph. Michael's older siblings are Maureen, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, La Toya, and Marlon. (Jackson: 8) Michael's younger siblings are Randy and Janet. (Jackson: 8) Janet is a famous pop music star just like her older brother Michael. Tito's sons Taj, Taryll,
Friday, October 11, 2019
Evaluate the View That the Separation of Ownership
Evaluate the view that the separation of ownership from control in large firms inevitably leads to diseconomies of scale. The separation of ownership from control can be defined as the situation in which the shareholders of a firm do not manage or control it. The shareholders of large publicly owned have no controlling interest and hence the managers and directors run the organisation. Diseconomies of scale can be described as the increase in the long term average cost of production as the scale of operation increases.It can be argued that the separation of ownership from control can lead to diseconomies of scale due to the lack of communication between managers and shareholders, hence inefficiency and averages costs increase. But it could also be argued that large firms can also benefit from economies of scale whilst being operated through the separation of ownership from control the diseconomies of scale are not always ‘inevitable’ as described above. Firstly, the sepa ration of ownership from control can lead to managerial diseconomies of scale.The power the shareholders have over the disciplining and monitoring of its executive management is reduced and as a result of this, managers may cause inefficiency by pursuing certain objectives for their own self-interest and at the expense of the shareholders. If the managers of the firm are measured and rewarded on achievement of growth targets rather than profit and return to shareholders then they may lose focus on cost control e. g. supplier costs and as a result this could drive up the average costs of production.This would have a bigger impact on large firms due to the scale of production. The costs will be felt on a much larger scale, particularly if this culture affects the way the whole of the business operates not just one business area. The extent on the managerial diseconomies of scale will depend on the objectives of the managers. If their personal targets are to ensure high business perfor mance, then this increase in average cost may not be felt as they may aim to increase productive efficiency to maximise profit and dividends to shareholders.Conversely, although diseconomies of scale may persist in a large firm, the separation of ownership of control may not necessarily be the cause of it. There are other factors that may have contributed to the firm experiencing diseconomies of scale. The rapid growth of a firm may cause the employees to feel alienated if they feel that they aren’t valued as an individual. As a result of this, the productivity of demotivated employees may fall and the roductive efficiency of the firm will decrease, therefore increasing the average cost for each unit of output. The diseconomies of scale may also be caused by the inability for a firm to monitor the productivity of every one of its employees. The lack of supervision resulting from the size of the company and scale of production may mean that employees are not working to their o ptimum level of output or utilizing resources efficiently and this could result in wasted resources e. . From employee errors. Therefore the average cost of producing one unit of output increases. Although, there is not really an easy way to determine the exact cause of the diseconomies of scale. In the short term, it may cost more for the business to alter the way it operates to reduce the average costs. The rate of growth and output may mean that the business is not prepared to change its operations whilst it is generating such a large amount of revenue.In conclusion, I don’t think that separation of ownership from control will inevitably lead to diseconomies of scale for a large firm. Rapid growth is more likely to cause a business to experience them rather than the lack of control for shareholders of the firm. The most costly resources for a firm are employees and premises. The diseconomies of scale that a firm may experience may be due to the increase of overheads from t he rapid expansion before the increased volume profit and volume can be realised in the long term.Although the lack of control for shareholders may initially contribute to a rise in average costs as a firm expands (assuming that the managers want to operate the firm in a way that will meet their personal targets increase their salaries rather than maximise the return for the firm), the increase in average costs should be a short term phenomenon due to rapid increases in volume it should be outweighed by economies of scale generated from buying in large quantities.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Wedding In Malaysia
Wedding tourism in our country has becoming popular as more foreigners and local tourist are taking interest and start to recognize this tourism field. Nowadays, lots of visitors start to take interest in the grand wedding functions which held in attractive and tourism place as well as at Historical Places and magnificent place of our country.It’s a well-known fact that our country are based from numerous type of races with its colorful culture and traditions. These tradition and rituals of Malaysian reflect the rich cultural heritage of our nation.Ones of the tradition that can generate high income and have a bright chance to be develops in the future is Wedding Tourism which is gaining popularity due to the distinctive celebrations and religious ceremonies that are held in the course of a wedding.Though there are grand and magnificent weddings conducted in tourism and magnificent places in our country includes at the beaches of Malaysia. All kind of Malaysian various races w edding have recently become a hit among tourist around the world.Wedding tourism in our country offers lot more than just the wedding rituals which according to its own culture and religions. Along with the wedding ceremonies, tourist and visitors can enjoy and get a firsthand experience of the wedding preparations that are done by both parties. Besides, wedding tourism in Malaysia also helps tourist in this country to explore the hidden facts of Malaysian wedding and enjoy the warmth and hospitality of our peoples that are well known for their warmness and smile.Realizing this potential in wedding tourism towards the future, our government also take a step ahead in promoting and encourage this industry to enhance its wider around the world. Thus, lots of accommodations such as excellent facilities in hotels, better transportation, mouthwatering cuisine and many more are integrated part of the packages for wedding. The special wedding tour package also helps to get insight into the life style of our peoples and offers an enjoyable moments that can stand to be memories for a lifetimes. Wedding in Malaysia Wedding tourism in our country has becoming popular as more foreigners and local tourist are taking interest and start to recognize this tourism field. Nowadays, lots of visitors start to take interest in the grand wedding functions which held in attractive and tourism place as well as at Historical Places and magnificent place of our country.It’s a well-known fact that our country are based from numerous type of races with its colorful culture and traditions. These tradition and rituals of Malaysian reflect the rich cultural heritage of our nation.Ones of the tradition that can generate high income and have a bright chance to be develops in the future is Wedding Tourism which is gaining popularity due to the distinctive celebrations and religious ceremonies that are held in the course of a wedding.Though there are grand and magnificent weddings conducted in tourism and magnificent places in our country includes at the beaches of Malaysia. All kind of Malaysian various races w edding have recently become a hit among tourist around the world.Wedding tourism in our country offers lot more than just the wedding rituals which according to its own culture and religions. Along with the wedding ceremonies, tourist and visitors can enjoy and get a firsthand experience of the wedding preparations that are done by both parties. Besides, wedding tourism in Malaysia also helps tourist in this country to explore the hidden facts of Malaysian wedding and enjoy the warmth and hospitality of our peoples that are well known for their warmness and smile.Realizing this potential in wedding tourism towards the future, our government also take a step ahead in promoting and encourage this industry to enhance its wider around the world. Thus, lots of accommodations such as excellent facilities in hotels, better transportation, mouthwatering cuisine and many more are integrated part of the packages for wedding. The special wedding tour package also helps to get insight into the life style of our peoples and offers an enjoyable moments that can stand to be memories for a lifetimes.
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